Senin, 30 November 2009

chapter 7

chapter 7

Jung Min 10 minute late, to the fan meeting from the time that he promise to his manager hyung. that so when he a rive at the fan meeting place in hall, he get nagged by his manager hyung.

"ya! did you say you will be here at 6:30?"
"sorry hyung, i really forgot time" Jung Min smirk
"go change, and hurry"
Jung Min took the cloth from they stylish
"hyung, Jung Min look weird" Hyung Joon say while play with his hair,
"he is always weird" Hyun Joong say
"i know, but lately he get more weird, and where did he from?" Hyung Joon ask again, but Hyun Joong didn't say anything
Jung Min out from the changing room, and walk toward Hyun Joong
"hyung, have you ever ride a scooter with Hwang Bo noona?" he ask with a big smile
"why you ask me that stupid question"Hyun Joong ask back with annoyed face.
"nothing, just ask" Jung Min answer still with the same big smile
"ya, what did happen to you?" Kyu Jong ask
"any way where did you go?" Hyung Joon ask again
"hmm, i think i like to buy motorcycle" Jung Min say with a muse face and ignore Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon
"so i can ride it with my girlfriend, like in the drama" Jung Min smirk
"you have girlfriend?!" Hyung Joon look surprise hear that, his eyes almost pop out
"no, not yet, but i will" Jung Min answer calmly
"i don't believe this" Kyu Jong shook his head
"i think something happen to him" Hyung Joon also shook his head
"so you have a crush to a girl then?" Yeong Saeng ask Jung Min
"offcours i am, i'm not a gay" Jung Min glare to Yeong Saeng
"i mean, you have a girl that you like?"
"well, that a secret mr. love guru" Jung Mim grin
"aigo, something did happen to mal head" Hyung Joon say
Hyun Joong just glance to Jung Min
"i think i will have special report from Hye Jung" Hyun Joong say in a muse mode with thin evil smile on his face
"oke boys, lets go"manager hyung say from the door

at other part

Chae Rim put the mug in to the sink and wash it, she never though that Jung Min will except her invitation, when she ask him to come over for a tea. cos she ask it only try to be polite, not really invite him, she still feel surprise b'cos of his sudden appeared in front of her apartment building, and force to come to the park with her, she really hope that no one spoted them

"do you like to come in for a tea?" Chae Rim ask, after a few moment of silent and they become a bit awkward
"sure" Jung Min answer it right a way

"have a sit, make your self comfortable" Chae Rim say whenthey enter her apartment
"araso" Jung Min walk to the living room, and sit at the sofa, min while Chae Rim walk to the kitchen to make a tea
Jung min looking a round the place, its look neat, except for the working table, lots of paper there, and a few color pencil lie a round, Jung Min get up and walk to the table, he saw so many shoes drawing there.

"do you like sugar for your tea?" Chae Rim ask from the kitchen
"yes please" Jung Min answer

not for so long, Chae Rim come to the living room with two mug of tea.
"it's messy huh?" Chae Rim hand over one of the mug
Jung Min smile, walk back to the sofa, and take the mug from Chae Rim hand.
"your new design?" Jung Min ask after take a gulp of tea
"yup" Chae Rim nod, and sit next to Jung Min
"Don't you supposed to be busy?" Chae Rim ask after they got a short of silent
"i did, we had a couple of hours free" Jung Min answer
"oh, i see" Chae Rim nods her head
"i just think to give you a surprise visit, who knows i will get the ice cream" Jung Min smirk, Chae Rim lough hear that
"sorry to disappoint you"
they back to the silent, after a while
"oh, i have this curiosity, can i ask you some thing?" Chae Rim ask after a while she remember there is something that bug her
"yea, sure"
"i'm really curios with this sexy-charisma thing?" she ask it with deep curiosity
"well, that thing is me, my image, i'm the sexy-charisma" Jung Min answer it with proud.
"oh....., but i think" Chae Rim nod, but there is a hesitant on her face
"what?" Jung Min wait for Chae Rim continue her words, he anticipate, cos he have learn that this noona can be that blunt
"well, charisma is oke, but sexy?" she made this doubt look that annoyed Jung Min
"What?!" Jung Min look to Chae Rim with disbelieve look "so you think that i'm not sexy?"
"i didn't say that, i just think that you need more exercise" Chae rim raise her eyes
"for you to know noona, i do an exercise, do you want me to show you?" Jung Min lift his shirt arm
"araso...araso..." Chae Rim wave both her hand in front of her chest, and smile
"then who is that you think is sexy?" Jung Min ask
Chae Rim tilt her head
"hmm, Lee Byung Hyu" she answer with eyes raise, and thin playful smile
"huh, his ajhushii"Jung Min say with wry smile
"Bi" Chae Rim continue with her list
"ah, i wish hyung were here" Chae Rim laogh a little when hear that, then continue with her list
"So Ji Soob"
saw that playful smile with eye raise make Chae Rim look cute, give Jung min the feeling to pinch her cheek, but he know that he not a lowed to do that, so he just can loot at her with a muse look.
and when they eyes meet, they become a bit awkward, and once again turn in to silent.
Jung Min look in to his watch, and then say
"i have to go now"
"even its short of time, but i really had fun, i hope next time we can do it again" Jung Min get up from his sit
"maybe if it not just the two of us" also up from her sit
"thank you for the tea" Jung Min smile
Chae Rim send him off, they wave to each other before Chae Rim close her door.

