Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

chapter 6

chapter 6

"why you want to know?" Chae Rim ask suspiciously
"just answer, how many helmet that you have?" Jung Min repeat his question
"two" Chae Rim answer with hesitant
"Good" Jung Min take Chae Rim hand, pull her back to the building
"lets back to your place"
"to take the other helmet" Jung Min answer when they in the elevator
"don't tell me....." Chae Rim didn't continue her words she just look to Jung Min with anxious in her eyes
"yes, i'm going with you" Jung Min grin
"no way!" Chae Rim shout
"yes i'm going with you" he repeat his words
"i'm going to the park, and people will recognize you!"Chae Rim refuse
Jung Min pretend not to hear what Chae Rim say, when the elevator stop and the door is open at the 5 floor where chae Rim place are, he walk out in a rush.
"noona hurry"
"Jung Min-ah, do you hear what i say?" Chae Rim walk behind Jung Min
"they won't recognize me, trust me, just bring the helmet, hurry" Jung Min say
"that the problem, i don't trust you" Chae Rim say while open her place apartment door
"why you sound like her" Jung Min walk in behind Chae Rim
"like who?"Chae Rim turn her head, she look to Jung min with frown eye brow
"Hwang Bo noona, she say the same exact words"
"hurry take the helmet"
"why should i follow your words?" Chae Rim pout
"because i said so" Jung Min smirk

"Hurry, jump in, we have not that much time" Jung Min shout
"i have plenty of time" Chae Rim sulk
"are you sure can ride this?" Chae Rim hesitant
"yea! hurry jump in"
"hold tight" Jung Min say when Chae Rim sit at the back sit of the scooter

"noona, this is fun, like in the drama" Jung Min shout happily while ride the scooter
"glade to hear that" Chae Rim say in flat tone

at the parking lot near the park. Chae Rim stare at Jung Min with still sulk face, she saw Jung Min wear big famed dark glasses eyes, and a cap that he pull till it cover half his face. when he finish cover him self hi smirk to Chae Rim, but Chae Rim just give him flat look.
"see, people will not recognize me"
"but i think you just make them suspicious" Chae Rim say

at the park they sit at the concrete bench under the big three. Chae Rim take out her drawing tool from her backpack.
"noona, i like to draw too" Jung Min say, and Chae Rim give him a small size sketch book without saying anything

