Kamis, 21 Januari 2010



When Double S entered the practice room, they look surprise when they see there is five people practice dance with the song “A Song Calling for U”, there are tree girls and two boys, and they stop practicing when they see Double S entered the room, they make a line and bow, and greet them.
“Annyeonghaseyo, sunbae-nim” they say almost at the same time
Double S looking to each other,
“Are they our new dancer?” Hyung Joon ask to all his hyung, but they just raised they shoulders, they have no clue either.
“No, they your hoobae” one of the staff enter the room followed by their Manager hyung
“They are DSP new family member ‘x-y’, let me introduce you all” their manager hyung says while introduce them to Double S.
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Yong Jae, twenty years old, I’m the leader, please take care of us sunbae” the boys who stand next to a girl on the right side bow
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Ean Sue, twenty first years old, I’m they older sister” the girl on the left side bow with smile
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Woo Bin, twenty years old, I’m the second brother” the boys who stand next to a girl name Ean Sue introduce him self with confidence
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Yi Soon, nineteen years old, I’m the center” the girl who stand on the right introduce her self with shy smile
“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m You Mie, I’m eighteen, I’m bebe the baby” the girl that stand on the center bow also with shy smile.
“Wow, so you the baby? I’m baby too” Hyung Joon shout all of sudden with smile ear to ear, since they enter the practice room his eyes already catch that cute girl who stand in the center, than he find out got name You Mie.
“I’m called Bebe, since I’m the youngest” You Mie nod shyly
“Ahh, chincharo? Me too” Hyung Joon eyes get widen, and smile that not leave his excited face
“Well, boy they will perform with you as an opening in yours next concert” they Manager hyung say
“They are DSP new group, we expecting that they can be the next big thing, since they are the first group with mixed member, so we hope that you all can be good sunbae, and give them your support” the staff from the office say
“And starting right now, you all will have segment for practicing the song and the dance together, so please I need your cooperation” they Manager hyung say later
“Wah, this is fun” Hyung Joon say while taking a glance to You Mei,
“Let’s do our best” kyu Jong says
“Please help us sunbae-nim” all the member of ‘x-y’ says at the same time while bowing
Double S member also bow
“Nice to meet you all hoobae” Jung Min say with big smirk
“It interesting to see a group with mixed member” Kyu Jong says
“Yes, we very excited, we really hope that we can succeed like Double S, sunbae” Yong Jae says
“If you work hard you will” Hyun Joong says
“So, a song that we will sing together is ‘ A Song Calling For You’ then” Yeong Saeng says, and the five of ‘x-y’ member nod
“Oke guys, we will leave you all here so you all can practice, your trainer will come soon, be good” the staff says, she and Double S manager hyung leave the practice room.

Double S and ‘x-y’ member sit in the circle, and talking about the audition that they take apart, and how they gathered as a group, and say they amazement of they sunbae, Double S.

Hyung Joon take a gaze at You Mei, he can’t take his gaze from that girl since the first time he saw her almost half and hour ago. They on the sort break after practicing the dance move. He sit next to her in purposed, well its not surprising if Hyung Joong able to get a long with new people that fast, his fun easy going personality make him can easily blend with anyone. And that girl You Mei, not just attract him, but really amaze him, she cute girl. She’s pretty, with clear skin, long dark brown long hair, slim body, and her dance ability that beyond average, and her voice, really good. She had all the quality for being an idol, well it doesn’t meant the other not, it just she attract him more than the other. Maybe it’s love at first sight?

“Well, I stay in Philipins since I was tree since my father was a Pinoy, and move here a bout four years ago after my father pass away cos of cancer, I’m following my mother since she’s a Korean, so yea, my hangul accent a little bit funny” You Mei say with thin shy smile
“I see, so you half Korean, half Philipins? Wah amazing” Hyung Joon says with widen eyes shows his excitement.
“Not really, I get scolded by other girls in school most of the time cos of it” You Mei says in amusement
“I think they just jealous cos you so pretty” Hyung Joon says with smile
“Gamsahamida, Hyung Joon sunbae” You Mei says shyly and little blushing
“So you the youngest among them?” Hyung joon ask
“Yes, that why they call me Bebe, and that also why I get scolded by them too” You Mei says while looking to other ‘x-y’ member
“Well me too, especially from that mal” Hyung Joon pointed to Jung Min, make You Mei chuckle
“Actually You and Jung Min sunbae are my favorite, cos I think you two are funny”
“Ah…chincha? But Jung Min is taken” why he have to say that? He just feel have to say it
“Taken?” You Mei frown her eye brow
“Yup, you know?” Hyung Joon role his eyes
“You meant Jung Min sunbae have a girlfriend?” You Mei ask carefully, and Hyung Joon nod without hesitant
“Chincha? Don’t idol not supposed to date?” You Mei says with low voice almost like a whisper, her face look startle, and excitement while glance to Jung Min that sit next to Hyung Joon
“That why we have to make it as a secret” Hyung Joon say also in same low tone voice
“Ya! You bucket mouth” Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head, and glare,
“Ouch!” Hyung Joon smirk while pat his head, meant while You Mei look startled with Jung Min reaction, but also feel tickle when she see Hyung Joon smirk
Jung Min take a gaze to You Mei
“So, what your name again?” Jung Min ask to You Mei with friendly smile,
“Please call me Bebe, that much easy to remember” You Mei says
“Alright then Bebe, do you have a boyfriend?” Jung Min ask all of sudden while gaze to Hyung Joon with mischievous smile, and make all the people there look at You Mei
“Huh?” You Mei startled with blushing face
“A boyfriend, do you have it?” Jung Min ask again,
“Why you ask her that?” Hyung Joon says while looking to Jung Min with glare
“Shut up you bucket mouth, I try to help you here” once again Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head
“Ouch, that hurts you mal!” Hyung Joon pout
“What do you meant by try to help me?” Hyung Joon pat his head
Jung Min didn’t answer, he just look at You Mei, with smile that intimidate, make You Mei feel awkward and shy.
“No, she don’t have it, she just broke up” Yi Soon says all of sudden make You Mei face turn red, and almost drop her jaw, she close her eyes, and didn’t dare looking at Jung Min and Hyung Joon cos of embarrassment
“Unnie…..” she glare to Yi Soon who’s grin, Jung Min smile widely, Hyung Joon smile ear to ear, and the rest just giggle.
“That’s great. Now give me your phone” once again Jung Min give You Mei intimidate smile, and make that poor girl startle again and confused
“Ya, Jung Min-ah why you want her phone” Hyung Joon glare to Jung Min again, but Jung Min just ignore him, and continue intimidate You Mei, and You Mei give him her phone in hesitant.
When Jung Min get her phone, he presses a phone number then save it, and then he press the call button, and then they heard a phone ring
“My phone” Hyung Joon says when he recognize the sound of his phone ring tone, he took it out from his bag, and frown cos the phone disconnected
“There, you better save it, and I also save his number for you, so now you two can communicated” Jung Min says while returning the phone to You Mei with smugly smile.

Jung Min realize that Hyung Joong intention most of the time to that cute girl, and he look hyper, talk nonsense, and when he heard he says about him has bean taken after You Mei said about him and Hyung Joon as her favorite, just like a clue, that his maknae got interest to the girl. And the idea to go strike to the point pop up from his head, well he just like that, strike to the point. And it work, like usual.

“Oke boys and girls, lets start practicing again” they trainer says while clapping his hand, and all Double S and ‘x-y’ member get up and prepare to continue they practice.

~Would you like to go for drink after this?, Baby~
Hyung Joon take aglance to You Mei after sending that text massage, and he smile ear to ear when he see You Mei smile shyly also take a glance at him, and he feel the buzz from his phone he take a look right away,
~Sure, Bebe~

And it all started for Hyung Joon- Baby and You Mei- Bebe.

