Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Chap 11

Chapter 11

Hwang Bo hang up the phone then chuckle, Hyun Joong look at her with blank expression, he blink his eye a couple of time. He just finis eat his ramen.
“You better pretend doesn’t know anything” Hwang Bo say while cline the table
“Why, I’m already hear it” Hyun Joong say it in flat tone
“I know, but it will be better if you pretend not to know, I think Jung Min still feel embarrassed, to tell you” Hwang Bo put the pot, chop stick, and sthingy on the sink and then wash it
“That funk, it obvious, why should he feel embarrassed” Hyun Joong mumble, Hwang Bo laugh, and hit his hand, and then they move to the living room
“Give him time, if what you think is right then he will tell you. Beside Chae Rim didn’t say anything, she still think him as friend” Hwang Bo sit next to him on the sofa
“Are you try to match making them?” Hyun Joong gaze
“No, it just that Jung Min look comfortable a round Chae Rim, and I think it good if he be friend with her”
“I think so, so he can stop bother us” Hyun Joong a mused
Hwang Bo laugh again
“Oke then, I will try pretend, but I really want to scold that brat” Hyun Joong lay his head on Hwang Bo lap, Hwang Bo try to manage her laughter
“You are great leader” Hwang Bo look at him with warm smile
“I know” Hyun Joong cup Hwang Bo face in his hand, then he pull it and kiss her lips gently, and she kiss him back, sigh how they missed each other deeply.

At Other Part

Jung Min hold the box carefully on his lap. He choose to take it with him to the dorm and not keep it at his parents house. That box the first thing that he remember when the company van pick him up. And when all his Double S brothers see it, they start asking him.
“Jung Min-ah, what that?” Hyung Joon ask it as soon as he see it
“My present” Jung Min answer shortly
“Chincha? From who?” Kyu Jong ask later
“What on it?” Hyung Joon ask again
“It’s from some one, and its an art shoes?” Jung Min answer with gaze
“Art shoes?” Yeong Saeng say
“Can we see it?” Hyung Joon ask again
“No” Jung Min answer flatly
“You stingy funk” Hyung Joon mumble

Jung Min pretend not to hear it. His mind flashback to last night, a moment before he leave her place, Chae Rim give him the present, he so excited when Chae Rim give him the box
“I promise to give you some thing, its not something fancy, but I hope you like it”
“This is pretty” he say when he saw the shoes
“its an art shoes, I learn it from the internet” Chae Rim smile
“It’s a canvas shoes that I painted using acrylic paint, I bet you recognize the picture of the paint, first sakura blossom, and the others pair I decorate it using green, yellow, and clear crystal beads, its your name ‘Park Jung Min’ and your group name ‘SS501’, I also paint the box, look I write your name on the box too, so it yours” Chae Rim explain and show the shoes, and the cover of the box to Jung Min
“I like it, thank you”
“I’m glad you like it” Chae Rim smile warmly
“Thank you for too night, I think I better go now” he smile
They walk to the door, and Chae Rim open the door for him
“Bye, see you again” he waves, Chae Rim nods twice and waves.

Jung Min grin by him self while looking to the box
“So when did she give it to you?” Hyun Joong ask all of sudden, Jung Min look to Hyun Joong that sit at the backs sit on his right side, with surprise gaze.
“What do you mean”
“I know who give that to you” Hyun Joong grin
“I don’t believe this” Jung Min snort, “Hwang Bo noona tell you?” he say later
“No, I just know it, who else will give you that?” Hyun Joong answer with blank expression.
“Hyung, you know who give the present” Kyu Jong ask
“Yea, you all know her” Hyun Joong answer
“Chincha?” Hyung Joon eyes widen
“Who is she?” Kyu Jong ask with excited
“I give you clue, ice cream” Hyun Joong grin
Yeong Saeng, Kyu Jong, and Hyung Joon are in the same thinking mode, they try to figure it out who the girl that Hyun Joong mentioned, and Kyu Jong are the first who realize it.
“Chae Rim noona?”
Hyun Joong just smile
“Chincha?” Hyung Joon get more excited
“You date Chae Rim Noona?” Yeong Saeng ask anxiously
“No, I mean we friend, ah…chincha, I cant trust her” once again Jung Min snort
“Ya! I was there when she call Chae Rim noona, and you, why you ask her to lie?” Hyun Joong raised his eyes
“Jung Min-ah, why you not tell that you date Chae Rim noona?” Kyu Jong ask
“I’m not, we not date” Jung Min sulk
“And why you ask Hye Jung not to tell me, that you with her last night?” Hyun Joong ask
“Nothing, I just think to tell you later” Jung Min sulk
Jung Min really get scold by his Double S brothers

