Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Chap 12

Chapter 12

Jung Min took out his cell phone from his pocket, then dial her number, there is a connection, but there is no answer, he try again.
“Is she not bring her phone?” he ask him self, still no answer
“It’s impossible she not bring her phone, cell phone are people most important thing this century” he say it on his mind, still no answer
“Tree are lucky number they said” he tri again with a pray this time, after a moment, and bingo, tree are lucky number
“Hello…” he hear her soft voice, he take a sigh of relieved
“Hello little noona” he replay right a way
“Yes Jung Min-ah, something wrong?” she ask, he can hear her concern voice tone
“No, everything is fine, it just…are you all right?” that was really stupid question, but he can’t find anything to say, that was really stupid, he curse him self. He just realize that he doesn’t have any reason why to call her, well he is have the reason, but, it have the same stupidity just like the question that he ask her, even more ridiculous.
“Off course I’m fine, are you sure everything is alright?” her voice sound suspicious
“Yes, everything is fine, oke then, since you are fine, talk to you again later then, have a good time then noona, bye” he hang up the phone right away, he feel so nervous, he doesn’t know what to say, that’s so weird, he is talk active person, he never loose words.
“Stupid!” he curse him self
“What wrong with me, why do I like this? This is crazy” he snort
It is crazy but true, what he feel so true, that he feel so insecure, he feel this fear that hard to explain.
“Am I jealous? But why should I?” again he ask to him self a question that confused him, he take deep sigh, and at that moment the buzz from his phone startle him, he take the phone right a way without looking to the id of the caller
“Ya, where are you?” its his Manager hyung
“I’m on my way to the studio” he lie
“Your assistant told me that you drive alone”
“Yes, I have something to do first, now I’m on my way to the studio” he try to convince his Manager hyung
“Good don’t be late then, oke?”
“Araso hyung, bye” he hang up the phone, then turn on the engine, he turn his car head to the studio, where he have a solo event.

At other part

Chae Rim frown her eye brow. She feel strange, he just hang up his call like that, she saw there are two his missed call,
“What wrong with him, his weird” she mumble
Then she back to the reception place, gather with her friends,

Back to Jung Min

Even there is part of his mind run to other place, where a girl name ‘Han Chae Rim’ are, but he not less his focus to his work, he keep his professionalism like always, his job are everything, but in did he feel strange that his mind can not stop thinking about her. And he feel relieve when the event done. He sigh, he lay his back on the sofa at the waiting room, his assistant approach him, give him his bag, where he put all his personal thing.
He took out his phone, and start to type text message
~little noona, its me sexy-charisma, where are you? Did you still at the wedding?~
He look at his watch, then send the message
But after a few moment there is no replay, he sigh
~Little noona, are you home yet?~ he send another text message but just like his first message she also not replay the message.

All the way to the TV station where his next schedule with his other Double S brothers to be, he sulking, cos she not replay all his message at all. And half of his mind try to find the real reason why he have to feel so insecure, feel scared, feel missing her, and worried, and mad, cos she not replay his message, and he can not call her cos he feel all the reason that he have sound so stupid and ridiculous.

He try to smile, he bow, and greet all the people that he meet all the way to the waiting room on the TV station. When he enter the waiting room, he see all his Double S brothers already there, they ready with they costume, Hyung Joon still on make up, Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng, practicing the song, they try to memorize the lyric, and Hyun Joong look talking on the phone. He didn’t say anything, he just throw him self to the sofa, and sigh, make Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng that stand not so far startled and look to him in puzzle.
“What wrong with you?” Kyu Jong ask
“Why you sulking like that?” Yeong Saeng ask
Jung Min didn’t answer he just gaze to them, then he took out his phone again, and start type text message again, the same text message, for the same person. And still have no replay from that person, make him more sulking, and make all his Double S brothers annoyed.
“Ya! I’m talking to you” Kyu Jong stand in front of Jung Min
“Something happen to you?” Yeong Saeng ask again
Jung Min sigh “Yes, I see pretty lady this afternoon, and she ignore me for hours, and she not replay my message at all!” Jung Min say it in flat tone, then he get up, and take the costume that given by they stylish, and walk to the change room, then after he change he sit in front make up table, and let the make up artist and they hair stylish do they job
“Don’t, you better not ask anything” Jung Min say with glare to Hyung Joon who sit next to him, before he start open his mouth.