“Man, I want to have a girlfriend too” Kyu Jong murmur while looking at Hyung Joon that look so happy talking with You Mei at the airport when Double S and ‘x-y’ headed to Japan for they concert
“Make a move, and less your shyness, act like man for god sake” Jung Min says while keep busy typing text massage
“Yea, you have bean stare at her quietly for almost a year, right?” Yeong Saeng says while pointing to a young girl that holding an agenda who’s stand not far from them with his chin
“What do you meant hyung?” Kyu Jong act blur
“C’mon, we all know you like her” Hyun Joong says elbowed Kyu Jong arm
“You think, we not notice it did you?” Hyung Joon says with playful smile
Kyu Jong smirk shyly, his face red, he startled like a little kid get caught stealing cookies. He never though that all his brothers notice it, that silently he had a crush to Eun Hye, they second assistant for almost a year.

Eun Hye work as they second assistant for two years, but before that she work as one of DSP staff, at first she just a replacement for they old second assistant, who is get marriage, but then she become they second assistant for good since they old second assistant get pregnant not long after she marriage. She’s a nice girl, very organize, and have a good memory, she’s sweet kind of girl. And Kyu Jong find out that she is click with him who shy, when they talk, when he share his dry joke, and her patient make Kyu Jong had more crush on her. But he and his shyness make him just keep it silent, he really less courage to ask her for a date. And so when Eun Hye has a boyfriend Kyu Jong really sad, but luckily the relationship ended after tree month cos of Double S thigh schedule, make Eun Hye and her boyfriend can’t communicate that well so they broke up. And no one that feel happy than Kyu Jong, but he still less courage to ask her out, till its almost a year and so.
“Go, or you will lose her again” Jung Min push Kyu Jong

Kyu Jong take a step, he rubs his face.
“Eun Hye, will you out for eat ramen with me?” Kyu Jong ask with shaken knee
“You like ramen for dinner? I’ll tell Manager-nim so he can inform the Japanis staff to prepare it for all of you” Eun Hye say while try to call the manager, but Kyu Jong stop her
“I meant, just the two of us” Kyu Jong ask hesitantly
“What do you meant Kyu Jong-shi?” Eun Hye ask
“I’m asking you for a date” Kyu Jong says shyly, Eun Hye blink her eyes, then give Kyu Jong Thin smile
“So?” Kyu Jong cover her mouth with both off his hand
“Araso, all tell you if we have time” Eun Hye says with also shy smile
Kyu Jong smile raised widely

And for Yeong Saeng just say that he already have it, a girl named Tracy,


Chap 15 (The Final)

Chapter 15

Chae Rim give warm smile when she saw the man that standing in front of her door with a bunch of daisy her favorite flower, but the man just frown his eyebrow.
“Aigoo, what this? Where is your chubby cheek?” he says while looking at her without blinking.
“Are you loosing weight? Did I tell you that I love your chubby cheek?” he says again while entering Chae Rim apartment
“Oppa…” Chae Rim pout with cute gaze
“Are you missed me that much, till you lost your weight?” he grin
“I am miss you, but I’m not loose weight, I’m just get older” Chae Rim say while follow him to the living room
“Chincha? Let me look at you?” he look at her closely
“Yea, I think so, I see wrinkle here and there” he say while pointing part of her face
“Oppa…” Chae Rim hit his arm, and he giggle saw Chae Rim whined cutely annoyed by his joke
“Hey, are you crying?” he ask suspiciously while looking at her eyes
“No, it just some thing get to my eyes” she smile and rubs her eyes, try not to make him more suspicious, she doesn’t want him to know what she feel inside her heart.
“Here, your favorite, congratulation, finally you have your own shoes line, I’m proud of you” he give her the flower, and she except it with big smile
“Thank you oppa”
“Now, can you made me ginger tea? I missed that a lots” He smirk
“Oke, take a sit, it wont take long” Chae Rim walk to the kitchen with the flower

He sit on the sofa comfortably, he look around the living room, the atmosphere are new, since it her new place, but he still can feel the cozy, the comfortable that he still remember, the comfortable that he misses for almost over than two years as long he served the army, and most of all her presence that he missed.
He frown his forehead when his eyes catch a picture on her laptop, he get up and walk forward to her working table to get better look, it her picture with a man, a man that kind of familiar. He played the video from the start, and he saw other picture of her and that guy, a young guy, his dongsaeng from the world of idol. The picture show how intimate they are, there are a hurts feeling inside him, a small piece of jealousy, that still left from the past, even tho this time they more close, more comfortable to one another as a brother and sister, but he still can’t deny that manly jealousy when he saw that picture.
Eric stop the video, he sigh, he did not expect this, he expect something sweet for his yearning. And at that time he accidentally open the email, he sigh when he read the email,
“I know it” he murmur, and then walk to the kitchen, he just realized, that he saw her eyes look a little red, as well with her nose.

“Are you crying?” he ask gently while round his hand over Chae Rim shoulder that boiled some water with tea and ginger
“Did I told you, no?” she answer shortly without looking
“Tell me” he turned her body so now they face to face
“Is he the one who make you cried?” Eric look at Chae Rim right in the eyes
“He who?” Chae Rim act blur, she just realize that she forgot to close his email, and the video that he made.
“The idol that on the picture with you”
Chae Rim lower her face, she close her eyes, and sigh. She didn’t answer, she just turn her face back to the tea that she making. and for him that was the answer.
“Is he?” Eric ask again, Chae Rim can sense a jealousy on his voice tone,
“What make you think that he the one who make me cry?” Chae Rim ask Eric back while turn off the stove and replace the tea from the pot to the glasses clear tea pot
“I don’t know, I just feel it, that he’s the one behind your tears” he raised his shoulder with smirk
“It’s me oppa, I cry b’cos of my self” Chae Rim sigh and served the tea to Eric. They sit at small dinning table next the kitchen.
“You know oppa, that I always think that idol not made for me, I always do” Chae Rim say in amusement
“They to complicated for me, to many rules, to many antis fans, to much pressure, I hate it” Eric listening patiently, she say it all the reason that he have listen once in a years ago, the reason that she use to broke up with him. Well maybe it can’t say broke up cos broke up for a couple, and they just do short of date.
“And him? He just such an annoying dongsaeng, bugging me over an ice cream mix, sending me weird text message, give me surprise visit, make me feel sympathy with the same old idol story, and amaze me at the same time with his confidence, warm, friendly smile. When I saw so many young idol look shy and try to look cute this days, but he not, he just so confidence. Da*mn, why he has to be so confidence, make me lost my sight at him as a dongsaeng, and his smile…...” tears start falling from the corner of her eyes.
“I try to ignore it, I try to avoid it, but my heart won’t compromise. I think every thing will be oke, as long he doesn’t know about what I feel to him. Then he come, telling me, convince me that he love me. And I feel this fear, I try to deny it, cos I’m still try to hold on to my believe that an idol not made for me, they to complicated for my comfortable life, but my heart keep betrayal me, I cant take him out of my mind, na oetoeke hajyo, Eric oppa?” Char Rim wipe her tears.
Eric get up from his sit, then he take Chae Rim to his embrace.
“Ireon babo, you stupid girl” Eric pat Chae Rim hair, he enjoy that moment, when he can held her in his embrace, sense her scent, even just as a brother, he still thankful cos he still can feel it that his presence still special for her. He wipe her last tears, and smile warmly,
“Did Hwang Bo know about this? Cos that guy were Hyun Joong member right?” Erick ask carefully.
“Yup” Chae Rim nod
“For how long both of you have bean date” he really need to ask this for his little pieces of jealousy
“Well, we not officially date yet, cos I ask him to give me time to convince my self” Chae Rim still lower her face, she doesn’t dare to look to Eric eyes.
“So you in the same ship as Hwang Bo, huh? Hooked up with young idol?” Eric chuckle
“Aish oppa, you think it funny, huh?” Chae Rim glare
“Chincha oppa, utgida sileo. It’s not funny, I’m confused” Chae Rim pout
“Araso, araso, you not confused when you make a decisions to rejected me, and now you confused. Lucky him” Eric sit next to Chae Rim
“Are you jealous, oppa?” Chae Rim gaze
“If I say yes, what will you do?” Eric give a thin smile
“Mianhae oppa” Chae Rim says softly
“Mian piryoeopsseumnida, don’t fell sorry, I like the way we are now” he smile widely, make Chae Rim feel more calm
“So, what will you do? It look like he really love you, and still waiting for you” Eric says
“If you really have the same feeling as him, give him a chance then, he look like really a nice guy, beside idol not different with any other human, we just lucky have an opportunity to be some one famous for what we do”
“You know, Rim-ah? I believe you able to handle everything, cos you are strong girl, look, you live here by your self, and you doing it really well, I’m proud of you, and him? He will feel the same too. So if you love him, give him a chance. Beside, without you realize it, actually you are part of the idol world since you have bean friend with them, being friend with most famous Korean idol group ever ‘SHINHWA’” Eric grin
“Oh my god oppa, you are so right” Chae Rim make a face, and they laugh together
“Now, feeling better?” Eric ask with warm smile, Chae Rim nod
“Good, now go change, cos the others wait for us” Eric pat Chae Rim shoulder
“Where?” Chae Rim ask
“Don’t ask, just do what I say” Eric grin
Chae Rim not ask anymore, and do what Eric ask her to.

