Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Chap 13

Chapter 13

After that night they become more intense. And at first night in Japan, he send her his first yearning message.
~Little noona, it me sexy-charisma, I miss you~
He is really thankful that they not stay that long in Japan, even he know when they back to Korea he not able to see her right away, the schedule for promoting they new album already packed, but he still feel happy cos, she much closer, and he can meet her any time he had free time, even though it will be short.
He feel it not enough just send her text message, and they can’t talk on the phone cos it coast really expensive. And he not just want to hear her voice, he also want to be there next to her. She give him the comfort that so long he never felt. He want to lay his head on her lap again, and feel her hand flattery his hair, and eased all his tired body, and mind, and forget his tired some schedule for awhile, and just be him self.

Jung Min stand at the door step, he see Hyun Joong playing game on his laptop. He enter the room and sit at Yeong Saeng bed.
“Hyung can we talk” Jung Min say hesitantly
Hyun Jong just glance at him, and back to his game, from the way he see, he can guess what gonna Jung Min talking about, and it nothing to do with the group
“Talk then” he say without take his eyes from his laptop screen
“Hyung…” Jung Min pout
“Hyung, how did you know that you have feeling for Hwang Bo noona?” Jung Min ask still in hesitant
“What do you meant?” Hyun Joong pretend act blur
“You know what I meant” Jung Min gaze
“Well we know that you act weird after she visit us here, and folded 1000 paper crane like a clue for us that something is has happened on you, why don’t you just buy something for her b/day, and not bother your self and us folded so many origami”
Hyun Joong glance to Jung Min and then close his laptop
“But that she will not feel my sincere, and she won’t know that I want our love to come true, beside what you made had more value than what you buy” Hyun Joong grin
“You get more mushy Hyung” Jung Min murmur
“and look to your self, you look like ‘Gollum’ over the shoes that Chae Rim noona give to you, precious my preciouse” Hyun Joong imitated that creature from the movie Lord Of The Ring
“Well it was precious, I won’t let any one touch it” Jung Min raised his eyes
“See, that the clue for me that you like Chae Rim noona” Hyun Joong smirk
“I don’t know, may be I am” Jung Min sigh
“Go, ask her out then”
“Go, date her, what you waiting for?”
“That right, or other man will steal your way”
Jung Min look to the door way right a way when he hear Yeong Saeng voice, followed by Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon voice
“Since when all of you stand there?” Jung Min ask with glare to the other tree of his Double S brothers that stand in the door way.
“Since hyung say that you look like ‘Gollum’” Hyung Joon smile
“Why you all sneak out like that?” Jung Min ask again
“We not sneaking out, you just not realize it” Yeong Saeng say while enter the room and sit next to Jung Min.
“So Jung Min-ah will you tell her that you like her?” Hyung Joon say while playing with his hair like usual
“I don’t know, I’m not sure. As we all know having a girlfriend is really dead serious thing for us, and it can be to hard for her, since she not a celebrity, and most of all I’m not sure about her feelings to me, maybe I’m just a dongsaeng to her” Jung Min pout
“How about you, are you really like her not as a noona?” Yeong Saeng ask while hold his pillow
“It strange, but I never saw her as a noona, even tho I call her ‘little noona’, maybe b’cos she never act as a noona, we more like friends, I don’t know, but I do feel comfortable next to her” Jung Min say with thin smile
“Chincha?” Hyung Joon widen his eyes
“Yup, for some reason she make me feel comfortable next to her, even tho I just a couple of time see her and spend short of time with her. She create a habits for me, send her a text message like a habits for me now, and she make me want to see her again and again, is that what you feel hyung to Hwang Bo noona?” Jung Min look at Hyun Joong
“Short of” Hyun Joong answer flatly
“So you do spend time with her, why you never told us?” Kyu Jong ask
“Why should I?” Jung Min glare, and Kyu Jong just grin
“So you like her, what you gonna do? You will tell her?” Yeong Saeng ask
“I don’t know, I have to make sure how she feel about me first, I don’t want to look like a fool” Jung Min say
“If she also have the same feeling as you?” Yeong Saeng ask again, this kind of thing always a tract him
“Well that will be great, but still, everything won’t be that easy, I don’t want to give her hard time, I don’t want to give her any trouble, as we all know she is not a celebrity who know for sure the consequence for having a relationship with an idol” Jung Min consider
“I think she knew about that” Hyun Joong say
“What do you meant hyung?” Jung Min ask
“She knew the consequences being an idol girlfriend since she date Eric hyung once” Hyun Joong explain plainly
“What?!” Jung Min startle
“Eric hyung from Shinhwa?” Yeong Saeng widen his eyes
“Chincha?” Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon also startle
Hyun Joong nod “Hye Jung tell me, that years ago Chae Rim noona date with Eric hyung, but it like a kind of short date, and now they more like brother and sister” again Hyun Joong explain
Jung Min sigh “If Eric hyung can’t convince her, how about me?”
Kyu Jong snort “I don’t believe this, the arrogant and full of confidence Jung Mal, give up before even he try”
“You know, you are lucky can found some one that you like, and maybe she like you too, being an idol is hard, and in love is such uneasy matter for us, it like a life time chance, but hey look Hyun Joong hyung take that chance, and deal it really well and happy, you can take that chance too, we all will support you, you know that” Hyung Joon say while looking to Jung Min
“Wow, I don’t believe this, is that really come from your head, or just out from your mouth?” Jung Min glare to Hyung Joon
“Hei, I’m not all the time baby, I’m a man too” Hyung Joon say
“Ahh… our Baby is all grouw up now” Hyun Joong say while messed Hyung Joon hair
“This little funk a man now” Jung Min pinch Hyung Joon neck
“Ouch, let go of me you mal!” Hyung Joon try to loose him self from Jung Min pinch make them fall back and hit Yeong Saeng
“Ya! Watch out, that hurts” Yeong Saeng hit Jung Min and Hyung Joon with the pillow that he hold
“Ouch, why you hit me?” Jung Min released his pinch of Hyung Joon, and grab the pillow from Yeong Saeng hand and hit it to Yeong Saeng face
“Ouch, my face” his get up and take the pillow from Hyun Joong bed and start pillow fight with Jung Min, and Hyun Joong and Hyung Joon joint them.
“Ah chincha, I don’t believe this, just a moment a go they talk like a man, and now they back like a little kid fight over a candy” Kyu Jong shook his head and leave them.

