Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chae Rim place not that so big, but she manage it really well, behind the right wall next to the door way was the kitchen, and a cross the kitchen was a laundry room, then a living room, where there is single lather sofa, with glasses coffee table, in front that sofa was a wide high wooden shelf, in the middle there is a flat screen tv, in the under shelf of that flat tv was a cd player, where at the next right and left shelf was filed with cd and dvd, and the rest the shelf she filed with her books collections, a framed photo, and a few display. and behind that shelf was bathroom wall.
in the living room corner, she also place a working table where there is a laptop, sketch book in many size, a little drawer, and then a big glass filed with colours pencil, and up in the wall she put a large board that filed with a lots of picture. and behind that wall was her bed room. she really put a lots of effort to make her place comfortable.

"this is great" Chae Rim welcome Hwang Bo and the Double S boys with warm smile. "i'm so happy i have house warming party by Double S, my girl friends will be freaking out if they know this" she continue her word,
Hwang Bo lough "so why you not invite them then?" she ask
"i can't" Chae Rim replay with flat tone
"why not?" Hwang Bo ask
"cos i don't want faint fan girls at my house warming party" Chae Rim answer with same flat tone, make once again Hwang Bo lough, and Double S boys smiled.
"so your friend is our fans?" Kyu Jong ask
"yup, and every time they talk a bout all of you, i feel like holding my breath" Chae Rim role her eyes and shake her head.
"why?' Hyung Joon ask
"cos if they knew that i know all of you, i will be in big trouble"
"what trouble?" Hyung Joon ask again
"they will buging me, hunting me, ask to do a lots of thing for them, like, ask for autograph, picture, concert tickets, send they gift, that what i believe will be plenty of them. they will like crazy" Chae Rim hand make big round move
"chincha?" Hyung Joon eye widen
Chae Rim nod her head "yup. just like when my boy friends know that i know Hwang Bo unnie, one of them ask me to introduce him to her, and ask her to go out for a date with him"
"chincha noona? then what happen?" Jung Min ask with eyes pierce to Hyun Joong
"well, he hate me, cos i refuse to do it"
"don't worry noona, you will have lots more boy friends, look now you have 5 idol boy friends" Hyun Joong grin
"i know you will happy hear it" Chae Rim smirk to Hyun Joong
"i bet you relieve hear that" Hwang Bo path Hyun Joong shoulder
"now, we better prepare the party" she continue her words
"i don't prepare anything, since you said so"
"that's oke, we didn't prepare anything either, all the food here, we buy it, so don't worry, araso?" Hwang Bo say it while take all the food out from the plastic bag
"and look, we also buy ice cream and strawberry" Jung Min say it while show Chae Rim the ice cream and strawberry and grin
"well....araso....." Chae Rim look to Hwang Bo with suspicious look
"don't look at me, it's they idea" Hwang Bo say
"noona lets prepare, and start the party before its get more late" Yeong Saeng say
"Chae Rim noona leave all this to us, you just do your thing with that strawberry and ice cream" Jung Min smirk to Chae Rim.
so they prepare the house warming party for Chae Rim

Jung Min a little surprise when he back to the kitchen he saw Che Rim put the strawberry and the ice cream to the blender, and she add a milk to the blander.