At other part

Jung Min about to out from his car, but then he take his step back when he saw Eric out from the building and followed by Chae Rim. He feel breathless when he saw Chae Rim gaze with a smile when Eric open the car door for her. Suddenly he feel his face heated like its burning, he lump his palm really hard, his jaw tighten, he feel an anger inside his head, inside his heart. He turn on the engine, and step the gas, he ride his car not far from Eric car, he follow them.
His mind running here and there when he saw Eric and Chae Rim enter one of five star hotel, but he still try to hold his self not to step on them, he have to make sure what will they do, he follow them to the hotel.
They not stop at the receptionist, but head to the elevator, da*mn now how he find out which room they stay. He looked at the receptionist, he can ask them, but then again that can be stupid idea, he snort in anger.
Why he have to appear? What is he doing with her? What are they doing in the hotel?
He closed his eyes, once again his mind run here and there. At the time he feel the buzz from his phone, he look at the caller id, it Hyun Joong.
“Yes, hyung” Jung Min try to talk in calm tone
“I just remind you that we have to practice in fifteen minute” Hyun Joong say from the cross line
“Araso” then he hang up the phone, he take deep breath and blow it hard, he step out from the hotel, back to his car. He take a look to the hotel one more time before he leave.

Did she say that they just like brother and sister, but why they come to hotel? What did they do? Its out of the clue, and he so pissed off cos not able to know why. Da*mn, he curse.
he take a look the hotel one more time before he leave

At other part

Jung min smile widely when he saw Hwang Bo, but then it turn in to cold stare when he see a girl behind her back. The girl warm smile change in to disappointment gaze when she get his reaction, she sigh, and enter Double S dorm in hesitant step.

Jung Min coldness toward Chae Rim make the atmosphere at the dinning table a little beat awkward. And no one know why Jung Min so cold toward Chae Rim, when they see her earlier they though Jung Min will be happy, cos finally he able to see the girl that he bean longing for more than two month. And that cold and ignoring behavior is so not him.

“Chae Rim-ah, don’t you have something to given to Jung Min?” Hwang Bo says try to break the ice between them
“Oh, that right” Chae Rim answer awkwardly, and took out the paper bag that she brought from under the table, but before Chae Rim says anything, Jung Min drag her to his room, and lock it from inside. He no longer able to hold his anger.
“Ya! Tell me, what am I for you, huh? And that night? Is that just one night stand for you?” Jung Min burst out his anger that has bean hold for almost tree night and two days
“What are you talking about? And please lower your voice, they can hear you” Chae Rim says startled with Jung Min anger, she put her hand on chest, Jung Min look scary
“I don’t care, let them hear it” Jung Min sited Chae Rim on his bed
“Tell me, what are you doing with him in the hotel?” Jung Min ask again still in angry tone
“Him who?” Chae Rim ask confused
“So that it, you ask for time to think, cos his back now, and you need time to consider to back with him again or not? What am I for you? A boy toy?”
“What?!!” Chae Rim stand up
“How low is your mind, I come her to give you this, and tell you that I want to be with you, b’cos I love you, I miss you!” Chae Rim shout in tremble voice, tears start falling from the corner of her eyes, and pushed the paper bag that she bring to Jung Min chest, and make him startled,
“And if him that you mention is Eric oppa, let me tell you something, that night he take me to the LOUNGE at the second floor of the HOTEL, to gather with Andy oppa, Min Woo oppa, and Solby, to congratulate me cos finally I can have MY OWN LINE, something that I’m about to tell you too! There, i hope you satisfied” Chae Rim cover her face with both of her hands, she cry more hard
Jung Min took out the box from the paper bag, and open it, he saw dark brown lather shoes, there also a small card with the same picture with the first card, but the balloon colored red and not yellow.
*Mr. sexy-charisma, I miss you*
Guilt attacking Jung Min right away, he look at Chae Rim with regret eyes, he feel so stupid, how come he shout that hard to the woman he love?
Jung Min put the shoes on the bed, then take Chae Rim to his embrace, then kiss her hair
“Mianhae little noona, I’m so sorry” Jung Min hold Chae Rim tight then loosen up, he sit at the age of his bed, and sited her on his lap, wipe her tears,
“I’m sorry, I’m just jealous guy, and desperately missed you” Jung Min round Chae Rim hands on his neck, his voice was gentle, and he look at her with full of regret eyes,
“That night I’m about to see you, cos I miss you so much, but then I saw you and him out, and I follow you, I’m so mad when I saw you entered the hotel and lost you, and I lost my mind” Jung Min lay his head at Chae Rim shoulder, he explain his anger. Jung Min take a look to Chae Rim and smile, her eyes was red and swallowed but the way she look at him like a puppy, and Jung Min found it cute, he wipe the last drop of her tears.
“Sorry, I’m make you scared and cry, but you really make me frustrated” Jung Min says while flatter Chae Rim cheeks and kiss it for a glance softly,
“So, they choose your design?” Jung Min ask with excitement, Chae Rim just nod, still not able answer his question properly, she still in shock.
“I’m so proud of you! We have to celebrate it, I know you will make it” Jung Min pinch Chae Rim nose
“I design that shoes too, my first man shoes design, and it’s for you” Chae Rim says with husky voice,
“Chincha?” Jung Min eyes widen cos of excitement
“mhmm, if you look carefully you will see a horse mark on one of the side, and I want you the first who have it” Chae Rim explain
“Thank you, I wont make you cry again, I promise, even tho you doesn’t want me to, I will still do it, promise not to make you cry again” Jung Min smile sincerely
“Am I forgiven?” Jung Min give her regret look again, and Chae Rim nod like a little child.
“So, you really want to be with me? To be my girl?” Jung Min ask another questions along with bid satisfied smile, and again Chae Rim answered it with nod,
“So that meant we are official now?” Jung Min asked another question with grin, Chae Rim nod again.
“You should thanks Eric oppa, cos he the one who incourage me to give you the chance, and Hwang Bo unnie too” Chae Rim pout
“And don’t jealous over him, his your brother in-law” Chae Rim give cute gaze
“Araso….araso” Jung Min give Chae Rim a glance of kiss this time on her lips
“Now, let eat, I’m hungry” Jung Min says
“Do you think they left the food for us?” Chae Rim ask
“They will, trust me they not even eat it yet” Jung Min answer half whispered with smirk

