Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

chapter 5

chapter 5

there is something that pull Jung Min curiosity a bout her, this noona named 'Han Chae Rim', she just like pop out from some where, bring a mystery for his want to know everything head to solve. she just like any other ordinary girl, but the way Hwang Bo talk about her make her look got something, that make Hwang Bo trust her, make her as one of her close friends.
from his short point of view, she's some one that can be blunt, and annoying, at some point she also can be plain, and also very consistent, cos she really play hard for that ice cream, that his Hyun Joong hyung say has got a mushy name.
she really make him want to know more a bout her, and don't know why his curiosity force him to find out.

~it's me, sexy-charisma, be ready i will hunting you~
Jung Min send Chae Rim his first text message
and a few moment letter he receive her replay
~be my guess mr. sexy-charisma~

Jung Min grin when he read her replay
"why you grin like that?" Hyung Joon ask
"mind your own business" glance to Hyung Joon
"you mal..., mind your own business..." Hyung Joon try to imitating Jung Min, make Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng lough, and Jung Min pretend not see that
"oke guys, lets start practice our new dance move" they dance choreographer say when he enter the practice room
"where is your leader?" he ask
"there he is" Hyung joon pointed to Hyun Joong who just come
"hurry Hyung Joong, we will start practicing the new dance move" he claps his hand
"araso....araso" Hyun Joong walk toward them

and its all begun for love cure no;9

Jung Min sit at his bed, and open his laptop, and start surfing the internet, he just finish shower, they schedule finish early today, then he remembered something, he take his cell phone, look at the hour, its almost past midnight.
"i wonder if she still up?" he ask in his mind
"lets find out" he say it to him self
then he type a text message
~noona are you still up?~ then he send it to Chae Rim, and not that so long he receive her replay
~yes, but i'm going to sleep~
then he type another message
~can i have my ice cream now?~ and send it
~no~ a very short cold replay, make Jung Min drop his jaw,
"she really something" he say it in his head
~then you will have nightmare tonight~
once again Chae Rim replay surprise him
~you too, good night~
"what?! this woman is really...."
at that moment Hyung Joon shout from his room door way
"ya! Jung Min-ah, do you want some ramen?"
"i do" he get up from his bad and walk out from his room, and join his brothers eat ramen at dinning room, he eat while send another text message
~noona, i can save you from that nightmare, and i want that ice cream as a return~

"Jung Min-ah, who do you end message to at this hour? Hyung Joon ask when he saw Jung Min type the text message
"its out of your business" Jung Min smirk to Hyung Joon
"i think i know who" Kyu Jong say while looking to Jung Min
"i think i know too" yeong Saeng say, Jung Min just glance to them
"chincha hyung? tell me who is it?" Hyung Joon ask, his eyes widen
"let him be, don't tell him" Hyun Joong say
"c'mon hyung tell me" Hyung joon get more anxious
"you will find out letter" Kyu Jong say and grin, and that time Jung Min receive another replay

~i can handle my nightmare thank you~

Jung Min cover up his cell phone screen when Hyung Joon try to peep

then another replay
~as for ice cream, see you next year valentine~
and another replay
~no replay please, i need my beauty sleep~
Jung Min lough read that
"oh chincha, she really play hard on that"
"Jung Min-ah, tell me who is it?" once again Hyung Joon ask, but Jung Min pretend not hear it
"i'm done, and now i think i need my beauty sleep" he get up from his sit, and off to his room
"ya! Jung Min-ah you have to help me with the dishes" Hyung Joon shout to him, but again he pretend not hear it, he just close his room door
"aigo, why he always like that" Hyung joon mumble