"i though it's not blended?" he ask with his eye brow frown
"what?" Chae Rim ask him back
"love cure no;9" he replay
"owh...., yes, that not blended" she answer it easily
"then what are you doing?" Jung Min ask
"i made milkshake" Chae Rim turn on the blander
"oh, no..." Jung Min cover his mouth with one hand, and the other hand he put it on his chest
"what?" Chae Rim ask with innocent look
than Hwang Bo come and ask "what happen?" with a puzzle look in her eyes
"she made milkshake" Jung Min answer with hopeless expression
Hwang Bo full her head back, and lough, and claps her hand when Jung Min told her that, make the other come to the kitchen, and wondering what was happen. and also lough when they figure it out, and Jung Min just sigh.
"tell me noona, how many ice cream and strawberry recipe that you have?" Jung Min ask Chae Rim with irritated expression
"a few, why?" Chae Rim replay with plain expression
Jung Min sigh "oh, isee, now, can i ask you to made love cure no;9?" he give Chae Rim the sweetest smile, show his sexy charisma charm, but,
"i'm sorry i can't" look to Jung Min with plain face, then she pour the milkshake to the glass, "here try this" she hand over the glass to Jung Min
"why you so hard on it" Jung Min look to her with unbelievable look, and take the glass from Chae Rim hand
"i don't know what Hwang Bo unnie told you, that make you so curios about it" pour the milkshake to another glass
"i told them nothing" Hwang Bo try to stop her lough
Chae Rim give the glass to Kyu Jong
"Hwang Bo noona say, that the one you made had a better taste" take the glass from Chae Rim hand, Chae Rim just smile hear that
"but that that the truth" Hwang Bo able to stop her lough
"and that make me more curios" Jung Min say it with glare to Chae Rim
"so, Chae Rim noona will you made it for us?" Yeong Saeng ask
smile to Yeong Saeng "i'm really sorry, i can't, but i think you all already try the one that made by Hwang Bo unnie, its taste the same"
"give me a break, why you so hard on it?" once again Jung Min ask, but this time with mumble tone
"noona, its taste really fresh" Kyu Jong say with his eyes look to the glass
"let me try it" Hyung Joon take the glass from Kyu Jong
"you know? Chae Rim good in mixing thing like this" Hwang Bo say
"well, how is my party?" Chae Rim say with smirk
"its ready" Hyun Joong say

they sit in the living room, eat the food, and drink the milkshake, and chat

"so, noona what are you doing?, are you working?" Hyung Joon ask
"yes, i work as a designer, did Hwang Bo Unnie told you that?" She ask back
"no, not yet, what you design then noona?" this time Kyu Jong who ask
"i design shoes" Cherim Rim say
"chincha?, so you have your own shoes line then?" Jung Min ask
"well not yet, right now i work for one of top brand in the country, but the company say, that i will have my own line if my design chosen by the fashion designer that cooperated with our company for Seoul Fashion week next year, so just wish me luck" Chae Rim explain it with a big proud smile
"yeay! i will pray for you" Hwang Bo do hi5 with Chae Rim

after eat they do a little game to add more fun for they little party

"thank you for the party, i'm really appreciate it" Chae Rim say after they finish play369 game
"the party is Yeong Saeng idea" Hwang Bo say
"but i'm the first who say it" Jung Min cut it
"thank you then Yeong Saeng, and you too Jung Min, and all of you, i'm really happy"
"it's nothing noona, we like to do it, beside we are friend now, right? Yeong Saeng say
"that right noona" Hyun Joong say
"but still, i hope you will made that ice cream as a return" Jung Min glare to Chae Rim
"i'm really sorry, but that only for valentine" Chae Rim say it with soft voice tone
"that oke noona" Hyung Joon say
"yea, we will wait that till valentine" Kyu Jong say with sweet smile
"i promise i will made it for all of you what ever happen" Chae Rim made a promise to the Double S boys

"Chae Rim noona, give me your phone number" Jung Min ask before they off from her place
"My phone number? what for?" Chae Rim ask Him back
"so i can hunting you" Jung Min give Chae Rim evil smile
"why?" there is puzzle look in Chae Rim eyes
"cos you make me curios for that ice cream" Jung Min answer it playful tone in his voice
"chincharo, isn't that to much for ice cream?"say it with disbelieve look
"well, there is nothing to much for ice cream" Jung Min smirk
"Jung min stop it, you scared her" Hwang Bo hit Jung Min arm
"that right" Hyung Joon say
"why don't you just date her" Hyun Joong grin
"yea, Jung Min ah, i think hyung right" Yeong Saeng say
Hwang Bo lough "i don't believe this, stop it, two of you make her confused"
"don't listen to them, just give me your phone number" Jung Min say
Chae Rim look to Jung Min than to Hwang Bo, than to the rest of the Double S boys


i hope you all like this chapter, thank you for all your comment
fighting every body!!!!

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