At another part out of the door

Every one just looking to each other when saw Jung Min drag Chae Rim to his room, when day heard the door closed, without any command, they took a step to Jung Min room door, and start putting they ears on it. They looked to each other when they heard Jung Min first shout.
“One night stand?” Hyung Joon murmur while looking to Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo who stand side by side next to him, make Hwang Bo blush, and Yeong Saeng smack his head,
“ouch” Hyung Joon grown without sound and gaze to Yeong Saeng, and Yeong Saeng give him sharp glare.
“Hotel?” Kyu Jong whispering while looking to the others
“Who is him?” Hyung Joon whispering also while looking to the others, but no one answered it they just looking to each other, now they find out the reason behind Jung Min unusual behavior.
“She back with who?” this time Hyun Joong who whispering while looking to Hwang Bo, when Jung Min shout for the third time, but Hwang Bo just raised her shoulder, she out of the clue either.
They all make a face when they heard what Chae Rim says, and once again Hyung Joon ask, this time he look to Hwang Bo directly,
“What did she give?”
“Shoes” Hwang Bo answer it almost without sound
“She designed it” Hwang Bo continue her answer
“Ahh….” Hyung Joon mouth open widely and nod his head a couple of time, and put back his ear on the door, and they heard Chae Rim cry, they expression change in to concern, they never though that Jealous Jung Min more scary than usual.
And they heard Chae Rim mentioning Eric name, they frowned, and when Chae Rim finish her words they face turn to disbelieve and all the four man look at Hwang Bo with questioning look, than change in to amaze look, when Hwang Bo nod answering they questions look, and frown again when they heard the sound of Chae Rim crying.
They were like little child who’s curious with the secret behind the door of the witch house, like in the children movie. So childish, but they enjoy it. They continue sneak ears, they breath in relieve when they heard Jung Min voice calmer, and apologize to Chae Rim, and they wry every time they heard Jung Min mushy words, but except for Yeong Saeng, he look so interested, well maybe he need it to add to his list, he is the love guru anyway.

“How do you know they not eat it yet?” Chae Rim ask in confused
Jung Min put his ear on the door, then make a sign with his finger to Chae Rim to do the same, and Chae Rim follow him, she put her ears on the door. Then Jung Min un lock the key hardly, and then they heard steps in a rush a way from the door. Jung Min smirk to Chae Rim,
Chae Rim take of her ear, her eyes widen, she almost drop her jaw.
“Omo, they heard all that we talk about? Naoetoeke? How do I face them, I’m so embarrassed” Chae Rim pout almost cry
“Why you have to feel embarrassed? Just pretend that you don’t know that they know” Jung Min look at Chae Rim with convincing eyes
“How do I do that, I already know that they know?” Chae Rim ask again
“Dis I told you to pretend that you don’t know that they know? C’mon, before they really eat all the food” once again Jung Min drag Chae Rim, but this time out from the room and head to the dinning room.
Chae Rim nervous

When they heard the sound of un lock door, they take fast step back to the dinning room, and start eating the food that they prepare before, and act blur when they see Jung Min and Chae Rim enter the dinning room, and join them in happy moods,

“See? What I told you?” Jung Min whisper to Chae Rim, and gaze to him shyly
“It’s look like everything doing well between you two” Hyun Joong says while put some rice to his mouth
“It is, we are a couple now” Jung Min says while embrace Chae Rim, make her shy, and the others turn in to hyper, they shout and clapping they hands

And Jung Min really like to show off,
“Stop it will you, she can eat by her self” Hwang Bo says when she see Jung Min feed Chae Rim again, and again.
“You just jealous, why don’t you just ask your boyfriend here to feed you” Jung Min roll his eyes, Hwang Bo chuckle in embarrassment,
“I’m not feeding, but feed” Hyun Joong Says flatly make Hwang Bo laugh, Chae Rim chuckle and almost get choke, Jung Min wry, and the rest just smile.

At other part

“Chincha Chae Rim-ah, that ring, I saw it before” Tae Hee says while looking to the ring on Chae Rim left ring finger. Chae Rim just smile.
“So, you have a boyfriend now? Maybe we should go out together for double date, I want to see him, is he that weird songsaeng?” Tae Hee says again with grin, Chae Rim smile mysteriously

Chae Rim looking at the celtic design cartier silver ring, that round at her finger. She smile proudly, Jung Min give it to her tree months a go, a month after they officially become a couple, his wide ear to ear smile keep rolling on her mind every time she see that ring.
They just finish dinner, celebration dinner for her succeed have her own shoesline, and for they one month celebration as a couple. Chae Rim sit on the floor, and Jung Min lar down, with his head lay on her lap, he really like to do that.
“I have something for you” he said while took out a little silver box from his pocket, and open it. Chae Rim heart pounding when he saw the silver ring on it, she lost her words, she never had couple ring.
“It’s a couple ring, look I’m wearing it” he show his left hand ring finger.
He took out the ring from the box, and put it on Chae Rim left hand ring finger, and then hold her hand on his chest,
“Thank you for the chance that you given to me, and I’m sorry, b’cos maybe I can’t give you proper date, just like the other man do. I can’t treat you like the other girl, where they can walk out on the street holding they boyfriend hands, show off to the world, mean while you have to keep it as a secret. And the fact that we have so little time to be able together, but if I had the chance to give all dream date that you have, I will be very happy to do it” Jung Min look at her dearly.
Chae Rim tears start falling from the corner of her eyes. She made the right decisions that night. When she call Hwang Bo and ask her favor to help her to see him, to told him, that she want to give him a chance, give her self a chance, give them self a chance to walk down the road together, take all the chance, and face all the risk.
She kiss him softly, she fell lucky to have him, and thankful, cos she know, even the road that they have to take wont easy, even tho he will not always be there for her, she know, he won’t leave her.
“Aww…I make you cry again” he get up and sit in front of her, wipe her tears, and cup her face,
“I’m sorry, I’m just to happy, thank you” she said while try to hold her tears
He smile and give her a kiss

Chae Rim amusement awaken, by Rossi voice,
“Every one, can I have your intentions please”
The office become noise when all the staff from the design department see the people behind Rossi, Tae Hee eyes almost pop out, and her jaw almost drop, and Chae Rim look startle, she look surprise. Rossi introduce them after the situations calm.
“People I like to introduce you all to our new image for the man collections, they are one of Korean best idol group, SS501” then Rossi a lowed them to introduce them self,
“This is design department, there are five designer here, and I believe one of you already know her, this is Han Chae Rim one of our best designer, and next year she will work for her own female shoe line, but still under our company” Cahe Rim bow. And greet them after Rossi introduce her. She saw Jung Min smile widely, he look so excited, look so satisfied cos manage to surprise her. He didn’t say anything last night when they chat in msn, he says that they return being canceled.
Jung Min smile playfully when he saw Chae Rim gaze.
“Oke people, thank you for your time, now back to work” Rossi sys after finish introduce all the staff, and lead Double S out from the office, and leave the noise from the female staff, specially they die hard fans Tae Hee.
“Now, I remember, your ring look like Park Jung Min ring!” she shout while looking to the ring, then she pause, and looking at Chae Rim wit suspicious look,
“He not your boyfriend right?” and at that moment Chae Rim feel the buzz from her pocket, a new message, from him. Chae Rim ignoring Tae Hee, she just type her replay.
~What’s your plan for the night?~
~Watching P.S I love you again~
~Do you like some popcorn?~
~I’m not in the mood for popcorn~
~How about soda?~
~I drink a cane of cold beer when I’m watching movie~
~I have wine~
~ Wine sound good~
~Don’t start without me then, and I miss you~
Chae Rim smile when reading his message, and then look at Tae Hee, that still bugging her with the questions,
“You not date Park Jung Min, right?”
“Park Jung Min?” Chae Rim look at Tae Hee plainly, Tae Hee pause again while looking at Chae Rim, and studying her face. Then she said
“Mhmm, nah, I think you not” Tae Hee shook her head and wry
*Yes, I’m his girlfriend*
Chae Rim says in her mind, she grin to Tae Hee.


