Senin, 30 November 2009

chapter 9

chapter 9

Jung Min step out from his car when he saw Chae Rim stop her scooter at her apartment parking lot, and walk toward her, he waves and smile when Chae Rim look at him.

"you come early" Chae Rim say when Jung Min already in front of her, she took out a groceries plastic bag from a small baggage that place at the back of her scooter.
'let me help you" Jung Min smile, and take the plastic bag from Chae Rim hand, he find out that Chae Rim look different with her working clothe, well may be all this time he always meet her with casual clothe.
"well since i don't have anything to do so i decide to come early" Jung Min following Chae Rin enter the apartment building trough side door, near the parking lot.
"thank god i'm back early, if not may be you have to wait more longer" they enter the elevator
"i didn't prepare anything yet" Chae Rim look to Jung Min
"we can prepare it together" Jung Min smirk

Chae Rim give Jung Min a glass of water,
"i'll leave you for a moment to take a shower, so, make your self comfortable" Chae Rim smile awkwardly, she really doesn't tough that Jung Min will come early, she not prepare anything yet, when he send her messages yesterday all she think just to invite him for simple dinner, and give him his birthday gift, nothing more, doesn't have any other intention, not b'cos try to make a move toward him b'cos his an idol, she just try to be friendly, just like Hwang Bo ask, and just like what she always do to other her friends, boys or girls, idol or just ordinary people liker her self. she like to be friend with every one, just like why she join Shin Ara compassion group, not only to follow what her mother say, or just to do charity work, but also to make friend, since her parents move to Australia, she by her self in Korea. so make friend is the best way to not make her feeling lonely. she just lucky to get know those celebrity, and be friend with them.
"araso, take your time" Jung Min smirk

Chae Rim out from her room, when she finish shower and change her clothe, she look fresh, she wear casual clothe, a t-shirts and a jeans. and she tie her hair in to pony tail, it just like her trade mark, that make her look like a little girl, and Jung Min find it cute.

Chae Rim smile to Jung Min "sorry i make you wait" stan in front of Jung Min a cross the coffee table
"oh, no problem, beside its my fault come early"
"i plan to make you a simple dinner, some sea weed soup, but since you come early, so you have to wait"
"since i'm here lets prepare it together" Jung Min stand up from his sit,
"huh? its oke, i can do it by my self" Chae Rim feel hesitant
"no, let make dinner together" Jung Min persist
"did Hwang Bo noona didn't tell you that i'm chef Park?" Jung Min smirk
Chae rim smile but still she look hesitant
"so, lets cook" Jung Min push Chae Rim gently to the kitchen

"i just have one apron, you wear it" Chae Rim hand over the apron to Jung Min.
"then how about you?" Jung Min look to Chae Rim
"i'm oke, i can cook without wear it"
"but it may make your cloth dirty"
"well i just change then, c'mon lets cook, don't worry" Chae Rim try to convince Jung Min

they cook and do little talk, Jung Min tell Chae Rim about the surprise party and gift that his Japans fans give to him, and a bout his activity when he and his Double S brothers in Japan. and Chae Rim told Jung Min about her design, and what she do at work, they also talk about all the thing a round them, and without they realize it that they start to feel comfortable, and one step more close than before. its the fourth time they meet, third time Jung Min visit Chae Rim place, and so many text message, yea they more close and comfortable, than what they realize.

they arrange the food at small dinning table next the kitchen, and Chae Rim take out small size blueberry cheese cake from the freege, put a single long candle stick and light it, then she put it in front of Jung Min that already sit at the dinning table.

"happy birthday, make a wish" Chae Rim smile warmly, and sit a cross Jung Min
"lets take a picture first" Jung Min move to the chair next Chae rim and shift it, so now they sit side by side, Jung Min took his cell phone out from his pants pocket, move the cake to in front of them, then he lift his head to Chae Rim, make Chae Rim a little nervous when they sit so close and they head touch make they face really close and almost touch.
"ready? han dul set"
they take they first self camera picture, in the picture Jung Min Smile widely, and Chae Rim made 'V' sign with her fingers, and the cake with candle in the middle of them.

then Jung Min blow the candle, and for a moment he look muse.
then he look to chae Rim with a thin smile. he shift the chair back to the place it used too, and back to his chair a cross Chae rim

"i think, right now, i really can figure it out how Hyun Joong hyung feelings"once again he a muse
"he really lucky, Hwang Bo noona is really wonderful girlfriend"
"you know little noona? this is my first time to celebrate my birthday with a girl except from the girls from the management company since my debut" Jung Min raise his eyes, he tell the truth, and he feel a little hurts when he say that, being idol make him passed lots of thing, when other guy at his age can have unforgetble love story, he busy with tight schedule, and found with the company rule that idol not a low to have a girlfriend, sigh, but its the life that he choose.
"then i feel honor to be that girl, even i'm not your girlfriend" Chae Rim smile warmly,
Jung Min sigh hard, Chae Rim look at him with moved look,
"lets eat, before it cold" Chae Rim say with the same warm smile, when Jung Min saw that warm smile, he fell a warm feelings flow in side his heart.