"noona, you like to do this?"
"yup, a specially in the time like now, spring time" Chae rim answer with a smile
"so you really like to draw?" Jung min ask again
"mhhmm, i like to draw since i'm a little, i even take a lessons when i'm in elementary school, and go to art school when i'm finish high school" she explain while looking a round
"what are you looking for?" Jung Min ask and follow her looking around
"paparazzi" she answer plainly
"don't worry, there's no paparazzi follow us" Jung Min say try to comfort Chae Rim
"well, i need to make sure"
" i don't want to involve with any scandal, and most of all i dont want to deal with any antis"she say again
"don't worry, i'll make sure you wont dealing with any one of them" Jung Min say it with definite voice
then there a short silence before Jung Min say another questions that he had in his mind
"are you take a lessons for design shoes too?
"not really, i just draw it at first, cos i have passions in shoes since i was teenagers, but i do take short lessons in how to made shoes in Italy"
Chae Rim explanation make Jung min get more curios a bot her
"Chincha? how long you have been in Italy, noona?"
"almost a year"
once again Chae Rim looking a round with apprehensively
"relax will you, noona, why you have to look that so worry?" Jung Min take a look at Chae Rim
"i'm siting here with an idol next to me, how can i will not worry, i'm worry some one will spotted us" Chae Rim stare at Jung Min
"no one will spotted us, don't you used to hang out with Hwang Bo noona, and i believe also with some other idol too?"
"i believe she introduce you with another celebrity, like her best boy friends Shinhwa? so you should not to worry" Jung min say in annoyed tone
"yes, she was, but we hang out together with a lot of people, not like right now, just only the two of us" Chae Rim say with the same annoyed tone with Jung Min
Jung min take a sigh "just draw something, stop worried that some one will spotted us" Jung Min smile, try to calm Chae Rim
"now, tell me noona, do you have boyfriend when you in Italy?" Jung Min ask carefully, he glance try to find her reactions
"i do, his big and handsome" Chae Rim rise one of her hand, and Jung Min saw a thin smile in the corner of her lips, make Jung Min wonder
"is he the one who you broke up with in the valentine day?" Jung Min look at Chae Rim,
"no, we never broke up, i just tell him that i will back to Korea, and he just say 'oke', and last week he email me his wedding picture" Chae Rim smiled
"than who you broke up with on valentine day?"
"well that another story that i can't tell" Chae Rim look to Jung Min in plain look, and a second letter she frown her eyes brow, she remember what Hwang Bo tell her at the compassion group activity. she glare to Jung Min.
"are you investigate me?" Chae Rim ask suspiciously
"no, i'm just curios" Jung Min answer calmly
"you and your curios head" Chae Rim mumble
Chae Rim sigh really hard, she close her sketch book,
"i can't draw anything, i'm still worried that some one will spotted us" Chae Rim pout
"we better off from this place" Chae Rim pack her drawing tool
"stay a little longer, i'm not finish with my drawing yet" Jung Min say while keep drawing
Chae Rim didn't say anything, she just sift her sit to the and of the bench, try not to close with JUng Min
"am i that scary?" Jung Min look to Chae Rim, then he stand up, walk forward to Chae Rim, give her his drawing
"what do you think?" he ask
Chae Rim take the sketch book, and take a look to Jung Min Drawing
"you draw really well" She smiled
Jung Min Smirk "lets go"
"thank you, this is fun" he look to Chae Rim that walk beside him. "no problem" Chae Rim smile
and when Chae Rim tilted her head to look and smile at him, he realize how shorts Chae Rim was, she look so small, and brittle, and he realize another thing, that this noona is look so sweet, she not that beautiful, but pretty enough, she had pretty eyes, her nose not that pointy, but look good with that small lips, on her little oval face, she had skin that look healthy. Jung Min feel something inside her chess, something warm, but he cant figure it out what is that. he sigh.....


hope you all like it, leave a comment please, i will really appreciate it

love chumills

chapter 5

chapter 5

there is something that pull Jung Min curiosity a bout her, this noona named 'Han Chae Rim', she just like pop out from some where, bring a mystery for his want to know everything head to solve. she just like any other ordinary girl, but the way Hwang Bo talk about her make her look got something, that make Hwang Bo trust her, make her as one of her close friends.
from his short point of view, she's some one that can be blunt, and annoying, at some point she also can be plain, and also very consistent, cos she really play hard for that ice cream, that his Hyun Joong hyung say has got a mushy name.
she really make him want to know more a bout her, and don't know why his curiosity force him to find out.

~it's me, sexy-charisma, be ready i will hunting you~
Jung Min send Chae Rim his first text message
and a few moment letter he receive her replay
~be my guess mr. sexy-charisma~

Jung Min grin when he read her replay
"why you grin like that?" Hyung Joon ask
"mind your own business" glance to Hyung Joon
"you mal..., mind your own business..." Hyung Joon try to imitating Jung Min, make Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng lough, and Jung Min pretend not see that
"oke guys, lets start practice our new dance move" they dance choreographer say when he enter the practice room
"where is your leader?" he ask
"there he is" Hyung joon pointed to Hyun Joong who just come
"hurry Hyung Joong, we will start practicing the new dance move" he claps his hand
"araso....araso" Hyun Joong walk toward them

and its all begun for love cure no;9

Jung Min sit at his bed, and open his laptop, and start surfing the internet, he just finish shower, they schedule finish early today, then he remembered something, he take his cell phone, look at the hour, its almost past midnight.
"i wonder if she still up?" he ask in his mind
"lets find out" he say it to him self
then he type a text message
~noona are you still up?~ then he send it to Chae Rim, and not that so long he receive her replay
~yes, but i'm going to sleep~
then he type another message
~can i have my ice cream now?~ and send it
~no~ a very short cold replay, make Jung Min drop his jaw,
"she really something" he say it in his head
~then you will have nightmare tonight~
once again Chae Rim replay surprise him
~you too, good night~
"what?! this woman is really...."
at that moment Hyung Joon shout from his room door way
"ya! Jung Min-ah, do you want some ramen?"
"i do" he get up from his bad and walk out from his room, and join his brothers eat ramen at dinning room, he eat while send another text message
~noona, i can save you from that nightmare, and i want that ice cream as a return~