Chap 14

Chapter 14

The door opened slightly, he walk in, and there she is, she take one step back and lower her face, try avoid his eyes. He drop his bag down, close the door using his feet, and take a step toward her. His heart pounding.
She brave her self to look at him, her heart pounding as he closer to her, she feel the fear, but when she saw his eyes, it seam all her fear ease a way. And when his hand cup her face, and his lips start to kiss her, she give up, she not have the courage yet, but she wont reject it any more. She let her heart win over her rational mind, she try to deny, but she can’t lie, she want him, she will made all the excuse to justify all that she do tonight. She will give all her body and soul.
He cup her face and start kissing her, he will show her how desperately he wanting her, he will persuade her, and let her see and feel all his feelings, that he want her to be his.
“I miss you….” He whisper in between his kiss
He take his hand down to her breast, and kiss her more passionately, she gasp, and round her hand on his neck, he lifted her from the floor, and she round her foot on his waist, she cup her face and kiss him back in same passion as his.
“I miss you…” she whisper on his ear in desperate
He carried her to the bedroom without stop kissing her, he lay her on the bed and start took off his t-shirt, then kiss her again, he took off her tanktop, her bra, and see her fully breast, and start kissing it, once again she gasp, feeling the desire in every his passionate touch.
He took off his shoes using his feet, while keep kissing her, he lay on the top of her body, embrace her, then he rolled her over, so now she who’s on the top of his body, she help him open his pants, he full her back to his embrace, when he already unclothe, he kissing her again. Roll over again, and now his turn who took off her sports pants. Her naked body looked so pure. He let his hands discover every inch of her body, and feel her soft velvet skin. He embraced her again, kissing her lips, her neck, and once again her breast, she moan. And that moan fired up his manly side more deep.
He kissed her lips again, he touched her breast again, then lower to her belly, and then to in between her thigh, she moan even harder.
He lay on the top of her body and dismiss the essence of all desire and bring them to absolute joy in the unity of two human flesh in one soul in one reason called ‘love’, he push deep in to her, he push again, more deep, and hard, but also careful. He moves gently, he doesn’t want to hurt her, he want to cherish her.
She feel his body heat on her, and his desire flow all over her body, transfer the pleasure, the joy that she never felt. She held him, her fingers touching his barely back skin, as she feel him more deep in to her, she moan, he moan.
And there they are, fall in to lusty desire. Set each other free from they yearning, and fulfill the willing to be together, in the need to show and prove the love inside they heart, trough they touch, they kiss, trough seductive gentle whisper of ‘I miss you’ and prove how that words can be more powerful than ‘I love you’. And they reach the top of the pleasure together, it released, it fulfilled, it proved. And now they fall in exhaustion, but there was satisfaction on they bright eyes, on they blushing cheek, and thin smile on they face.
Jung Min lay down next to barely Chae Rim body. He reach the comforter and cover their naked body, he full her to his arm, he kiss her forehead.

Jung Min finger touching every inch of her oval face, he touch her nose, then down to her lips, he touch it, then he take a glance of kiss.
“Saranghe” he say gently while look at her in the eyes, finally he say it. And he feel a relieve. But Chae Rim just give a thin smile hear it, then lower her face, she bit her lips.
“What wrong?” Jung Min ask saw Chae Rim reactions
Chae Rim just sigh. She already give him all her body and soul, but again, she feel the fear, so many thing that she have to face. Is she ready to face it? is she brave enough? And him, his an idol, her present maybe can cause him trouble, and his present can give a hard time to her comfortable life, and that remind her to the hard time that Hwang Bo have to face.
“Am I can be as strong as Hwang Bo unnie?” she ask to her self on her mind.
“What are you thinking about?” Jung Min ask with gently look, Chae Rim just smile
“I can understand if there are still so many things bother you, even scare you, I know. But let me tell you, and please trust me. I will protect you, I will not let anyone harm you, I promise” Jung Min try to convince Chae Rim
“Don’t make any promise, it didn’t meant that I don’t trust you, but don’t make any promises, don’t burden your self with a promise” tears start falling from her eyes
“I’ll prove it to you, you’ll see” Jung Min wipe Chae Rim tears, and embrace her, kissing her hair. “You are mine now, I won’t let any one take you from me, I won’t let any one harm you, I’ll take care of you”

Chae Rim staring at sleeping Jung Min, he sleeping like a baby. Her tears falling slowly over her cheek, she feel hurts in side her heart. Cos she love him, and she already give him all, but she still not sure yet if she able to walk side by side with him, face all the hard time who’s that right in front of they eyes, is she will except him and all the consequence that they have to face. Or just keep all the love she had inside her heart, and loose him, that maybe will be a decision that she will regret. And all the desire that she had feel tonight will be the first and the last, that she will keep as beautiful memory for the rest of her life.
“oetteoke?” she whisper in her mind, her tears start to falling down, she take a deep breath, she try not to cry, but she not able to hold her tears,
“Saranghe….” she whispered with tremble voice, she wipe her tears, then get up from the bed, its 5 in the morning, she not able to close her eyes, so many thing in her head. She walk to the bathroom and take a shower.

She sit with folded knee on the sofa, looking out of her window, down to the street, the dawn is breaking, the sun sneaking out trough the dark cloud that fade little by little as along with morning time of early summer. She sigh, then get up from her sit and walk to the kitchen, she look for a glance at her door way, she saw Jung Min bag, she just realize that last night Jung Min drop his bag there. She pick it up, then took it to her bedroom, she saw Jung Min still a sleep half naked under the comforter. She also pick the cloth that scattered on the floor. Once again she stares to that peaceful sleeping face. She sigh.

Chae Rim prepare a breakfast. After she had her breakfast, and prepared Jung Min breakfast, she change to her working cloth, then sit on her working table, and write notes.

At Other Part

Hwang Bo just get up from her sleep when she hear her door bell rang, she wonder who is coming in this early morning. She still feeling sleepy, she get the bed almost at 3 in the morning, that after she have to convince him that he have to back at his own house for his own good, or they will be in trouble if someone saw him out from her place in the morning, and that mean dead sentence for them.
Hwang Bo frown her brow when she saw Chae Rim on the intercom screen. She open the door, and she saw Chae Rim stand, she bite her lips, and her eyes seam ready to cry.
“Chae Rim –ah something happen?” she ask with concern, but Chae Rim didn’t answer, she just rush in and hold her, make her more confused.
“ Na eottokoe hajyo, unnie? What should I do? I fall over him”
Hwang Bo loose her, and look her in the eyes,
“Calm down, we better talk while sitting”
Hwang Bo closed the door, take a glass of water from the kitchen. Then she sit in front of Chae Rim who’s still in tears, she give the water to Chae Rim,
“Now, tell me what happen?” Hwang Bo say softly as a big sister talk to her confused little sister, after Chae Rim take a gulp of the water.
Chae Rim take a deep breath, and wipe her tears
“I give him all unnie, last night I give him all, I’m not deny him, I’m not rejected him, cos I realize it, when I saw him in front of my door, I realize it, that I misses him. I think you, and Hyun Joong was right unnie, that we fall to each other, what we feel are not a dongsaeng and noona, in fact that we never act as one”
Hwang Bo chuckle when she find out what the problem, then she pat Chae Rim hand “You silly girl, don’t forget you 26 for god’s sake, why you crying? Don’t you suppose to be happy? You the one who told me that love is not a sin, and age are just a number, you two just two years parted, look at me and Hyun Joong, we six years parted”
“I know unnie, but there is still so many thing that I’m fear off” Chae Rim sigh
“His not an ordinary man, but an idol, one of Double S, that why I keep denying my felling of him, you know me well unnie. And you may say that I’m selfish, but I love my comfortable life. I don’t know if I’m that strong enough, like you” Chae Rim wipe her tears, then she told Hwang Bo what happen last night.
Hwang Bo smile warmly ”I understand your fear, but didn’t you told me once, that I have to fight for my happiness, to fight for Hyun Joong cos he’s one of my happiness, b’cos I love him and he love me too. Don’t you just tell me that you love him too?”
Chae Rim nod “I do, but I think I need more time to convince my self unnie”
“Give him a chance will you? Give your self a chance. You just made a big step there, when you did it with him. You can not disregard it just like that, cos it will just hurting both of you, so have you told him that you need more time?” Hwang Bo really like when they talk like sisters, and she really do understand what Chae Rim felt, cos she had feel it too when the first time she find out that she fall for real with her make-believe husband Double S leader Kim Hyun Joong, and when Hyun Joong ask her to be his girlfriend. And she thankful cos she make a right decision, that give Hyung Joon a chance to prove him self that he can be the right man for her, and she decide to fight for her happiness. And Chae Rim was one of her friend that support her. When she ask to keep it as a secret, she really prove her self that she is a good secret keeper, and not a story teller, she’s one of ordinary friend that really close to her, well she’s like a little sister to her.
Chae Rim nod, her mind flashback to the note that she write, yea, she not able to say it directly to Jung Min, cos everything will be to too difficult for her, meanwhile she really need more time.
“Now I have to take a shower, and make my self ready for shooting IG, and you, don’t you suppose to be go to work too?” Hwang Bo smile and pat Chae Rim hair.
“I think I will take a day off today, can I stay here unnie?” Chae Rim folded her knee
“Sure, I think it’s our karma to end up with an idol” Hwang Bo say while walking to her bedroom,
Chae Rim snort “I guess so, since we reject them in our life” Hwang Bo laugh hear it. She lay her self on the sofa, after I hard sigh, she close her eyes, and for a moment later she fall a sleep.