“Do you like her?” Hyun Joong ask again
“I don’t know, I mean we are friend now, of course I like her, she’s nice” Jung Min amuse. That question just like a wakening for him, did he like Chae Rim, not just like a friend? They just know each other for two month, isn’t it to fast? But he not deny that he start to think about her more often, like out of the blue he start to ask him self what is she doing at the time, and send her text more than he realize it every time he remember her, and if he had free time. Is he start to look at her as a girl? No longer as a noona. He doesn’t know, all that he know is that he feel comfortable a round her. And last night, for the first time he feel something that he can not explain why, but she make him feel special. After his debut, he never interact with a girl that close, all he think most of the time are just working and working, and if there are free time all he think are sleep, since they busy schedule make them most of the time less rested. Now every time there is free time, his mind run to her. And he start to understand how Hyun Joong feelings completely, and admit that some time he feel envy of him, every time Hwang Bo come to they dorm, and cook for them, but he and the other brothers know, she come for Hyun Joong, or when he saw Hyun Joong back from her place with smile, and happy mood.
He is young but not kid any more, he know for sure, how the feelings, if we had some one to share the good and the bad moment together, share what on your mind, share what you feel. The feeling of knowing that there is some one that care and think about us more than the others, just like how we feel for that person.
All this time he never think about it, he just focus to his work, he know the rule for idol. But, after know a noona name ‘Han Chae Rim’ and how she take all his curious mind, and how she treat him, make him attracted to her, but he can not figure it out yet what he feel for her, but yes he think about her, and get more intense.

Today they had invited from one of the talk show on one of TV station a long with they up coming new album.
After they talk about the album, the MC ask to Jung Min
“Jung Min-shi your b/day is just last week right?”
“Yes” Jung Min smile
“I believe you receive lots of gifts” the MC say
“Yes, my Japanies fans give me lots of gift, cos we were in Japan on my b/day”
“I see, so from all the gift there is you like the most?” the MC ask curiously
“Yes, some one give an art shoes as a present” Jung Min answer unhesitant
“Art shoes?” MC ask again
“Yes, actually I bring it with me” Jung Min smile proudly
“Can we see it?” the MC ask
“Yes, sure”
“Aigo, he want to show up” Hyung Joong say, that make all the people on the studio turn to laugh
“Yea, that right” Kyu Jong say, Jung Min smile and ignore them
Then Double S assistant help him took the shoes from the waiting room. Jung Min show the shoes, and explain a bout the shoes just like what Chae Rim did, he show the shoes with proud.
“This is really made special for me, cos she also paint and write my name on the box” Jung Min show the cover box
“So is she then who give you the gift?” the MC say with teased tone
Jung Min laugh realize that he slip tongue, and make him get teased by the MC and other Double S member
“Is she special, like the gift?” the MC ask again
Jung min try to manage his fake laugh “No, she just friend” he answer shyly
“I see” the MC smile playfully, but MC not ask any further cos they have to cut it for the commercial. And that relieve Jung Min, cos he get deadly glare from they Manager hyung, they know that discussion a bout girls is big no.

At the other part

Chae Rim smile when Tae Hee told her a bout the talk show where Double S as guess that she just watch at the office cafeteria, and she told her about Jung Min that show his present, Chae Rim heart suddenly beat harder.
“Do you believe that girl is just his friend?” Tae Hee ask
“Maybe, if he say so” Chae Rim answer it flatly
“I don’t think so, if you saw how he look when he talk about his gift, ah… you should watch it, so you will know what I mean” Tae Hee say
“I’m curious, who is the girl,
Chae Rim smile. Yea she wish she watch it, but she not. That to bad.

