Kamis, 21 Januari 2010



When Double S entered the practice room, they look surprise when they see there is five people practice dance with the song “A Song Calling for U”, there are tree girls and two boys, and they stop practicing when they see Double S entered the room, they make a line and bow, and greet them.
“Annyeonghaseyo, sunbae-nim” they say almost at the same time
Double S looking to each other,
“Are they our new dancer?” Hyung Joon ask to all his hyung, but they just raised they shoulders, they have no clue either.
“No, they your hoobae” one of the staff enter the room followed by their Manager hyung
“They are DSP new family member ‘x-y’, let me introduce you all” their manager hyung says while introduce them to Double S.
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Yong Jae, twenty years old, I’m the leader, please take care of us sunbae” the boys who stand next to a girl on the right side bow
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Ean Sue, twenty first years old, I’m they older sister” the girl on the left side bow with smile
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Woo Bin, twenty years old, I’m the second brother” the boys who stand next to a girl name Ean Sue introduce him self with confidence
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Yi Soon, nineteen years old, I’m the center” the girl who stand on the right introduce her self with shy smile
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m You Mie, I’m eighteen, I’m bebe the baby” the girl that stand on the center bow also with shy smile.
“Wow, so you the baby? I’m baby too” Hyung Joon shout all of sudden with smile ear to ear, since they enter the practice room his eyes already catch that cute girl who stand in the center, than he find out got name You Mie.
“I’m called Bebe, since I’m the youngest” You Mie nod shyly
“Ahh, chincharo? Me too” Hyung Joon eyes get widen, and smile that not leave his excited face
“Well, boy they will perform with you as an opening in yours next concert” they Manager hyung say
“They are DSP new group, we expecting that they can be the next big thing, since they are the first group with mixed member, so we hope that you all can be good sunbae, and give them your support” the staff from the office say
“And starting right now, you all will have segment for practicing the song and the dance together, so please I need your cooperation” they Manager hyung say later
“Wah, this is fun” Hyung Joon say while taking a glance to You Mei,
“Let’s do our best” kyu Jong says
“Please help us sunbae-nim” all the member of ‘x-y’ says at the same time while bowing
Double S member also bow
“Nice to meet you all hoobae” Jung Min say with big smirk
“It interesting to see a group with mixed member” Kyu Jong says
“Yes, we very excited, we really hope that we can succeed like Double S, sunbae” Yong Jae says
“If you work hard you will” Hyun Joong says
“So, a song that we will sing together is ‘ A Song Calling For You’ then” Yeong Saeng says, and the five of ‘x-y’ member nod
“Oke guys, we will leave you all here so you all can practice, your trainer will come soon, be good” the staff says, she and Double S manager hyung leave the practice room.

Double S and ‘x-y’ member sit in the circle, and talking about the audition that they take apart, and how they gathered as a group, and say they amazement of they sunbae, Double S.

Hyung Joon take a gaze at You Mei, he can’t take his gaze from that girl since the first time he saw her almost half and hour ago. They on the sort break after practicing the dance move. He sit next to her in purposed, well its not surprising if Hyung Joong able to get a long with new people that fast, his fun easy going personality make him can easily blend with anyone. And that girl You Mei, not just attract him, but really amaze him, she cute girl. She’s pretty, with clear skin, long dark brown long hair, slim body, and her dance ability that beyond average, and her voice, really good. She had all the quality for being an idol, well it doesn’t meant the other not, it just she attract him more than the other. Maybe it’s love at first sight?