At other part

Jung Mi hear the buzz from her cell phone along with the ringtone of his solo song ‘If You Can Not’ he full the comforter, cover him self, and pretend not hear it, but it repeatedly. His hand crawl from under the comforter and grope the bed side drawer looking for his phone, he grab it, and he feel there was a paper tuck on it, he get up while picking up the call, its from his Manager hyung. He try to open his eyes, he rub his eyes with his hand, then he realize that he half naked. He frow his eye brow try to remember what has happen. But his Manager hyung voice delay it.
“Ya! Where are you? Your omma says that you not back home last night?”
“Sorry hyung, last night I pass by at my friend house, and I thing I fall a sleep at her place” He look at to the note and smile, now he really can remember what has happen, and where he is.
“What? You sleep over at a girl place”
“Ani hyung, I meant his place” Jung Min correcting quickly
“You better make your self ready, remember you have to shoot MV, meet me at the office, and hurry!” he took the phone away from his ear when he hear his Manager hyung shout at him again
“Araso hyung” he closed the phone, and read the message again,
*Happy morning, first take a shower, I already prepare clean towel and new toothbrush in the bathroom, sorry I can’t wait till you up, I have to go to work ^ ^*
Jung Min smile ear to ear read that note, he backtrack again his memory to last night. He lay him self again on her side, and he can smell her scent, and he miss her already. He look at the ceiling, then get up and look a round the room, the room so neat, he snort while smiling when he saw the shelf full with manga, well she is look like some one he know. He saw his cloth folded next to his bag on the small table next to make up table.
He want to stay as long as possible, but his Manager hyung shout buzz on his head, force him to get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.
When he finish his shower, he take clean under wear and t-shirt from his bag, it just his habit always took spear clean under wear and cloth in side his beg where ever he go. He see there another note tucked on his last night t-shirt.
*now, if you finish dressed, I prepared breakfast for you, bon afettiet ^ ^*
He put the dirty t-shirt to his bag and wear his jeans again, have no choice he not bring clean pants.
Then his eyes catch a picture of Chae Rim, with Hwang Bo, Jun Jin, and Erick in silver frame
“She’s mine” Jung Min smirk while looking to Eric on the picture, then he look to the bed that he already tidy up, and take the picture of it. He need to documented all. Last night was the most important moment for him, he finally can proved that his a man, a real man, not to the girl he love, but also to him self, and if he can tell, he also prove it to the whole universe.
“bed of love” he murmur he wont forget the night that he spend there, he will remember it for the rest of his life

He walk out from her room, and walk to the kitchen. He open the food veil, he saw a bowl of rice, a soup, egg roll, and ham. There also another not tucked on the yellow envelope.
*Read this after finish your breakfast, and no sneak peep, araso!*
Jung Min grin, then he eat his breakfast happily.
“What a perfect life” he say to him self

At Other part

“Chae Rim-ah, are you have your breakfast?” Hwang Bo say over her room, but there is no answer, she walk out from her room, and smile when she see Chae Rim sleeping on her sofa. He walk back to her room and back again with a comforter, and covered it to sleeping Chae Rim.
Hwang Bo look at Chae Rim with cares, she really understand with what she feel, and not blame her if she still need time to think, to convince her self. For ordinary girl dating an idol are to hard, to many pressure. Her mind back to the time when Chae Rim date with Eric, that was a short date, and she find out that they were date after it was over.

“So it’s over?” Hwang Bo repeat Chae Rim words
“Yup, to much pressure, unnie, I think I’m just being carried a way by my amazement of Eric oppa” Chae Rim say with thin smile
“I think, it the best decision unnie, just be friend, be like a brother and sister” she say again
“When you end it?” Hwang Bo ask
“Last night” she answer shortly
“You two broke up on valentine night? That hard” Hwang Bo made a face
“Well not really, in fact we doing well, more relax, more fun” Chae Rim smile
Chae Rim nod without hesitant
“If that way, good then”
“Yup, I think idol not made for me” Chae Rim roll her eyes
Hwang Bo laugh hear what Chae Rim say that day

And now, its seam destiny take Chae Rim step back to the idol, so hard she try to avoid it. And this time look like she can resist it.
“I think this is our karma, we try to avoid, but look, we end with one of them” Hwang Bo snort

At Other Part

The four other Double S stare to Jung Min when they see him enter the meeting room, with sulking face, they look to each other. They ask to each other using body language. Finally Hyun Joong, as the older, the leader, spoke up.
“Whats wrong with you?” He ask
“Nothing” Jung Min answer flatly
“Then what with that sulking face?” Hyun Joong ask again
“This is my face, I can do what ever I want” Jung Min make cynical fake smile
“Ya, Jung Min-ah what wrong with you?” Kyu Jong ask with glare
“I’m not in the mood to answer any question” Jung Min sit on one of the chair
At that moment they Manager hyung entering the room
“Oke boys, you all here, lets go, we have to go to the studio, the director just call me” they Manager hyung say while clap his hands.

When they reach the studio for shoot they MV, they head to the dressing room and change they out fit with the costume that already prepared by they stylish, and then they make up artist and hair stylish do they job.

Hyun Joong drag Jung Min to the mans room, after he and the rest of Double S feel annoyed with his unfocus behavior, that make them to repeat the dance move till they exhausted.
“What the hell is wrong with you? You the one who used to be remind us all to focus?” he hold his voice try not to scream at Jung Min
“I’m sorry hyung, I think there are something wrong with me” Jung Min lower his face
“Last night everything feel so right, but this morning everything seam so wrong, after all what we did last night, why she still need time to think, to convince her self, I’m confused hyung” Jung Min hold his head with both his hands
Hyun Joong sigh “I don’t know what happen between you and her, we talk about it later, but right now I ask you to focus, so we can finish this shoot fast” Hyun Joong pat Jung Min shoulder
“Araso” Jung Min nod