At Other Part

Chae Rim sit at the café with Hwang Bo and Shin Aera after they finish do the charity event,
“Chae Rim-ah, next week I’m going to Australia with all the family for holiday, do you like to entrust something for your omma and appa?” Shin Aera say after sipped her coffee
“Thank You aunty, but its oke” Chae Rim smile
“That remind me, how is your omma and appa?” Hwang Bo ask
“They fine, thank god that my omma know how to used the technology, so we still can keep in touch even far away parted” Chae Rim grin
“Chincha?” Hwang Bo raised her eye brow and chuckle
“Chae Rim omma are energetic woman, and smart too” Shin Aera say
“Yes, that right unnie, your omma really amaze me Chae Rim-ah” Hwang Bo say
“Yes she really amazing” Chae Rim smile
At that moment Shin Aera phone rings.
“Girls, I have to go, see you two again later” Shin Aera say after she take the call
“Alright aunty, take care” Chae Rim say
“ Oke , unnie see you soon” Hwang Bo say
“Oke, bye” Shin Aera leave after wave to Hwang Bo and Chae Rim. And both of then stand and bow to her.
“Chae Rim-ah, have you meet Eric oppa?” Hwang Bo ask after they sit back
“Not yet, but he call me the other day, he say that he start to busy with his come back after serve the army” Chae Rim say
“Yea, that what he told me too” Hwang Bo say after take a gulp of her tea
“I really miss him” Chae Rim sigh
And that moment Chae Rim resive a taxt message
~Little noona, its me sexy-charisma, I miss you, do you miss me? I’ll be back tomorrow~
Chae Rim Chuckle reading the message
“It your mother in-law” Chae Rim show the message to Hwang Bo
Hwang Bo grin “What did I tell you, he like you”
“Oh please unnie, don’t start again” Chae Rim snort
“But its true, look he says he miss you”
“His a dongsaeng, I’m just a noona for him, he call me noona”
“I know, but he is like you, I know it, Hyun Joong know it, and you told me that he act weird on you”
“Please stop it unnie, it doesn’t like what you think”
“Oh yea?” Hwang Bo give Chae Rim playful look
“What if he really like you?” Hwang Bo ask
“I don’t know unnie, you know me for sure, that I don’t want to deal with any celebrity, and most of all an idol” Chae Rim says
“I know, that happen on me too, but look at me now, I’m date one of the most popular idol, its like a karma for me, but I’m happy” Hwang Bo smile, Chae Rim also smile
“And how you feel about him?” Hwang Bo ask carefully
“Me? I don’t know either. When I know him better, some part of me, I’m feeling sorry for him, cos he still young but he missed so many thing, and at other part I feel impressed, cos even so, he look not regret it at all, I can see it trough his smile, like you say, he’s nice, really confidence with him self, and have a friendly eyes, he kind of man that know what he want” Chae Rim say
“See, you can picture him that well, are you sure that you see him only as a dongsaeng?” Hwang Bo ask
“I didn’t meant anything, it just that I can see a chemistry between you and him”
Chae Rim sigh, her memory flashback to the time when they almost kissed on his b/day when they dance tango, then to the time when he kiss her on the cheek after she made him that ‘Love Cure No;9’ she can feel her heart pounding, even now when she just memorize it. Is she just see him as a dongsaeng, is he see her as a noona, she is a noona for him, but…what is that warmth feelings that she feel when he so close to her? when she remember him? The warmth that she try to reject every time she realize that he is an idol.
“Maybe there was a chemistry” she whisper to her self