They Manager hyung enter the waiting room
“Oke boys, you all ready? Jung Min stop playing with your phone and be ready, and smile what wrong with you?”
Jung Min give his phone to his assistant and make his best fake smile for his Manager hyung.

Back to Chae Rim

Chae Rim just walk out from the toilet, when she feel the buzz from her phone. She took out the phone from her hand bag, and look to the id of the caller, she smile, but not pick it up right a way, she wash her hand first, but then the phone stop ringing, but not to long it rings again, she pick it up after she dry her hand
“Hallo, Jung Min-ah”
“Hallo, little noona, where are you?”
“I’m at the club with my friends, we hang out after the reception”
“I see, you have a good time then”
“I am, where are you?”
“I’m at the recording studio, we on a break before continue recording our last song”
“Chincha?, good luck then”
“Are you drinking little noona?”
“Don’t drink till drunk then”
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing”
“Just do what I say”
“Why should I follow your words?”
“B’cos I said so”
“Why should I follow your words? I’m not a kid” Chae Rim start get annoyed by what Jung Min say
“I’m worried about you, why don’t you just tell me the place, so I can pick you up there”
“Hell no, I can back home by my self thank you”
“Just do what I say!” she hear Jung Min shout, make her get more annoyed
“What wrong with you, you so over reacted, you not my mother, you not even my boyfriend” Chae Rim say half yelled
Jung Min snort “That’s right, I think I forgot about that, I’m not your mother, and most of all I’m not your boyfriend, so I don’t have any right to tell you what to do, fine do what ever you want!” Jung Min hang up his call make Chae Rim pissed off
“Argh…, what wrong with this guy” she mumble, then she saw so many text message in her message box, and she sigh really hard when she find out that all the message was from Jung Min.

Back at Jung Min

“Argh… what wrong with that woman!” Jung Min grumple
When he turn back, he saw all his Double S brothers look at him in puzzle mode
“What?” he sulking
“You weirdo, what wrong with you?” Hyun Joong ask
“Yea, why you sulking like that?” Kyu Jong ask
”You act totally weird, and who is that woman?” Hyung Joon ask while playing with his hair like always
“It Chae Rim Noona right? You date her?” Yeong Saeng ask
All his brothers shower him with a question
“You really date her?” Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon ask almost at the same time
“No” Jung Min shout
Jung Min take a deep breath, he close his eyes, then he look to his brothers one by one
“I’m not date her, its doesn’t like what you all think”
“Then why you yell at her” Hyung Joon ask
“Yea, why you act like mad boyfriend” Kyu Jong say
“What happen?” Yeong Saeng ask

Jung Min sigh, he calm now, and all his realistic sense totally back, and he really-really realize that he act weird, what she said, and all his brothers questions are like a wakening for him. He not date her, and yea, he over reacted over nothing, he is ridiculous, why he have to feel insecure, why have to be jealous, what she is for him? And what is he for her? And Kyu Jong was right, that he act like mad boyfriend, and the fact is that his not her boyfriend at all.
“I don’t know what happen on me, I think I’m act weird all this time” Jung Min face down
Hyun Joong snort “You just realize it? you little funk you act weird all the time”
Jung Min smirk “well, I’m weird sexy-charisma, so it’s oke” his arrogant back in second
“You brat”
They start to scold him

