Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

chapter 6

chapter 6

"why you want to know?" Chae Rim ask suspiciously
"just answer, how many helmet that you have?" Jung Min repeat his question
"two" Chae Rim answer with hesitant
"Good" Jung Min take Chae Rim hand, pull her back to the building
"lets back to your place"
"to take the other helmet" Jung Min answer when they in the elevator
"don't tell me....." Chae Rim didn't continue her words she just look to Jung Min with anxious in her eyes
"yes, i'm going with you" Jung Min grin
"no way!" Chae Rim shout
"yes i'm going with you" he repeat his words
"i'm going to the park, and people will recognize you!"Chae Rim refuse
Jung Min pretend not to hear what Chae Rim say, when the elevator stop and the door is open at the 5 floor where chae Rim place are, he walk out in a rush.
"noona hurry"
"Jung Min-ah, do you hear what i say?" Chae Rim walk behind Jung Min
"they won't recognize me, trust me, just bring the helmet, hurry" Jung Min say
"that the problem, i don't trust you" Chae Rim say while open her place apartment door
"why you sound like her" Jung Min walk in behind Chae Rim
"like who?"Chae Rim turn her head, she look to Jung min with frown eye brow
"Hwang Bo noona, she say the same exact words"
"hurry take the helmet"
"why should i follow your words?" Chae Rim pout
"because i said so" Jung Min smirk

"Hurry, jump in, we have not that much time" Jung Min shout
"i have plenty of time" Chae Rim sulk
"are you sure can ride this?" Chae Rim hesitant
"yea! hurry jump in"
"hold tight" Jung Min say when Chae Rim sit at the back sit of the scooter

"noona, this is fun, like in the drama" Jung Min shout happily while ride the scooter
"glade to hear that" Chae Rim say in flat tone

at the parking lot near the park. Chae Rim stare at Jung Min with still sulk face, she saw Jung Min wear big famed dark glasses eyes, and a cap that he pull till it cover half his face. when he finish cover him self hi smirk to Chae Rim, but Chae Rim just give him flat look.
"see, people will not recognize me"
"but i think you just make them suspicious" Chae Rim say

at the park they sit at the concrete bench under the big three. Chae Rim take out her drawing tool from her backpack.
"noona, i like to draw too" Jung Min say, and Chae Rim give him a small size sketch book without saying anything

"noona, you like to do this?"
"yup, a specially in the time like now, spring time" Chae rim answer with a smile
"so you really like to draw?" Jung min ask again
"mhhmm, i like to draw since i'm a little, i even take a lessons when i'm in elementary school, and go to art school when i'm finish high school" she explain while looking a round
"what are you looking for?" Jung Min ask and follow her looking around
"paparazzi" she answer plainly
"don't worry, there's no paparazzi follow us" Jung Min say try to comfort Chae Rim
"well, i need to make sure"
" i don't want to involve with any scandal, and most of all i dont want to deal with any antis"she say again
"don't worry, i'll make sure you wont dealing with any one of them" Jung Min say it with definite voice
then there a short silence before Jung Min say another questions that he had in his mind
"are you take a lessons for design shoes too?
"not really, i just draw it at first, cos i have passions in shoes since i was teenagers, but i do take short lessons in how to made shoes in Italy"
Chae Rim explanation make Jung min get more curios a bot her
"Chincha? how long you have been in Italy, noona?"
"almost a year"
once again Chae Rim looking a round with apprehensively
"relax will you, noona, why you have to look that so worry?" Jung Min take a look at Chae Rim
"i'm siting here with an idol next to me, how can i will not worry, i'm worry some one will spotted us" Chae Rim stare at Jung Min
"no one will spotted us, don't you used to hang out with Hwang Bo noona, and i believe also with some other idol too?"
"i believe she introduce you with another celebrity, like her best boy friends Shinhwa? so you should not to worry" Jung min say in annoyed tone
"yes, she was, but we hang out together with a lot of people, not like right now, just only the two of us" Chae Rim say with the same annoyed tone with Jung Min
Jung min take a sigh "just draw something, stop worried that some one will spotted us" Jung Min smile, try to calm Chae Rim
"now, tell me noona, do you have boyfriend when you in Italy?" Jung Min ask carefully, he glance try to find her reactions
"i do, his big and handsome" Chae Rim rise one of her hand, and Jung Min saw a thin smile in the corner of her lips, make Jung Min wonder
"is he the one who you broke up with in the valentine day?" Jung Min look at Chae Rim,
"no, we never broke up, i just tell him that i will back to Korea, and he just say 'oke', and last week he email me his wedding picture" Chae Rim smiled
"than who you broke up with on valentine day?"
"well that another story that i can't tell" Chae Rim look to Jung Min in plain look, and a second letter she frown her eyes brow, she remember what Hwang Bo tell her at the compassion group activity. she glare to Jung Min.
"are you investigate me?" Chae Rim ask suspiciously
"no, i'm just curios" Jung Min answer calmly
"you and your curios head" Chae Rim mumble
Chae Rim sigh really hard, she close her sketch book,
"i can't draw anything, i'm still worried that some one will spotted us" Chae Rim pout
"we better off from this place" Chae Rim pack her drawing tool
"stay a little longer, i'm not finish with my drawing yet" Jung Min say while keep drawing
Chae Rim didn't say anything, she just sift her sit to the and of the bench, try not to close with JUng Min
"am i that scary?" Jung Min look to Chae Rim, then he stand up, walk forward to Chae Rim, give her his drawing
"what do you think?" he ask
Chae Rim take the sketch book, and take a look to Jung Min Drawing
"you draw really well" She smiled
Jung Min Smirk "lets go"
"thank you, this is fun" he look to Chae Rim that walk beside him. "no problem" Chae Rim smile
and when Chae Rim tilted her head to look and smile at him, he realize how shorts Chae Rim was, she look so small, and brittle, and he realize another thing, that this noona is look so sweet, she not that beautiful, but pretty enough, she had pretty eyes, her nose not that pointy, but look good with that small lips, on her little oval face, she had skin that look healthy. Jung Min feel something inside her chess, something warm, but he cant figure it out what is that. he sigh.....


hope you all like it, leave a comment please, i will really appreciate it

love chumills

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