At Other Part

Jung Min sit on his bed at they dorm while looking to the art shoes that she give him as b/day present. Its almost a week after they back from Japan, and he not able to see her just like he wish for when he still in Japan, they schedule really tight especially for they new album promo. He keep memorize the words that she say when she made ‘The Love Cure No;9’, the story behind it, he never though an ice cream mix can have such a deep meaning, a beautiful one. And how it amaze him, and he not hold him self when he feel encouragement to kiss her, he feel his heart pound, especially when he saw her blushing cheek, and off course how can he forget the comfort that he feel when he lay his head on her lap, and her hand pat his hair, that was the best moment for him even it was short. Then he remember what Hyung Joon say that day at they dorm in Japan. That he had a chance to meet with some one that he like, and he can take the chance to be together with that person if he want to, it all depend on him.
Jung Min sigh, he can feel that his feeling getting more clear over her, he misses her, he want to see her, he can feel it when he talk to her over the short conversation on the phone in between short break at they new album promotion.
“Fighting mr. sexy-charisma!”
And how that simple words can cheer him up, well he is always cheer up, but that simple words really give him such a good feeling every time he remember it, he even still can hear her voice when she say it.
He look at the time, its over 3 am in the morning, he just finish clean him self, and ready to bed, he feel so tired, but he can close his eyes, thinking about her ease all the tiredness.
“What are you doing? go to Sleep, you all have to get up early tomorrow” he hear they Manager hyung say over his room door. Hi sigh, he put the shoes back at the drawer, and try to close his eyes
“Little noona I miss you, good night”

At Other Part

Finally, after almost tree weeks backward and forward to Japan and other country for fans meeting and promote they new album, they schedule finish early, so they have more time to rest, and they can back to they own house. As usual Hyun Joong will visit Hwang Bo before he back to his parent house he really miss her.
Jung Min took out his phone, and start to dial a number
“Little noona, are you sleeping already?” Jung Min ask right away when he hear her soft voice
“Not yet, why?”
“I know maybe its late, but can I come to your place?” he ask again with a pray, he really want to see her
“Mmh... but don’t you supposed to be busy?” she ask him back
“We are, but our schedule finish early today. Chincha noona can I come?” he ask again
“well oke, you can come, I’ll wait for you”
He hang up the phone with big smile, finally he can see her

When the door opened, and her face came out from behind that door with warm smile, he feel his heart pounding, and all the tiredness gone.
“Come in” she say while open the door more wide
“I’m not bother you am I?” Jung Min ask while entered her apartment
“Not at all, I’m just reading” Chae Rim walk behind him
“What did you read?” Jung Min ask while sit on the sofa
“Manga” Chae Rim answer it short with smirk
“Aigo, you read that too?” Jung Min glare
Chae Rim nod while sit on the floor
“You really remind me to some one”
”Chincha?” Chae Rim widen her eyes,
“Yup, our leader-shi”
“Ah…, that what I heard, so he still reading manga?”
“Yup, but not as often as before, we to busy, he said reading manga help him relax”
“Well, me too, its helped me to relax”
Jung Min snort “Don’t you think you to old for reading those thing?”
“Nop, you have to see my room, I have a shelf full with manga” Chae Rim smirk
“Don’t tell me you collect them”
Chae Rim just grin hear that, and Jung Min find that cute, make him forgot once again that she is a noona.
“So your schedule finish early? You didn’t back to your dorm? What if your manager looking for you?” Chae Rim ask plainly
“He wont, cos tonight we able to back to our own house” Jung Min lay his back
“Why you come here, and not back to your house instead?”
“Cos I want to see you before I’m back to my parents house. Beside I found my self comfortable here” Jung Min look at Chae Rim in the eyes, he want to know her react with what just he say
“I see, if that so, maybe we can share the rent then” she say with smirk while try to avoid his stare
“That will be nice, so I can come anytime I want” Jung Min still look to Chae Rim with the same stare
Chae Rim chuckle “I’m just kidding”
“But I’m not” Jung Min really not joking with what he say, if that can make him see her as much as he can, he will do it, it sound crazy, but he really meant it, he will do, share the rent with her.
Chae Rim lower her head, she can’t deal with his eyes, that eyes make her heart pounding, and it look like he respond seriously to her joke, she can feel that he still stare at her.
“I’m hungry, do you want some ramen?” she try to make excused, she pray that he didn’t see her blushing cheek cos of his stare, she get up and walk to the kitchen
“I think I like some ramen too, let me cooked for you” Jung Min get up and follow Chae Rim to the kitchen
“Give me, I’ll made it for you” Jung Min took two pack of ramen from Chae Rim hand
“No, it’s oke, i cook it for you, you must be tired” Chae Rim try to take the ramen back but no one can win over Jung Mal
“No, I'm not tired. Just sit and read your manga” Jung min full Chae Rim back and smiled
Chae Rim take a step backward, then sit at the small dinning table next to the kitchen, and watch Jung min cook the ramen.