Back to Chae Rim

Chae Rim open her eyes, she feel little dizzy on his head, the alcohol show it effect, cos she drink a lots last night, and the strange is that she not let her self really drunk, his words like an echo in her head, when she start feel the first react cos of to much drinking, she stop, and decide to back home.
Chae Rim sit on her bed, she look to the clock that hang on her bedroom wall its 10 past 20. She get up, and walk toward her make up table, reach her cell phone, there is new text message, its from him.
~Hi little noona, its me sexy-charisma, I’m sorry, last night I’m act to much, hope you forgive me~
Chae Rim smile, then take a sigh, and replay
~Mr sexy-charisma, it’s oke, thank you for worrying me, if you have time call me~
Not to long after that replay send he call
“Happy morning little noona”
“Happy morning too, mr sexy-charisma, it fast, you not busy?” she ask
“I’m at fan meeting, on short break, before back to the stage, are you busy to night?”
“No, why?” Chae Rim out from her bedroom and walk to the kitchen
“Can I come to you place?” he ask carefully
“Sure, so you free to night?” she take a gulp of water from the water mineral bottle.
“Yup, our schedule and this afternoon, cos we have to pack and prepare to go to Japan tomorrow”
“I see, I’ll wait for you then, see you to night”
“Oke, see you to night” then she hang up the phone.

Ding dong… the soft of door bell calling her, she take a peep to the small screen of the intercom, she see him there. She turn off the stove then walk to the door.
“Hi” she smile awkwardly to the person who stand in front if her door way
“Hi, little noona” he wave with the same awkward smile like her
“Come in Jung Min-ah, do you have your dinner?” she ask while open the door widely
“Not yet, its smell good, are cooking?” he ask back while walk in
“Just something simple, you come at right time, lets eat together” she take him to the kitchen
“What did you cook?” he ask after sit on small dinning table next the kitchen
“Kimchi fried rice” she answer while put the fried rice to the plate
They eat on one plate, while talking
“I’m sorry, last night I’m crossing the line, I should not do that” Jung Min say with gaze to Chae Rim that sit a cross the table
“That’s oke, lets don’t talk about it, but thanks any way for your concern” Chae Rim smile softly
“Here, open your mouth, aahh..” Jung Min feed Chae Rim,
“Your time, aahh…” Chae Rim feed Jung Min back, then they chuckle realize with what they just doing,
“Do you think, we look like them?” Jung Min ask
“The couple on We Got Merried?” Jung Min mentioned one of the variety show where Hwang Bo and Hyun Joong once take a part two years ago, that make them know as ‘SsangChu couple’ and make them fall in love for real.
“I don’t know, maybe”
“Which celebrity that you like to be paired up if you ask to take part at that show?” Chae Rim ask later
“Mmhm, I don’t know, I never really think about it” Jung Min answer
“You like sexy girl right? How about Tiffany from SNSD? Sunny from Girls Generation? Or Park Shim Hye?” Chae Rim mentioned name of the girls celebrity
“That will be interesting, but how about you? which celebrity that you like to be faired of?” Jung Min ask back
“Mmhm, Lee Byun Hyung? Soo Ji Sub? Bi Rain?” Chae Rim make a list
“Owh… here we go again, why you like all that ahjushi” Jung Min roll his eyes and wry, make Chae Rim laugh
“Well, I’m they fans girl you know” Chae Rim grin
“How about me?” Jung Min ask carefully with gaze
Chae Rim didn’t answer it right a way, she just gaze back to him
“Why, am I not that qualified to be faired with you? Or it b’cos I’m not your favorite celebrity” Jung Min look at her right in the eye
“It doesn’t like that, it just a little beet weird, since we do a couple of thing together” Chae Rim smile shyly
“You right, we did it without we realize it, look we do a couple thing right now, eat dinner together, and feed to one another, it really fun” Jung Min smile widely