"Jung Min-ah, who do you end message to at this hour? Hyung Joon ask when he saw Jung Min type the text message
"its out of your business" Jung Min smirk to Hyung Joon
"i think i know who" Kyu Jong say while looking to Jung Min
"i think i know too" yeong Saeng say, Jung Min just glance to them
"chincha hyung? tell me who is it?" Hyung Joon ask, his eyes widen
"let him be, don't tell him" Hyun Joong say
"c'mon hyung tell me" Hyung joon get more anxious
"you will find out letter" Kyu Jong say and grin, and that time Jung Min receive another replay

~i can handle my nightmare thank you~

Jung Min cover up his cell phone screen when Hyung Joon try to peep

then another replay
~as for ice cream, see you next year valentine~
and another replay
~no replay please, i need my beauty sleep~
Jung Min lough read that
"oh chincha, she really play hard on that"
"Jung Min-ah, tell me who is it?" once again Hyung Joon ask, but Jung Min pretend not hear it
"i'm done, and now i think i need my beauty sleep" he get up from his sit, and off to his room
"ya! Jung Min-ah you have to help me with the dishes" Hyung Joon shout to him, but again he pretend not hear it, he just close his room door
"aigo, why he always like that" Hyung joon mumble


"red and black look good, but i want you to try another color, try green and blue, you know, like peathingy father color" Rossie say, Chae Rim boss, one of the shoes company where she work at
"yes" chae Rim nod
"and try a different pattern for the detail, oke?"she say again
"oke" Chae Rim nod again, then take her design report from Rosssie hand, and out from her office, and that time she feel the vibration of her cell phone, she saw a message receiver report, but she didn't recognize the sender number
~its me sexy-charisma, how is your nightmare?~
she smile when she find out the sender
"so this from mr. sexy-charisma" she say to her self, then she type a replay
~fun, thank you, how about yours?~

at that time some one pat her shoulder
"why you smile like that?" then she hear a woman voice, she turn her head, and she saw Tae Hee her co-worker
"nothing" Chae Rim answer
"message from new boyfriend?" Tae Hee teas her
"you know i don't have boyfriend"
"who is it then?" ask Tae Hee with anxious look
"weird dongsaeng" Chae Rim grin
"chincha? what so weird a bout him?" Tae Hee really curios
"well, have you ever have some one who send you to bed with nightmare wish?" Chae Rim say
"what? that weird for sure" Tae hee say with eye brow frowen
"see? that was what this dongsaeng do last night"
"i think he like you" Tae Hee teased her
"that impossible, we only meet twice, and our impression not that so good, beside...." Chae Rim not continue her words, she almost split the word idol, but then she realize it will be trouble if she tell Tae Hee
"just forget it, its impossible for us" Chae Rim smirk
then she receive another text message
~noona, i want my ice cream now~
Chae Rim decide not to replay it

and from that day on, Jung Min and Chae Rim do text message to each other, at first Jung Min who always send Chae rim message, but as long time pass by, Chae Rim start to send Jung Min message, they exchange joke trough the message.not just only about the ice cream.

"i think your mother in-law really hunting me unnie" Chae Rim say to Hwang Bo when they meet at the compassion group event.
"chincharo?" Hwang bo smile with eyes widen
Chae Rim nod and smile
"so its true then" Hwang Bo lough
"what true?" Chae Rim ask
"well, Jung Min ask me about you last time i visit them, and Hyung Joong say that he and you has exchange message for weeks, and he act more weird, and you know what Hyun Joong though?" Hwang Bo try not to lugh
Chae Rim look with puzzle eyes on her "what?"
"he think, Jung Min like you"
"what?!, that impossible" Chae Rim shook her head
"he message me only to bug me for that ice cream" she say again
"well, i think he did like you" Hwang Bo grin
"that crazy unnie" once again Chae Rim shook her head
"how he like me unnie, we barely know each other"
"well, it just a meter of time" Hwang Bo teased Chae Rim, and she just glare to Hwang Bo