so they eat while continue chating

"so noona, you are not our fans?" Jung Min ask
"mmh, i think i can call my self a fans, since i dont know much a about Double S, but i do listen to your music, i even have a favorite song of Double S, and yea i'm also had a favorite member"Chae Rim explain plainly
"who is your favorite among the 5 of us?" Jung Min ask curiously and anticipate for the answer
" favorite is Kyu Jong, i think he sweet"
Jung Min snort "yea, he is really sweet"
"but basicly i like all of you, i think you all good singer"
"how about me? do you like me?" Jung Min ask with eye raised, he really want to know what her think about him
"sure, i like you, you have this good self confidence, and a warm smile, i think that your charm"
Chae rim nod " chincha, i'm not lie, that what my friend say too" Chae Rim smile sincerely, make Jung Min smile ear to ear

after finish they dinner, they sit at the living room comfortably, eta the blueberry cheese cake, with a glass of wine.

"what is your favorite song noona, fromm our album?" Jung Min ask after a moment of silent
"mmh, i like happy day, find, make a lover, i like your solo song too, if you cannot"
"chincha?" Jung Min eyes widen
"yup, but right now i'm listening tango music, cos my new design inspire from the tango dancer, so i'm listen it to gain my inspirations"
"you know? we dance tango at our persona concert"
"chincha?" Chae Rim raise her eyes
"yup, c'mon i'll show you" Jung min put his cake plate on the coffee table, and get up from his sit
"c'mon noona, its take two to tango"Jung Min strecht his hand to Chae Rim
"no, i can't dance" Chae rim shake her head and smirk
"i'll teach you, c'mon" Jung Min took the plate from Chae rim hand and put it on the table, then take Chae Rim hand and pull her frim her sit
"play the music noona"
Chae Rim connect her i pod to the speaker, and play the song 'dream' from K.Will ([youtube][/youtube])
"i really like this song, i watch once that a couple dance tango with this song"
"oke, give me your hand and relax, stand upright"
"man, you are really tall" Chae Rim stand in front of Jung Min nervously, she can feel that her heart beat faster, she try not to look to Jung min eyes
Jung Min put Chae Rim left hand in his shoulder, and hold her right hand on his left hand, and he put his right hand on her back, just like Chae Rim, Jung Min feel nervous when he hold her hand, but he try to control it.
"oke, now if i walk forward, you walk backward, araso? follow my instruction"
Chae Rim nod
"now tree step backward, stand, step twice to the right, and two step to the left, and now spin twice" Jung Min rise Chae Rim hand and make her spin twice, and then they back to the first position.
"now try to move a long with the music" Jung Min lead Chae Rim step and help her to move along with the music, and Chae Rim try to follow Jung Min instructions nervously

"its hard" Chae Rim say while look to Jung Min, and they eyes meet, she feel her heart beat faster, more fast then when Jung Min took her hand to dance, more fast than when she stand that so close with him, more faster till make her feel almost can breath, she can see, and realize that Jung Min had sharp dark brown eyes, but at the same time she can see, and feel the gentleness of that eyes. she take her eye right a way to look to the other side

Jung Min also feel the same, he feel his heart beat more fast, he feel the chill inside his chess, when he saw Chae Rim eyes, how pretty that eyes are, and a second later he feel a warm feelings flow in his heart, the same warm feelings that he feel when they walk together at the park, and he took a deep sigh when Chae Rim, took her eyes away from his sight.

"lets try again" he say, and role the song again, this time he hold Chae Rim hand more tight

and Chae Rim take a deep breath,he try to control her hear beat, she though, she can control, and manage her feelings really well, but it seam she mistaken , cos right now she feel chill and warm flow inside her heart, a kind of feeling that she fear of.
she know a few idol, Hwang Bo introduce her to them, she lean to control, and manage her feelings, it is wonderful and was a great experience to know them, be friend, and hang out together with them, but she know for sure, that know them, hang out with them can be mean big trouble, since there is antis that can be really scary, and give so much pressure, that make Chae Rim really learn how to make it low profile, and keep her mouth shut, and also learn how not to carried a way by they charm. she love her comfortable live, and not interested to make it hard by dealing with any idol, she try to manage it really well all this time, but now she feel this fear, she hope she was wrong, and this strange feeling just a temporary, and it will disappeared, she wish....


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