After dinner they sit at the living room chat while watching TV.
“The tea tasted good, it one of your creation too?” Jung Min ask after sipped his tea
“No, its Mia recipe, my Indonesian room mate in Italy, she said ginger tea with honey good for your body, specially after you over worked” Chae Rim explain
And suddenly Jung Min lay his head on Chae Rim lap, make Chae Rim startled
“What are you doing?” she ask with startle voice
“It’s look comfortable every time I watch it on drama, and it is, do you think hyung and noona do this too?” he say without bothered Chae Rim question
“What should I know, just take your head off my lap” Chae Rim feel awkward
“Just let it be for a while will you?” he say it with begging look
“You know little noona, some time I feel envy with hyung, cos he have noona, you know he is at her place right now, its they ritual, she will cook healthy, delicious dinner for him every time we a bout to leaving the country, he really lucky had some one who love him, and able to take a good care of him” Jung Min say with a muse
Chae Rim sigh, again she feel sorry for him, she can feel that he so lonely.
“Why don’t you find your self a girlfriend then, so many beautiful girl a round you, all you have to do just choose one of them”
“Choosing is easy, but its hard to find some one that can love us and able to understand us, specially some one like me, and idol”
“At first I never really think about it, all I do just focus to all my work, to tight schedule, that some time so tight till we almost have no time for our self, but beside of that, I’m a human too, I have feelings to, the feeling to share with some one that I love and love me too, where I can lay my self on her to forget all the hard time, share a joke, where I can’t forget all those idol tight schedule for a while” Jung Min take a hard sigh, Chae Rim sigh too, and without she realize it her hand pet his hair, Jung Min gaze to her when he feel that gentle flattery on his hair, he feel the comfort from it, so he didn’t say anything just feel it.
“Who will though that talkative, cheerful, scary, annoying, sexy-charisma Park Jung Min, can be this melancholy” Chae Rim grin
Jung Min snort “Hey I’m same with all the man in the world, I know even lots of people think that I’m gay, you have to know I’m very normal, I want to have a girlfriend too” Jung Min glare
“Araso…araso, now take your head off me”
“Just let me be for a while will you?”
“Just take it off, so I can made you some thing” Chae Rim pat his hand
“what will you made” Jung Min get up
“A cure for your lonely heart” Chae Rim say while get up from her sit and walk to the kitchen
“Chincha? Love cure no;9” Jung Min also up from his sit and follow Chae Rim to the kitchen
Chae Rim took out a glass bowl from the cupboard and a pack of strawberry from the frige, she clean a few of it then she wash it, afther that she cut it in to four pieces and place it in to the bowl, then she took out a small box of chocolate chips, then a box of vanilla ice cream from the freezer.
“you always want to know why I’m play hard with this kind of simple thing, what so special about it. Well, what make it special is me, I’m the one who make it special, I’m just only make it for valentine cos I want to keep the feelings that I have when I made it for the first time, what I think is that if I made it every time I want it, every time people ask it, cos it just simple thing, I will lost the feelings that I have when I made it for the first time, cos it will be just simple thing to do, mixing the ice cream with strawberry and chocolate chip” she explain it while put the ice cream to the bowl, and mixing together with the strawberry using her hand, she squeeze the strawberry a little till make pink color to the vanilla ice cream, then she wash her hand ant took the sthingy from lower drawer
“You know? It just like love, if you make it special just like the first time you feel it, your love will last forever, love can be such an easy thing to find but hard to forget, and can be hard to find but easy to forget, it all depend to how you treat it. So when you make your love special for the rest of your life you will held it forever, or you can make it fade as time goes by, its all depend on you” she place the bowl in front Jung Min who stand next to her, after she put a few of chocolate chips on it.
Jung Min take a sthingy of strawberry with ice cream with excitement and put it on his mouth, he didn’t say anything, but
*cup* he kiss Chae Rim on the cheek, once again he make Chae Rim startle with his action, but this time he make Chae Rim blush, and almost breathless for a second.
“What that for?” Chae Rim heart pounding,
“That for the cure, thank you little noona” Jung Min gaze

Tonight for the first time he feel complete, he feel a sparkle, a strange powerful chemistry, not only b’cos of the ‘Love Cure No;9’ but also cos of that little noona who made it for him, she cure his loneliness for sure

Chae Rim gaze to him, she still can feel his soft lips on her cheek, it give an electric shock, that her heart pound, and breathless for a second. There is a chemistry reaction inside her body, that she can not explain. She feel something warm flow all over her body. She can feel her face heated, and her cheek blushing. And strangely it feel good.


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