"oke boys, all of you have a couple of hour off, before fan meeting at 7pm" manager hyung say after they finish photo shoot for a magazine.
Jung Min look at his watch its 3:30 pm
"hyung, i like to go to some place, i have something to do, i'll be at fan meeting before 6:30 i promise" Jung Min say to manager hyung, he grab his bag and leave the photo studio in hurry
"ya! Jung Min where did you go?" his manager hyung ask, but he not answer, he just leave like that
"did any of you know where did he will go to?" manager hyung ask the rest of the Double S boys, but they just shook they head
"what wrong with him, he more weird this day" Hyung Joon say
"where do you think he go Hyung?" Kyu Jong ask to Hyun Joong, and Yeong Saeng, but both his hyung just lift they shoulder, couldn't answer.

Jung Min stop the taxi that he ride in front of the building, and that time he saw Chae Rim walk out from that building, and look at him in puzzle when she saw him.

"what are you doing here? don't you suppose to be busy do idol stuff?" She ask when Jung Min right in front of her with smirk
"i did but i have a couple hour off, and i think i like to eat ice cream"
"go to the ice cream store then"
"but i like to have love cure no;9"
"chincharo, what you do is to much for an ice cream" Chae Rim glare
"going some where noona? and what for that helmet?" Jung Min pointing the helmet that Chae Rim hold
"safety ride" Chae Rim answer while pointing to the scooter that parked not far from the place they stand
"you ride that?" Jung Min ask, Chae Rim nod
"how many helmet that you have" he ask again
"why you want to know?" Chae Rim look to Jung Min in suspiciuos way


leave me a comment please, this chap maybe a little boring, sorry. but i will work hard to make it better in next chapter. thank you for all your support, thank you for spend your time to read this ff of mine,

thank you so much ^^
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chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chae Rim place not that so big, but she manage it really well, behind the right wall next to the door way was the kitchen, and a cross the kitchen was a laundry room, then a living room, where there is single lather sofa, with glasses coffee table, in front that sofa was a wide high wooden shelf, in the middle there is a flat screen tv, in the under shelf of that flat tv was a cd player, where at the next right and left shelf was filed with cd and dvd, and the rest the shelf she filed with her books collections, a framed photo, and a few display. and behind that shelf was bathroom wall.
in the living room corner, she also place a working table where there is a laptop, sketch book in many size, a little drawer, and then a big glass filed with colours pencil, and up in the wall she put a large board that filed with a lots of picture. and behind that wall was her bed room. she really put a lots of effort to make her place comfortable.

"this is great" Chae Rim welcome Hwang Bo and the Double S boys with warm smile. "i'm so happy i have house warming party by Double S, my girl friends will be freaking out if they know this" she continue her word,
Hwang Bo lough "so why you not invite them then?" she ask
"i can't" Chae Rim replay with flat tone
"why not?" Hwang Bo ask
"cos i don't want faint fan girls at my house warming party" Chae Rim answer with same flat tone, make once again Hwang Bo lough, and Double S boys smiled.
"so your friend is our fans?" Kyu Jong ask
"yup, and every time they talk a bout all of you, i feel like holding my breath" Chae Rim role her eyes and shake her head.
"why?' Hyung Joon ask
"cos if they knew that i know all of you, i will be in big trouble"
"what trouble?" Hyung Joon ask again
"they will buging me, hunting me, ask to do a lots of thing for them, like, ask for autograph, picture, concert tickets, send they gift, that what i believe will be plenty of them. they will like crazy" Chae Rim hand make big round move
"chincha?" Hyung Joon eye widen
Chae Rim nod her head "yup. just like when my boy friends know that i know Hwang Bo unnie, one of them ask me to introduce him to her, and ask her to go out for a date with him"
"chincha noona? then what happen?" Jung Min ask with eyes pierce to Hyun Joong
"well, he hate me, cos i refuse to do it"
"don't worry noona, you will have lots more boy friends, look now you have 5 idol boy friends" Hyun Joong grin
"i know you will happy hear it" Chae Rim smirk to Hyun Joong
"i bet you relieve hear that" Hwang Bo path Hyun Joong shoulder
"now, we better prepare the party" she continue her words
"i don't prepare anything, since you said so"
"that's oke, we didn't prepare anything either, all the food here, we buy it, so don't worry, araso?" Hwang Bo say it while take all the food out from the plastic bag
"and look, we also buy ice cream and strawberry" Jung Min say it while show Chae Rim the ice cream and strawberry and grin
"well....araso....." Chae Rim look to Hwang Bo with suspicious look
"don't look at me, it's they idea" Hwang Bo say
"noona lets prepare, and start the party before its get more late" Yeong Saeng say
"Chae Rim noona leave all this to us, you just do your thing with that strawberry and ice cream" Jung Min smirk to Chae Rim.
so they prepare the house warming party for Chae Rim