Chae Rim take a deep breath. She feel strange, she feel something that she can not explain, Jung Min not her first idol friend, she has been friend with Shinhwa for a couple years, and she quite close with Eric Mun, but she not feel what she feel right now, she and Jung Min just know for two month, but she feel the intense of her feelings, specially after what he said on dinner last night. She know the risk of being an idol. But when she saw his face when he told her abut how he feel, make her feel sorry. He is young but pass so many thing on his youth time. Chae Rim sigh, she doesn’t know what she feel for that idol ‘Park Jung Min’, but she pray that feelings are not the feelings that she scare most for an idol. She had experience once when she deal with an idol, and she not plan to fall for the second time.

At other part

Jung Min press the bell button, it Saturday, and he know she’s not working, so he confidence to visit her without call her, he had free time for couple of hours before he have to back to his schedule.
Jung Min look surprise when he saw the girl that open the door
“Who are you?” he ask
“Hahaha…funny” Chae Rim make fake laugh
“You look pretty” Jung Min say while looking to Chae Rim from top to the toe.
Chae Rim wear a dress, a little black dress with ‘V’ neck cut, with no arms, its fit till above her knee, adhere perfectly show her body curve. That surprise Jung Min, she not that so slim, but look ideal with her high, in fact she look sexy with that dress. And she wear make up more than usual, and her long black hair, she made a curve style and let it fall of her shoulder, she look beautiful.
“Thank you, don’t you suppose to be busy with your idol thing?” Chae Rim walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Jung Min
“I am, but I have free time for couple of hours, beside my next even is not that so far from here, so I think to give you surprise visit” Jung Min explain
“I see” Chae Rim give the glass to Jung Min, then walk to her bedroom
“Going some where?” Jung min ask
“Yup, I have to attend my friend wedding receptions” she out from her room with a pair of red stiletto
“You gonna wear that?” Jung Min pointing to the stiletto
“You wear that and ride your scooter?” Jug min ask
“Off course not, I already call a taxi” Chae Rim answer while sit next to Jung Min,
“You should call first”
“I know, I just though that you are on your off day so” Jung Min look at her, and can smell her scent, her perfume smell good on his nose
“I am, but to day I have wedding invitation”
“Let take a picture” Jung Min Took out her cell phone from her pocket
“It’s rare for me to see you this pretty” Jung Min shift his sit closer to Chae Rim
“That’s right, I’m rare wear this kind of make up and dress, I like more casual cloth” Chae Rim say, then they make a pose. then a moment later her cell rang. Chae Rim get her phone
“My taxi is here, sorry, but I have to go” Chae Rim up from her sit. Take her hand bag from her working desk, then she wear her stiletto.
“Are you plane to seduce all the man in the wedding?” Jung Min ask when he saw Chae Rim appearance that look more sexy and seducing after wearing that red stiletto. And he feel something that make him give her harsh comment, he feel insecure
“Hell no, why you say that” Chae Rim glare
“It’s a complement, you will get lots of man phone number dressing like that” Jung Min gaze
“Thank you, that great, just like what I need man phone number” Chae Rim walk out her house followed by Jung min
”I’ll take you there” Jung Min walk beside her
“No, thank you, I don’t want to bother you, did you say you have activity?” they enter the elevator
“I still have time, I’ll drive you there” Jung Min persist
When they out from the building they see a taxi is park right in the front enter, Jung Min walk a head to the taxi, talk to the taxi driver, then he give him money, Chae Rim feel surprise with what he did.
“Why you do that?”
“C’mon I’ll drive you there, tell me the address” Jung Min took Chae Rim hand and drag her to his car, he open the passenger door for her.
“Tell me the address”
Chae Rim sight, and gaze to Jung Min, then tell the address. A long the way to the building ceremony they didn’t talk that much. They busy with they own mind.

“Don’t, I can open the door by my self” Chae Rim say when she see Jung Min a bout to off from his sit
“Thank You” Chae Rim say while out from the car
“No problem” Jung Min look at her deeply, he wait till Chae Rim enter the building. For some reason that hard to explain he feel insecure, he feel like that he will loose her, that will be other man approach her, saying sweet words, tell her that she pretty, then ask for her phone number. Jung Min take a deep breath, this is crazy, but its feel so real, any way it is real. He doesn’t want any man come and approach her. He want her for him self.

Jung Min took out his cell phone and then dial her phone number


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