“Well, I stay in Philipins since I was tree since my father was a Pinoy, and move here a bout four years ago after my father pass away cos of cancer, I’m following my mother since she’s a Korean, so yea, my hangul accent a little bit funny” You Mei say with thin shy smile
“I see, so you half Korean, half Philipins? Wah amazing” Hyung Joon says with widen eyes shows his excitement.
“Not really, I get scolded by other girls in school most of the time cos of it” You Mei says in amusement
“I think they just jealous cos you so pretty” Hyung Joon says with smile
“Gamsahamida, Hyung Joon sunbae” You Mei says shyly and little blushing
“So you the youngest among them?” Hyung joon ask
“Yes, that why they call me Bebe, and that also why I get scolded by them too” You Mei says while looking to other ‘x-y’ member
“Well me too, especially from that mal” Hyung Joon pointed to Jung Min, make You Mei chuckle
“Actually You and Jung Min sunbae are my favorite, cos I think you two are funny”
“Ah…chincha? But Jung Min is taken” why he have to say that? He just feel have to say it
“Taken?” You Mei frown her eye brow
“Yup, you know?” Hyung Joon role his eyes
“You meant Jung Min sunbae have a girlfriend?” You Mei ask carefully, and Hyung Joon nod without hesitant
“Chincha? Don’t idol not supposed to date?” You Mei says with low voice almost like a whisper, her face look startle, and excitement while glance to Jung Min that sit next to Hyung Joon
“That why we have to make it as a secret” Hyung Joon say also in same low tone voice
“Ya! You bucket mouth” Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head, and glare,
“Ouch!” Hyung Joon smirk while pat his head, meant while You Mei look startled with Jung Min reaction, but also feel tickle when she see Hyung Joon smirk
Jung Min take a gaze to You Mei
“So, what your name again?” Jung Min ask to You Mei with friendly smile,
“Please call me Bebe, that much easy to remember” You Mei says
“Alright then Bebe, do you have a boyfriend?” Jung Min ask all of sudden while gaze to Hyung Joon with mischievous smile, and make all the people there look at You Mei
“Huh?” You Mei startled with blushing face
“A boyfriend, do you have it?” Jung Min ask again,
“Why you ask her that?” Hyung Joon says while looking to Jung Min with glare
“Shut up you bucket mouth, I try to help you here” once again Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head
“Ouch, that hurts you mal!” Hyung Joon pout
“What do you meant by try to help me?” Hyung Joon pat his head
Jung Min didn’t answer, he just look at You Mei, with smile that intimidate, make You Mei feel awkward and shy.
“No, she don’t have it, she just broke up” Yi Soon says all of sudden make You Mei face turn red, and almost drop her jaw, she close her eyes, and didn’t dare looking at Jung Min and Hyung Joon cos of embarrassment
“Unnie…..” she glare to Yi Soon who’s grin, Jung Min smile widely, Hyung Joon smile ear to ear, and the rest just giggle.
“That’s great. Now give me your phone” once again Jung Min give You Mei intimidate smile, and make that poor girl startle again and confused
“Ya, Jung Min-ah why you want her phone” Hyung Joon glare to Jung Min again, but Jung Min just ignore him, and continue intimidate You Mei, and You Mei give him her phone in hesitant.
When Jung Min get her phone, he presses a phone number then save it, and then he press the call button, and then they heard a phone ring
“My phone” Hyung Joon says when he recognize the sound of his phone ring tone, he took it out from his bag, and frown cos the phone disconnected
“There, you better save it, and I also save his number for you, so now you two can communicated” Jung Min says while returning the phone to You Mei with smugly smile.

Jung Min realize that Hyung Joong intention most of the time to that cute girl, and he look hyper, talk nonsense, and when he heard he says about him has bean taken after You Mei said about him and Hyung Joon as her favorite, just like a clue, that his maknae got interest to the girl. And the idea to go strike to the point pop up from his head, well he just like that, strike to the point. And it work, like usual.

“Oke boys and girls, lets start practicing again” they trainer says while clapping his hand, and all Double S and ‘x-y’ member get up and prepare to continue they practice.

~Would you like to go for drink after this?, Baby~
Hyung Joon take aglance to You Mei after sending that text massage, and he smile ear to ear when he see You Mei smile shyly also take a glance at him, and he feel the buzz from his phone he take a look right away,
~Sure, Bebe~

And it all started for Hyung Joon- Baby and You Mei- Bebe.

“Man, I want to have a girlfriend too” Kyu Jong murmur while looking at Hyung Joon that look so happy talking with You Mei at the airport when Double S and ‘x-y’ headed to Japan for they concert
“Make a move, and less your shyness, act like man for god sake” Jung Min says while keep busy typing text massage
“Yea, you have bean stare at her quietly for almost a year, right?” Yeong Saeng says while pointing to a young girl that holding an agenda who’s stand not far from them with his chin
“What do you meant hyung?” Kyu Jong act blur
“C’mon, we all know you like her” Hyun Joong says elbowed Kyu Jong arm
“You think, we not notice it did you?” Hyung Joon says with playful smile
Kyu Jong smirk shyly, his face red, he startled like a little kid get caught stealing cookies. He never though that all his brothers notice it, that silently he had a crush to Eun Hye, they second assistant for almost a year.

Eun Hye work as they second assistant for two years, but before that she work as one of DSP staff, at first she just a replacement for they old second assistant, who is get marriage, but then she become they second assistant for good since they old second assistant get pregnant not long after she marriage. She’s a nice girl, very organize, and have a good memory, she’s sweet kind of girl. And Kyu Jong find out that she is click with him who shy, when they talk, when he share his dry joke, and her patient make Kyu Jong had more crush on her. But he and his shyness make him just keep it silent, he really less courage to ask her for a date. And so when Eun Hye has a boyfriend Kyu Jong really sad, but luckily the relationship ended after tree month cos of Double S thigh schedule, make Eun Hye and her boyfriend can’t communicate that well so they broke up. And no one that feel happy than Kyu Jong, but he still less courage to ask her out, till its almost a year and so.
“Go, or you will lose her again” Jung Min push Kyu Jong

Kyu Jong take a step, he rubs his face.
“Eun Hye, will you out for eat ramen with me?” Kyu Jong ask with shaken knee
“You like ramen for dinner? I’ll tell Manager-nim so he can inform the Japanis staff to prepare it for all of you” Eun Hye say while try to call the manager, but Kyu Jong stop her
“I meant, just the two of us” Kyu Jong ask hesitantly
“What do you meant Kyu Jong-shi?” Eun Hye ask
“I’m asking you for a date” Kyu Jong says shyly, Eun Hye blink her eyes, then give Kyu Jong Thin smile
“So?” Kyu Jong cover her mouth with both off his hand
“Araso, all tell you if we have time” Eun Hye says with also shy smile
Kyu Jong smile raised widely

And for Yeong Saeng just say that he already have it, a girl named Tracy,


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