Jung Min a little surprise when he back to the kitchen he saw Che Rim put the strawberry and the ice cream to the blender, and she add a milk to the blander.

"i though it's not blended?" he ask with his eye brow frown
"what?" Chae Rim ask him back
"love cure no;9" he replay
"owh...., yes, that not blended" she answer it easily
"then what are you doing?" Jung Min ask
"i made milkshake" Chae Rim turn on the blander
"oh, no..." Jung Min cover his mouth with one hand, and the other hand he put it on his chest
"what?" Chae Rim ask with innocent look
than Hwang Bo come and ask "what happen?" with a puzzle look in her eyes
"she made milkshake" Jung Min answer with hopeless expression
Hwang Bo full her head back, and lough, and claps her hand when Jung Min told her that, make the other come to the kitchen, and wondering what was happen. and also lough when they figure it out, and Jung Min just sigh.
"tell me noona, how many ice cream and strawberry recipe that you have?" Jung Min ask Chae Rim with irritated expression
"a few, why?" Chae Rim replay with plain expression
Jung Min sigh "oh, isee, now, can i ask you to made love cure no;9?" he give Chae Rim the sweetest smile, show his sexy charisma charm, but,
"i'm sorry i can't" look to Jung Min with plain face, then she pour the milkshake to the glass, "here try this" she hand over the glass to Jung Min
"why you so hard on it" Jung Min look to her with unbelievable look, and take the glass from Chae Rim hand
"i don't know what Hwang Bo unnie told you, that make you so curios about it" pour the milkshake to another glass
"i told them nothing" Hwang Bo try to stop her lough
Chae Rim give the glass to Kyu Jong
"Hwang Bo noona say, that the one you made had a better taste" take the glass from Chae Rim hand, Chae Rim just smile hear that
"but that that the truth" Hwang Bo able to stop her lough
"and that make me more curios" Jung Min say it with glare to Chae Rim
"so, Chae Rim noona will you made it for us?" Yeong Saeng ask
smile to Yeong Saeng "i'm really sorry, i can't, but i think you all already try the one that made by Hwang Bo unnie, its taste the same"
"give me a break, why you so hard on it?" once again Jung Min ask, but this time with mumble tone
"noona, its taste really fresh" Kyu Jong say with his eyes look to the glass
"let me try it" Hyung Joon take the glass from Kyu Jong
"you know? Chae Rim good in mixing thing like this" Hwang Bo say
"well, how is my party?" Chae Rim say with smirk
"its ready" Hyun Joong say

they sit in the living room, eat the food, and drink the milkshake, and chat

"so, noona what are you doing?, are you working?" Hyung Joon ask
"yes, i work as a designer, did Hwang Bo Unnie told you that?" She ask back
"no, not yet, what you design then noona?" this time Kyu Jong who ask
"i design shoes" Cherim Rim say
"chincha?, so you have your own shoes line then?" Jung Min ask
"well not yet, right now i work for one of top brand in the country, but the company say, that i will have my own line if my design chosen by the fashion designer that cooperated with our company for Seoul Fashion week next year, so just wish me luck" Chae Rim explain it with a big proud smile
"yeay! i will pray for you" Hwang Bo do hi5 with Chae Rim