At other part

Jung Min lay in his bed at Double S dorm, he read again the note that written on the card, his first card from her, the card that she made by her own, he know. When he took out the card from the yellow envelope, and saw the picture on it he smile, what a sweet, she draw a boy and a girl holding hand, and on the other hand the girl hold a yellow balloon. But when he read what written in side it, he feel confused, and hurts, in just like a second all his world up side down.
*Jung Min-ah, after what we did last night, maybe it wont feel fair for you, its not b’cos I don’t have feelings for you, but it is b’cos I have so much feelings for you.
I’ll ask you for a time for me to think, to convince my self, cos I still feel less confidence to stand next to you. I’m a noona, and just an ordinary girl, and you are an idol, you like a star above in the sky, that I just able to see from the ground, you are a dream for so many girl, and yet your fans may think that I’m not the right one for you, and my presences may just give you trouble.
Yes you convince me, but it is me who not confidence with my self, that I deserve you, there will be so many hard thing that we will face, am I strong enough to face it all?
Jung Min-ah, I want to be a girlfriend that you can count on, a girlfriend that also can be a place for you to lean on, I want to be someone that you proud of.
Jung Min-ah, mieanhae*
Jung Min take a deep sigh, then he look at Hyun Joong who stand at the door way over the card. Hyun Joong entered the room, and sit at the edge of the bed. Jung Min give the card to him. And he read it, he look at him with understanding eyes, just like older brother, and give the card back to Jung Min.
“I know how you feel, I face it too when I ask Hye Jung to date me for real, and how hard to convince her after that HK video thing, you all know that right?” Hyun Joong say
“But hyung, why she did that if she doesn’t so sure, I’m confused hyung” Jung Min sigh once again
“Did what?” Hyun Joong act blur
“Oh, c’mon hyung, you know what I meant” Jung Min pout, Hyun Joong frown still act blur, he want Jung Min say it clear.
“You evil leader, you want me say it clear right?” Jung Min glare, and Hyun Joong grin
“Why she have to think again, after we already ‘make out’?”
“What?!” it heard tree startle voice from out side Jung Min room, and then the owner of that tree voice entered the room one bye one.
“You really did that with Chae Rim noona?” Hyung Joon ask with eyes widely open
“Wow, you’re really move fast” this time Kyu Jong turn who’s talk
“How it feel?” Yeong Saeng ask with curious
“Why tree of you always sneaking out like that?” Jung Min glare
“It just happen” Kyu Jong say with grin
“So what will you do then?” Yeong Saeng ask Jung Min
“I don’t know, I’m still confused, she not pick up my call, she also not replay all my message” Jung Min pout
“Today supposed to be my happy moment, but…” Jung Min face down
“Just give her time, that what she ask right?” Hyun Joong try to comfort Jung Min
“Yup, I think it’s hard for her too” Kyu Jong also try to comfort Jung Min
“Well, actually it more easy for both of you, cos she just ordinary girl, both of you not at the same spot light, just show her that her present make you better man” Yeong Saeng say with smile
“Thank you” Jung Min smile to all his Double S brother
“Hey, we all brother right? Now tell me the detail” Hyung Joon say while sit next Jung Min
“You little funk, why should I tell you all the detail, you still a kid” Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head
”Ouch, that hurts, I’m not a kid, I’m just four month younger than you” Hyung Joon pat his head
“Yes you are, you brat” Jung Min smack Hyung Joon head again
“Stop it!” Hyung joon try to smack Jung Min head back
“Stop it you two, we better slip. Tomorrow we have to up early, we still have to shoot our MV” Hyun Joong say while leaving Jung Min room, followed by Yeong Saeng and Kyu Jong.
“You evil mal, I will get you later” Hyung Joon say while also out from Jung Min room.
Jung Min one ,ore time looking to the card, and sigh
“Don’t make me wait to long will you little noona?” he whisper, then put back the card to his bag

At other part

Double S busy promoting they new album, they schedule really in pack, mini concert, fansmeeting, guessing on TV show, radio show, travel here and there across asia to promote they new album.

Chae Rim enter her apartment, she put a news paper on the coffee table, Double S on the headline again, they single become no 1 hits in Korea, and Japan, and they ready for they second asia concert, this time they add more country to the list since they increase they popularity.
Chae Rim took out the laptop from her bag, put it on her working table, and turn it on. Then she enter her room, she throw her self to her bed, she sigh. She touch the side where he lay, she still can smell his scent there, she feel the yearning in her heart to him, a tears glimpse, she wiped it right away. Then she get up, and walk to the table next her make up table, then open the box that already bean there since yesterday.

“You like to give it to someone?”
She just smile when Rossie, her boss ask her, when she give her the box.
“You really make me proud” Rossie say with satisfaction smile
“I’m glade you like it, its my first man shoes design, I’m really nervous” Chae Rim smile
“And I have another good news, your design picked by the designer for Seoul fashion weeks, so be ready, starting next year you will have your own line, as we promise”
“Chincah?” Chae Rim eyes almost pop out cos of the excitement of the news
“Thank you, this is great news, I won’t disappoint you, I promise” Chae Rim shake Rossie hand
“You better do” Rossie give her proud smile

She call her parents right away when she get the news, she also call Shin Aera, Hwang Bo, Eric, and a few of her other friends, but she hold her self when she about to call him,
She also want to share the happy news with him, and at that time she realize, more than the other she want to share the news with him, celebrate it with him.
And that night when she celebrate it with her friends, she feel the yearning of him, she yearning for his presence, how she misses him that much, that night she cry in the toilet in the club lady’s room.

Her first man shoes design, that inspired by him, she design it accidentally, that day months ago, out of the blue, she remember him. That also the first time she feel something deferent over him in her heart, she start thinking him about him more than usual, she replay every his message, and talking with him like something that see expected every moment, and the short time that they spend together like not enough, who also a reminder for her that he is an idol. That make her draw a line, make her try hard to deny all the feelings that she had for him, she show her love for him by put the horse mark on one side of the shoes. And she really happy when Rossie provide her design for they up coming man collections. And she really thankful when Rossie also agreed to give her one of the shoes.
And there it is, she look at the dark brown lather shoes that she design, she touch the horse mark, she want him the first who have it, cos after all the shoes design as a sign of her feeling for him, but she still have no courage to face him. She sigh, how love can be this hard?.

After finish shower and change, she sit at her working table, connected the internet line to her laptop, and start open her email, and there it is, an email from him, she open it nervously
~I made this for you, I want you to know, I’m still waiting for you little noona~
She open the file that tagged with the email, it a video he sing solo at Double S mini concert, he sing “Only Me” a song that made by Hyung Joon, then the second song was “Starlight Tears” by Kim Yoo Kyung from BOF soundtrack, the video was a slide of they selfcamera picture. see the picture of him and her make her cry, she feel really hurts, she misses him deeply, she want to see him, see his warm smile, she want to feel his hand hold her, she want to smell his scent again.
And at that moment her door bell rang. She wipe her tears right away, rub her face using both her hands, then walk to the intercom to see who is coming, she frown her brow.



Chap 13

Chapter 13

After that night they become more intense. And at first night in Japan, he send her his first yearning message.
~Little noona, it me sexy-charisma, I miss you~
He is really thankful that they not stay that long in Japan, even he know when they back to Korea he not able to see her right away, the schedule for promoting they new album already packed, but he still feel happy cos, she much closer, and he can meet her any time he had free time, even though it will be short.
He feel it not enough just send her text message, and they can’t talk on the phone cos it coast really expensive. And he not just want to hear her voice, he also want to be there next to her. She give him the comfort that so long he never felt. He want to lay his head on her lap again, and feel her hand flattery his hair, and eased all his tired body, and mind, and forget his tired some schedule for awhile, and just be him self.

