Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

chapter 2

chapter 2

after dinner HB, HJ, YS, Kyu, and HJB sit at the living room and have little chat, while watching TV.
mean while CR made some drink at the kitchen, and JM follow her to the kitchen. since he have this big curiosity with everything. and this noona named Han Chae Rim that just HB introduce, get his curiosity, since HB look so close to her. but she never mention her, and this noona look like just pop up from some where. well maybe cos she's not a celebrity so she's out of the spot even she's HB close friend, and also close to Shin Aera, since her mother are Shin Aera friend. and most of all she's kind of some one that blunt, that make him more interesting to her.

JM; what will you made noona? (when he saw CR take out strawberries, orange juice, and soda drinks from the friege, and a bottle of liquor from the kitchen cabinet.)
CR; sunset summer sky
JM; what's that?
CR; one of my creation
JM; i see, so you like to mix everything?
CR; (blend the strawberries) i guess so
JM; let me help you ( he take the bottle soda from CR and open the cap)
here(hand over the bottle)
CR; thank you
JM; so, you made ice cream and not chocolate for your boyfriend on valentine? (this kine of thing always make him curious)
CR; i don't made ice cream or chocolate on valentine for my boyfriend
(the answer almost make his eyes pop out and drop his jaw, CR next words make him more shock)
CR; i can't make chocolate
JM; what?! chocolate is something that easy to made, how come you can't made it?
CR; maybe easy for others, but not for me
(mix the soda drinks with liquor)
JM; have you ever learn how to made it?
CR; do you think how can i say i can't made it if i never try it?
JM; (smirk) what you made for your boyfriend then?
CR; why you like to know? ( look to JM)
JM; i'm just curious
CR; i made card for my boyfriend
JM; just card?
CR; well not really, i give him something else, depend to my mood.
(CR take out 7 glasses from the kitchen set, then fill it with soda and liquor mix til half of the glasses)
JM; that so weird, i think boy like chocolate more than card
CR; (glare to JM) but you have to know made card have the same efforts with made chocolate
JM; no it not, made chocolate need more efforts
CR; unnie, this brother in-law is annoying (talk to HB a cross the kitchen)
HB; (lough) his not brother in-law, but mother in-law
CR; (look to JM) no wonder
(pour the strawberry juice then orange juice to the glasses that already fill with soda and liquor mix, make a combination ored and orange under clear soda and liquor mix. just like the color of summer sky on sunset.
CR; here try this (hand over a glass of the drinks that she made)
JM: (bland the drink, and drink it)
CR; you know actually, i don't made anything for my boyfriend, cos i broke up with him that day (say it with flat tone)
JM; (almost get choke) chinca?!! (rise both his eye brow)
CR; (node) yup. now here, take this to the living room.
(call HJB) Hyung Joon, come help me take the drinks
HJB; oke (walk to the kitchen)

they siting on the floor
HJB; aigo noona, this is taste good
Kyu; yeah, what this?
CR; thanks, it sunset summer sky, i created it.
HJB+Kyu; owh...

JM a bout to continue ask the question that still left on his curiosity mind, but YS cut it.

YS; wah..., this drawing is pretty, who draw this? (show the sketch book that he found from the table TV drawer
HB; that Chae Rim drawing
YS; chincha? (Kyu JM, and HJB move over to YS side to see the drawing)
KYU; Hyun Joong hyung like to draw too
CR; i know HB unnie already told me
HB; you all have to see how they talk a bout it, they like oald friend that so long not see each other, really surprise me
HJ; don't tell me you're jealous Hye Jung-ah
HB; no, why should i, i feel happy that you can get a long with my friend, i'm not you who jealous over nothing
HJ; who's get jealous over nothing?
HB; do you think i don't know what you do to Mickey?
HJ; what did i do to him?
HB; you take and hide all his magazine with my picture on it
HJ; no i'm not, i just borrow it
HB; yea right, then why you never return it?
HJ; well, that because i forget where i put it
HB; (lough) oh cinca! i never win over you
JM; why don't you marriage for sure
CR; yeah, and fight at your bed, not here in front of us
HJB; yeay!!! (do hi5 with CR)
HB; (full her head and laugh)
HJ; i like to make all of you jealous
(at that moment HJ cell phone ring, a call from they manager)
HJ; ( pick the pone up) yes hyung...
oh, Araso (hang up the pone) i think we should go back now, it's getting late (look to his watch)
Kyu: it is?
HJB; why the time past really fast? will you visit us next time noona?
YS; you promise, you will made that ice cream for us
HB; like usual' just let me know whwn all of you have free , and let see what can i do
HJB; oke then, thank you for the dinner, you are the best
Kyu; saranghe noona
HJ; hei, did i tell you that 'S' word only for me to say it
JM; (role his eyes) oh chincha (smile to HB and CR) thank you noona
YS; thank you noona
HJ; see you letter Hye Jung-ah, and you too chae Rim noona.

they leav HB place with happy face likealways

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