after eat they do a little game to add more fun for they little party

"thank you for the party, i'm really appreciate it" Chae Rim say after they finish play369 game
"the party is Yeong Saeng idea" Hwang Bo say
"but i'm the first who say it" Jung Min cut it
"thank you then Yeong Saeng, and you too Jung Min, and all of you, i'm really happy"
"it's nothing noona, we like to do it, beside we are friend now, right? Yeong Saeng say
"that right noona" Hyun Joong say
"but still, i hope you will made that ice cream as a return" Jung Min glare to Chae Rim
"i'm really sorry, but that only for valentine" Chae Rim say it with soft voice tone
"that oke noona" Hyung Joon say
"yea, we will wait that till valentine" Kyu Jong say with sweet smile
"i promise i will made it for all of you what ever happen" Chae Rim made a promise to the Double S boys

"Chae Rim noona, give me your phone number" Jung Min ask before they off from her place
"My phone number? what for?" Chae Rim ask Him back
"so i can hunting you" Jung Min give Chae Rim evil smile
"why?" there is puzzle look in Chae Rim eyes
"cos you make me curios for that ice cream" Jung Min answer it playful tone in his voice
"chincharo, isn't that to much for ice cream?"say it with disbelieve look
"well, there is nothing to much for ice cream" Jung Min smirk
"Jung min stop it, you scared her" Hwang Bo hit Jung Min arm
"that right" Hyung Joon say
"why don't you just date her" Hyun Joong grin
"yea, Jung Min ah, i think hyung right" Yeong Saeng say
Hwang Bo lough "i don't believe this, stop it, two of you make her confused"
"don't listen to them, just give me your phone number" Jung Min say
Chae Rim look to Jung Min than to Hwang Bo, than to the rest of the Double S boys


i hope you all like this chapter, thank you for all your comment
fighting every body!!!!



at double S dorm

Hwang Bo made her promise to the boys to made them the ice cream. so when the boys call her, she go to they place right a way after she finish her activity, and bring the thing she need to made that Chae Rim ice cream recipe.

Jung Min watch Hwang Bo make the ice cream at the kitchen
"just as simple is that?" he ask
"yup. just simple as this" Hwang Bo nod her head.
"but why she so hard on it? she weird for sure" Jung Min role his eyes, Hwang Bo lough see his reaction,
"maybe, but she have reason you know, and you will like her when you know her"
"what kind of reason from such an easy thing like this?" he look to Hwang Bo with this question look that make Hwang Bo lough once again,
"i ask her once, why she only made it on valentine while its gonna taste really good for summer"
"and her answer is?'
"she said, because it special"
"what so special a bout this? this is just mixing ice cream with strawberry, and chocolate chips?"
"I don't know, she just told me its a long story, so i didn't ask her much further"
"you look so close with her, you look so trust her, you let her know a bout you and hyung"
Hwang Bo smile to Jung Min softly, " just like what i said, that i know her from the compassion group. Shin Ae Ra unnie introduce her to me. she know a bout me and your hyung accidentally, that time i was told to Shin Ae Ra unnie a bout what i feel between me and your hyung, then she come, and Shin Ae Ra unnie told me that i can trust her, and told me to ask her opinion about what i feel, what she told me is really surprising"
"what she told you?" again Jung Min curiosity
"she told me that i'm the only one who know what the best and what that can make me feel happy, so i should fight for it, fight for my happiness or just give up and regret it for the rest of my life. i think she right, so here i am, try to fight, try to face every hard time with your hyung, cos we know, we feel happy when we together" Hwang Bo give Jung Min warm smile.
"she really said all that?"
nod her head "yup, she did. now tell them the ice cream is ready"

they eat the ice cream in they dorm living room.