"red and black look good, but i want you to try another color, try green and blue, you know, like peathingy father color" Rossie say, Chae Rim boss, one of the shoes company where she work at
"yes" chae Rim nod
"and try a different pattern for the detail, oke?"she say again
"oke" Chae Rim nod again, then take her design report from Rosssie hand, and out from her office, and that time she feel the vibration of her cell phone, she saw a message receiver report, but she didn't recognize the sender number
~its me sexy-charisma, how is your nightmare?~
she smile when she find out the sender
"so this from mr. sexy-charisma" she say to her self, then she type a replay
~fun, thank you, how about yours?~

at that time some one pat her shoulder
"why you smile like that?" then she hear a woman voice, she turn her head, and she saw Tae Hee her co-worker
"nothing" Chae Rim answer
"message from new boyfriend?" Tae Hee teas her
"you know i don't have boyfriend"
"who is it then?" ask Tae Hee with anxious look
"weird dongsaeng" Chae Rim grin
"chincha? what so weird a bout him?" Tae Hee really curios
"well, have you ever have some one who send you to bed with nightmare wish?" Chae Rim say
"what? that weird for sure" Tae hee say with eye brow frowen
"see? that was what this dongsaeng do last night"
"i think he like you" Tae Hee teased her
"that impossible, we only meet twice, and our impression not that so good, beside...." Chae Rim not continue her words, she almost split the word idol, but then she realize it will be trouble if she tell Tae Hee
"just forget it, its impossible for us" Chae Rim smirk
then she receive another text message
~noona, i want my ice cream now~
Chae Rim decide not to replay it

and from that day on, Jung Min and Chae Rim do text message to each other, at first Jung Min who always send Chae rim message, but as long time pass by, Chae Rim start to send Jung Min message, they exchange joke trough the message.not just only about the ice cream.

"i think your mother in-law really hunting me unnie" Chae Rim say to Hwang Bo when they meet at the compassion group event.
"chincharo?" Hwang bo smile with eyes widen
Chae Rim nod and smile
"so its true then" Hwang Bo lough
"what true?" Chae Rim ask
"well, Jung Min ask me about you last time i visit them, and Hyung Joong say that he and you has exchange message for weeks, and he act more weird, and you know what Hyun Joong though?" Hwang Bo try not to lugh
Chae Rim look with puzzle eyes on her "what?"
"he think, Jung Min like you"
"what?!, that impossible" Chae Rim shook her head
"he message me only to bug me for that ice cream" she say again
"well, i think he did like you" Hwang Bo grin
"that crazy unnie" once again Chae Rim shook her head
"how he like me unnie, we barely know each other"
"well, it just a meter of time" Hwang Bo teased Chae Rim, and she just glare to Hwang Bo

"oke boys, all of you have a couple of hour off, before fan meeting at 7pm" manager hyung say after they finish photo shoot for a magazine.
Jung Min look at his watch its 3:30 pm
"hyung, i like to go to some place, i have something to do, i'll be at fan meeting before 6:30 i promise" Jung Min say to manager hyung, he grab his bag and leave the photo studio in hurry
"ya! Jung Min where did you go?" his manager hyung ask, but he not answer, he just leave like that
"did any of you know where did he will go to?" manager hyung ask the rest of the Double S boys, but they just shook they head
"what wrong with him, he more weird this day" Hyung Joon say
"where do you think he go Hyung?" Kyu Jong ask to Hyun Joong, and Yeong Saeng, but both his hyung just lift they shoulder, couldn't answer.

Jung Min stop the taxi that he ride in front of the building, and that time he saw Chae Rim walk out from that building, and look at him in puzzle when she saw him.

"what are you doing here? don't you suppose to be busy do idol stuff?" She ask when Jung Min right in front of her with smirk
"i did but i have a couple hour off, and i think i like to eat ice cream"
"go to the ice cream store then"
"but i like to have love cure no;9"
"chincharo, what you do is to much for an ice cream" Chae Rim glare
"going some where noona? and what for that helmet?" Jung Min pointing the helmet that Chae Rim hold
"safety ride" Chae Rim answer while pointing to the scooter that parked not far from the place they stand
"you ride that?" Jung Min ask, Chae Rim nod
"how many helmet that you have" he ask again
"why you want to know?" Chae Rim look to Jung Min in suspiciuos way


leave me a comment please, this chap maybe a little boring, sorry. but i will work hard to make it better in next chapter. thank you for all your support, thank you for spend your time to read this ff of mine,

thank you so much ^^
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