Chae Rim sit with folded knee at her sofa, he took her cell phone from the coffee table, and dial Hwang Bo number, after a moment,
"hallo, unnie it's me" Chae Rim say
"oh hallo, Chae Rim-ah" Hwang Bo replay
"unnie, did i disturb you?" Chae Rim ask
"no, i just finish filming, i'm on the break time"
"you know unnie? i have surprise visit to day from your mother in-law"Chae Rim say
"mother in-law?"
"yes, Jung Min-ah" then Chae Rim hear Hwang Bo lough from a cross the line
"chinca unnie, when i said i'm going to the park, he persist to come" Chae Rim heard Hwang Bo lough get harder
"how it can make you lough, i'm scared till dead that some one will spotted us there" Chae Rim sulk
"i know how you feel, then what happen?" Hwang Bo ask after she can manage her lough
"i can't draw anything b'cos of scared, ah...chincha unnie, he bugging me" once again Chae Rim hear Hwang Bo lough
"what so funny unnie?" Chae Rim sulk
"i think Hyun Joong right, he like you"
"chincha unnie don't say it again, that impossible"
"nothing is impossible, look at me and Hyun Joong" Hwang Bo say
"well that different story"
"i just hope you can be friend with him, he really nice guy"
"i have to go, talk to you again latter, and be nice to him oke?"
"bye Chae Rim-ah"
"bye unnie"
Chae Rim hang up the phone

back to the fan meeting

fan meeting done at ten, Double S boys back to the waiting room. Hyun joong take out his cell phone from his bag, there is a new message, and its from Hwang Bo

~if you done call me~ Hyun Joong grin

Hyun Joong dial Hwang Bo number, and after while
"hallo Hye Jung-ah" Hyun Joong replay when he hear Hwang Bo voice
"are you done? where are you now?" Hwang Bo ask
"yup, we still at the waiting room, what wrong?"
"nothing, did Jung Min say anything?" Hwang Bo ask back
"no, he just more weird after back from some where
"chincha?" Hwang Bo lough
"and ask me stupid questions, and talking about motorcycle"
"i think i know why" Hwang Bo say
"chincha?" Hyun Joong glare to Jung Min who look hyper
"yup, Chae rim told me that he visit her to day..." then Hwang Bo tell Hyun Joong what Chae Rim told her
"i knew it! no wonder that brat look so weird" Hyun Joong say
"i think, just let him be, and don't say anything"Hwang Bo say
"yea, it's good for him to have a girlfriend, so he wont bugging us anymore" Hyun Joong say and once again he glare to Jung Min that one more time talk a bout the motorcycle, and Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon scold him.

at Gimpo air port, Double S and they manager hyung ready to flight to Japan, for they Japan activity.

Hyung Joon sigh "now we have two man busy on the phone every time we ready to fly" Hyung Joon say it while looking to Hyun joong and Yeong Saeng
"make it to tree" Kyu Jong pointing to Jung Min that also look busy with his cell phone.

~little noona, its me sexy-charisma, i'm ready to go to Japan, i like my ice cream when i'm back"

now Jung Min even give Chae Rim a nick name 'little noona', a nick name that he given cos Chae Rim look so little when she walk by his side, give him the feelings that he can protect her.


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