"its really good" Hyung Joon say
"I think its little different from the usual ice cream" YeonSaeng say
"maybe because the strawberry is fresh" Jung Min say
"i think it taste like strawberry ice cream with chocolate" Hyun Joong give his opinion with flat tone like usual
"i think its good for summer" Kyu Jong say
"that what i thin too, but she refuse to made it every time we ask her, she will give us the same answer; i only made it for valentine" Hwang Bo try to imitate Chae Rim, and smile
"she weird for sure" Jung Min role his eyes
lough " you will like her when you know her, i really think that you all should to try the one that she made"
"what the different?" Jung Min ask
"i don't know, i just feel the taste is different"
"Chae rim Noona, is she still stay with you?" Hyun Joong ask
"no" shake her head " she move already to her new place" Hwang Bo answer
"that good news" Hyun joong grin to Hwang Bo, and she just glare and smile.
" give her phone number noona" Jung Min say all of sudden
"why should i give you her phone number?" look to Jung Min with suspicious look,
"yea, what will you do to her number?" Hyung Joong ask with the same suspicious look as Hwang Bo
"to call her of course, i'll use my sexy charisma charm to ask her to made that ice cream for me" he say it with his chin up
"you can't do that" Hyung Joon say
"yea, you not even know her" Yeong Saeng say
"yes, i do know her, we all know her, we meet her at Noona place"
"yea, but we not that close" Kyu say
"don't tell me that you all doesn't like to try it, come on noona give me her number" once again Jung Min ask Hwang Bo for Chae Rim phone number
"hell no" once again Hwang Bo refuse
"come on noona, trust me" Jung min say
"that the problem i don't trust you" Hwang Bo say it with eyes wide
"how come you didn't trust me? i wont do anything harm, i will ask her nicely so... nice till she hard to refuse" Jung Min smirk
'i don't believe this, you will do that only for ice cream?" look to Jung Min and shake her head
"blame it to your self noona, you the one who make me more curios"
"why you blame her, you weirdo?" Hyun Joong glare to Jung Min
"cos she keep talking that the one she made taste much better, make me curios, what the taste like" Jung Min defense him self
"actually i'm curios too" Hyung Joon smile
"yea, me too" Yeong Saeng nod his head
look to Yeong Saeng, and Hyung Joon "both of you too?" Yeong Saeng and Hyung Joon nod together
"i'm only curios why she give it such a mushy name" Hyun joong say and make Hwang Bo lough and hit his arm
"she just move right? how if we visit her for house warming?" Jung Min suggestion
"what?! oh... chincha Jung Min, you are...."
"what?...." give Hwang Bo innocent look
"well, actually i'm going to her place after here"
"we come with you then" Jung Min say
"no way?" Hwang Bo refuse
"why not?" Jung Min ask
"cos she only ask me" Hwang Bo answer
"Call her, and tell her that we like to come too then noona" Kyu Jong say
"that right, call her noona" Hyung Joon say it with big smile on his face
"why don't we made house warming party for her?" Yeong Saeng say it with excitment
"that what i told you before, we visit her for house warming" Jung Min say
"i don't believe this, don't you will have stomach hurt if you eat to much ice cream?"
"don't worry, our stomach really strong, and we love ice cream" Hyun Joong say
"that right, come on noona, call her" Hyung Joon shake Hwang Bo arm like a little kid
"araso...araso..., i dont believe this, you all are really something" Hwang Bo take her cell phone out from her bag, and dial Chae Rim number, after a while;
"hallo, Chae Rim, its me"
Chae Rim at the cross line " yes Hwang Bo unnie, you come to my place right?"
"yea, but i like to ask you something?"
"what unnie?"
"can i take the boys with me, they said like to made house warming party for you"
"the boys? Shinhwa boys?"
"no, double S boys"
"oh, oke, i'll prepare something then"
"you don't have too, we will do the preparation"


please leave me a comment, i'm still new here, and still learn made story in english, so maybe it a little boring, thank you

chapter 2

chapter 2

after dinner HB, HJ, YS, Kyu, and HJB sit at the living room and have little chat, while watching TV.
mean while CR made some drink at the kitchen, and JM follow her to the kitchen. since he have this big curiosity with everything. and this noona named Han Chae Rim that just HB introduce, get his curiosity, since HB look so close to her. but she never mention her, and this noona look like just pop up from some where. well maybe cos she's not a celebrity so she's out of the spot even she's HB close friend, and also close to Shin Aera, since her mother are Shin Aera friend. and most of all she's kind of some one that blunt, that make him more interesting to her.