Jung Min put the pot in the middle of the table, then he sit across Chae Rim.
“You know, you the first man cook me ramen” Chae Rim say while eating the ramen
“How about Eric hyung?” that just pop out from his head and slipped trough his mouth, he freeze when he realize it a second later, and gaze and try to find out her reaction with what he just say, she didn’t react just eating the ramen, and the atmosphere become silent.
Chae Rim raised her face, and force a smile
“Did Hwang Bo unnie who told you that?” Chae Rim ask after the short of silence, no one know about her relationship with Eric, except Hwang Bo and they who close with them, and off course the Shinhwa boys,
“Not exactly, Hyun Joong hyung told me” jung Min say with uneasy feeling
Chae Rim smile ”I see”
“So, it true then?” Jung Min ask hesitantly
“Yes, we do a short date, but we never become a couple, cos on the way we find out, that what we feel to each other not more than a brother and sister, and he really a good brother to me, since I don’t have any” she explained it with a thin smile
And that explanations like a relieve to him, but still he have no clue about how she feel a bout him,
“Have you meet him?” she ask
“No, we don’t have a chance yet, but I do like to meet him, just like other Shinhwa member, well I do meet with Jun Jin hyung, and Andy hyung a couple of time” Jung Min smile
“Well, Eric oppa just finish serving the army, I hope I can see him soon, i'm really miss him” she smile with bright eyes when she mention about Eric, she look excited,
“Oppa, you never will call me oppa, but I hope, I can have that smile with bright eyes of excitement when you remember me” Jung Min though, he feel a little jealousy on his heart when he saw Chae Rim expressions when she talking about Eric. But he can do anything, he just able ti sigh.

They sit on the living room after finish eating ramen, and wash the dishes together. They sit side by side, have a little chat while watching TV.

Jung Min tell Chae Rim about his Double S brothers and they activity, and Chae Rim listen to it with interest, and laugh when Jung Min told her about they playful behavior. And when they turn they face at the same time, they eyes meet, they face really close to each other, Jung Min heart pounding, same as Chae Rim, the atmosphere become more intense. She try to control her self. Jung Min eyes down to her lips, he feel the encouragement inside his mind, and his heart, and he can not hold him self, he want her, he misses her, he need her, and he did it, he kiss her, how soft and warm her lips is, it taste sweet, it taste good, and it taste so right. And Chae Rim hold her breath, she feel her heart pound harder, when she feel that gentle kiss on her lips, she feel the warm flowed over her body, and took all her rational mind a way, she close her eyes try to take back that rational mind, but its look like her heart betrayal her, and make her body loose control, and she kiss him back, and when she start to find the pleasure from that kiss, that rational mind back, out of no where, and wake her up. She gasp, and loose her lips from his, she close her eyes, and take her face a way from him. Jung Min look at her in satisfactions, cos he finally know that his not alone, she feel what he feel. But…
“I think you better go, is gating late” Chae Rim bite her lips, she get up and walk to the door way
“What?” Jung Min feel confused, he look at her
“Are you mad? I’m sorry, maybe it to fast for us” she also get up and walk toward her
“Its late, you better go” her voice was tremble she avoid his eyes,
He confused, he doesn’t know what to do, but he also can’t expect for an explanations, the atmosphere become awkward, he didn’t say anything he just take his bag and walk out to the door that she already opened
“I’m sorry, I think I have been carried a way”
She didn’t say anything, she just close the door. He feel rejected, but no, he not rejected, what he feel is real, she kiss him back, he feel his chance when he feel that soft warm lips of her react over his kiss, he had his chance, all he have to do is convince her, persuade her, he have to do it right, right now, or he will loose that chance

Chae Rim lay herself on the door, “Its crazy” she say to her self, she try to deny, but it’s real, she want him, she fall to him, he not a dongsaeng, but a man. She can feel it, that pleasure when he kiss her, it feel so right, but she also feel scared. D**m she miss him, and how happy she was when he call her earlier before he come.

Tok Tok Tok….

She hear a knock on her door, she try to hold her self not to open it, but its opened, and there he is


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