JM; what will you made noona? (when he saw CR take out strawberries, orange juice, and soda drinks from the friege, and a bottle of liquor from the kitchen cabinet.)
CR; sunset summer sky
JM; what's that?
CR; one of my creation
JM; i see, so you like to mix everything?
CR; (blend the strawberries) i guess so
JM; let me help you ( he take the bottle soda from CR and open the cap)
here(hand over the bottle)
CR; thank you
JM; so, you made ice cream and not chocolate for your boyfriend on valentine? (this kine of thing always make him curious)
CR; i don't made ice cream or chocolate on valentine for my boyfriend
(the answer almost make his eyes pop out and drop his jaw, CR next words make him more shock)
CR; i can't make chocolate
JM; what?! chocolate is something that easy to made, how come you can't made it?
CR; maybe easy for others, but not for me
(mix the soda drinks with liquor)
JM; have you ever learn how to made it?
CR; do you think how can i say i can't made it if i never try it?
JM; (smirk) what you made for your boyfriend then?
CR; why you like to know? ( look to JM)
JM; i'm just curious
CR; i made card for my boyfriend
JM; just card?
CR; well not really, i give him something else, depend to my mood.
(CR take out 7 glasses from the kitchen set, then fill it with soda and liquor mix til half of the glasses)
JM; that so weird, i think boy like chocolate more than card
CR; (glare to JM) but you have to know made card have the same efforts with made chocolate
JM; no it not, made chocolate need more efforts
CR; unnie, this brother in-law is annoying (talk to HB a cross the kitchen)
HB; (lough) his not brother in-law, but mother in-law
CR; (look to JM) no wonder
(pour the strawberry juice then orange juice to the glasses that already fill with soda and liquor mix, make a combination ored and orange under clear soda and liquor mix. just like the color of summer sky on sunset.
CR; here try this (hand over a glass of the drinks that she made)
JM: (bland the drink, and drink it)
CR; you know actually, i don't made anything for my boyfriend, cos i broke up with him that day (say it with flat tone)
JM; (almost get choke) chinca?!! (rise both his eye brow)
CR; (node) yup. now here, take this to the living room.
(call HJB) Hyung Joon, come help me take the drinks
HJB; oke (walk to the kitchen)

they siting on the floor
HJB; aigo noona, this is taste good
Kyu; yeah, what this?
CR; thanks, it sunset summer sky, i created it.
HJB+Kyu; owh...

JM a bout to continue ask the question that still left on his curiosity mind, but YS cut it.

YS; wah..., this drawing is pretty, who draw this? (show the sketch book that he found from the table TV drawer
HB; that Chae Rim drawing
YS; chincha? (Kyu JM, and HJB move over to YS side to see the drawing)
KYU; Hyun Joong hyung like to draw too
CR; i know HB unnie already told me
HB; you all have to see how they talk a bout it, they like oald friend that so long not see each other, really surprise me
HJ; don't tell me you're jealous Hye Jung-ah
HB; no, why should i, i feel happy that you can get a long with my friend, i'm not you who jealous over nothing
HJ; who's get jealous over nothing?
HB; do you think i don't know what you do to Mickey?
HJ; what did i do to him?
HB; you take and hide all his magazine with my picture on it
HJ; no i'm not, i just borrow it
HB; yea right, then why you never return it?
HJ; well, that because i forget where i put it
HB; (lough) oh cinca! i never win over you
JM; why don't you marriage for sure
CR; yeah, and fight at your bed, not here in front of us
HJB; yeay!!! (do hi5 with CR)
HB; (full her head and laugh)
HJ; i like to make all of you jealous
(at that moment HJ cell phone ring, a call from they manager)
HJ; ( pick the pone up) yes hyung...
oh, Araso (hang up the pone) i think we should go back now, it's getting late (look to his watch)
Kyu: it is?
HJB; why the time past really fast? will you visit us next time noona?
YS; you promise, you will made that ice cream for us
HB; like usual' just let me know whwn all of you have free , and let see what can i do
HJB; oke then, thank you for the dinner, you are the best
Kyu; saranghe noona
HJ; hei, did i tell you that 'S' word only for me to say it
JM; (role his eyes) oh chincha (smile to HB and CR) thank you noona
YS; thank you noona
HJ; see you letter Hye Jung-ah, and you too chae Rim noona.

they leav HB place with happy face likealways


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