Jung Min stand at the door step, he see Hyun Joong playing game on his laptop. He enter the room and sit at Yeong Saeng bed.
“Hyung can we talk” Jung Min say hesitantly
Hyun Jong just glance at him, and back to his game, from the way he see, he can guess what gonna Jung Min talking about, and it nothing to do with the group
“Talk then” he say without take his eyes from his laptop screen
“Hyung…” Jung Min pout
“Hyung, how did you know that you have feeling for Hwang Bo noona?” Jung Min ask still in hesitant
“What do you meant?” Hyun Joong pretend act blur
“You know what I meant” Jung Min gaze
“Well we know that you act weird after she visit us here, and folded 1000 paper crane like a clue for us that something is has happened on you, why don’t you just buy something for her b/day, and not bother your self and us folded so many origami”
Hyun Joong glance to Jung Min and then close his laptop
“But that she will not feel my sincere, and she won’t know that I want our love to come true, beside what you made had more value than what you buy” Hyun Joong grin
“You get more mushy Hyung” Jung Min murmur
“and look to your self, you look like ‘Gollum’ over the shoes that Chae Rim noona give to you, precious my preciouse” Hyun Joong imitated that creature from the movie Lord Of The Ring
“Well it was precious, I won’t let any one touch it” Jung Min raised his eyes
“See, that the clue for me that you like Chae Rim noona” Hyun Joong smirk
“I don’t know, may be I am” Jung Min sigh
“Go, ask her out then”
“Go, date her, what you waiting for?”
“That right, or other man will steal your way”
Jung Min look to the door way right a way when he hear Yeong Saeng voice, followed by Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon voice
“Since when all of you stand there?” Jung Min ask with glare to the other tree of his Double S brothers that stand in the door way.
“Since hyung say that you look like ‘Gollum’” Hyung Joon smile
“Why you all sneak out like that?” Jung Min ask again
“We not sneaking out, you just not realize it” Yeong Saeng say while enter the room and sit next to Jung Min.
“So Jung Min-ah will you tell her that you like her?” Hyung Joon say while playing with his hair like usual
“I don’t know, I’m not sure. As we all know having a girlfriend is really dead serious thing for us, and it can be to hard for her, since she not a celebrity, and most of all I’m not sure about her feelings to me, maybe I’m just a dongsaeng to her” Jung Min pout
“How about you, are you really like her not as a noona?” Yeong Saeng ask while hold his pillow
“It strange, but I never saw her as a noona, even tho I call her ‘little noona’, maybe b’cos she never act as a noona, we more like friends, I don’t know, but I do feel comfortable next to her” Jung Min say with thin smile
“Chincha?” Hyung Joon widen his eyes
“Yup, for some reason she make me feel comfortable next to her, even tho I just a couple of time see her and spend short of time with her. She create a habits for me, send her a text message like a habits for me now, and she make me want to see her again and again, is that what you feel hyung to Hwang Bo noona?” Jung Min look at Hyun Joong
“Short of” Hyun Joong answer flatly
“So you do spend time with her, why you never told us?” Kyu Jong ask
“Why should I?” Jung Min glare, and Kyu Jong just grin
“So you like her, what you gonna do? You will tell her?” Yeong Saeng ask
“I don’t know, I have to make sure how she feel about me first, I don’t want to look like a fool” Jung Min say
“If she also have the same feeling as you?” Yeong Saeng ask again, this kind of thing always a tract him
“Well that will be great, but still, everything won’t be that easy, I don’t want to give her hard time, I don’t want to give her any trouble, as we all know she is not a celebrity who know for sure the consequence for having a relationship with an idol” Jung Min consider
“I think she knew about that” Hyun Joong say
“What do you meant hyung?” Jung Min ask
“She knew the consequences being an idol girlfriend since she date Eric hyung once” Hyun Joong explain plainly
“What?!” Jung Min startle
“Eric hyung from Shinhwa?” Yeong Saeng widen his eyes
“Chincha?” Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon also startle
Hyun Joong nod “Hye Jung tell me, that years ago Chae Rim noona date with Eric hyung, but it like a kind of short date, and now they more like brother and sister” again Hyun Joong explain
Jung Min sigh “If Eric hyung can’t convince her, how about me?”
Kyu Jong snort “I don’t believe this, the arrogant and full of confidence Jung Mal, give up before even he try”
“You know, you are lucky can found some one that you like, and maybe she like you too, being an idol is hard, and in love is such uneasy matter for us, it like a life time chance, but hey look Hyun Joong hyung take that chance, and deal it really well and happy, you can take that chance too, we all will support you, you know that” Hyung Joon say while looking to Jung Min
“Wow, I don’t believe this, is that really come from your head, or just out from your mouth?” Jung Min glare to Hyung Joon
“Hei, I’m not all the time baby, I’m a man too” Hyung Joon say
“Ahh… our Baby is all grouw up now” Hyun Joong say while messed Hyung Joon hair
“This little funk a man now” Jung Min pinch Hyung Joon neck
“Ouch, let go of me you mal!” Hyung Joon try to loose him self from Jung Min pinch make them fall back and hit Yeong Saeng
“Ya! Watch out, that hurts” Yeong Saeng hit Jung Min and Hyung Joon with the pillow that he hold
“Ouch, why you hit me?” Jung Min released his pinch of Hyung Joon, and grab the pillow from Yeong Saeng hand and hit it to Yeong Saeng face
“Ouch, my face” his get up and take the pillow from Hyun Joong bed and start pillow fight with Jung Min, and Hyun Joong and Hyung Joon joint them.
“Ah chincha, I don’t believe this, just a moment a go they talk like a man, and now they back like a little kid fight over a candy” Kyu Jong shook his head and leave them.

At Other Part

Chae Rim sit at the café with Hwang Bo and Shin Aera after they finish do the charity event,
“Chae Rim-ah, next week I’m going to Australia with all the family for holiday, do you like to entrust something for your omma and appa?” Shin Aera say after sipped her coffee
“Thank You aunty, but its oke” Chae Rim smile
“That remind me, how is your omma and appa?” Hwang Bo ask
“They fine, thank god that my omma know how to used the technology, so we still can keep in touch even far away parted” Chae Rim grin
“Chincha?” Hwang Bo raised her eye brow and chuckle
“Chae Rim omma are energetic woman, and smart too” Shin Aera say
“Yes, that right unnie, your omma really amaze me Chae Rim-ah” Hwang Bo say
“Yes she really amazing” Chae Rim smile
At that moment Shin Aera phone rings.
“Girls, I have to go, see you two again later” Shin Aera say after she take the call
“Alright aunty, take care” Chae Rim say
“ Oke , unnie see you soon” Hwang Bo say
“Oke, bye” Shin Aera leave after wave to Hwang Bo and Chae Rim. And both of then stand and bow to her.
“Chae Rim-ah, have you meet Eric oppa?” Hwang Bo ask after they sit back
“Not yet, but he call me the other day, he say that he start to busy with his come back after serve the army” Chae Rim say
“Yea, that what he told me too” Hwang Bo say after take a gulp of her tea
“I really miss him” Chae Rim sigh
And that moment Chae Rim resive a taxt message
~Little noona, its me sexy-charisma, I miss you, do you miss me? I’ll be back tomorrow~
Chae Rim Chuckle reading the message
“It your mother in-law” Chae Rim show the message to Hwang Bo
Hwang Bo grin “What did I tell you, he like you”
“Oh please unnie, don’t start again” Chae Rim snort
“But its true, look he says he miss you”
“His a dongsaeng, I’m just a noona for him, he call me noona”
“I know, but he is like you, I know it, Hyun Joong know it, and you told me that he act weird on you”
“Please stop it unnie, it doesn’t like what you think”
“Oh yea?” Hwang Bo give Chae Rim playful look
“What if he really like you?” Hwang Bo ask
“I don’t know unnie, you know me for sure, that I don’t want to deal with any celebrity, and most of all an idol” Chae Rim says
“I know, that happen on me too, but look at me now, I’m date one of the most popular idol, its like a karma for me, but I’m happy” Hwang Bo smile, Chae Rim also smile
“And how you feel about him?” Hwang Bo ask carefully
“Me? I don’t know either. When I know him better, some part of me, I’m feeling sorry for him, cos he still young but he missed so many thing, and at other part I feel impressed, cos even so, he look not regret it at all, I can see it trough his smile, like you say, he’s nice, really confidence with him self, and have a friendly eyes, he kind of man that know what he want” Chae Rim say
“See, you can picture him that well, are you sure that you see him only as a dongsaeng?” Hwang Bo ask
“I didn’t meant anything, it just that I can see a chemistry between you and him”
Chae Rim sigh, her memory flashback to the time when they almost kissed on his b/day when they dance tango, then to the time when he kiss her on the cheek after she made him that ‘Love Cure No;9’ she can feel her heart pounding, even now when she just memorize it. Is she just see him as a dongsaeng, is he see her as a noona, she is a noona for him, but…what is that warmth feelings that she feel when he so close to her? when she remember him? The warmth that she try to reject every time she realize that he is an idol.
“Maybe there was a chemistry” she whisper to her self

At Other Part

Jung Min sit on his bed at they dorm while looking to the art shoes that she give him as b/day present. Its almost a week after they back from Japan, and he not able to see her just like he wish for when he still in Japan, they schedule really tight especially for they new album promo. He keep memorize the words that she say when she made ‘The Love Cure No;9’, the story behind it, he never though an ice cream mix can have such a deep meaning, a beautiful one. And how it amaze him, and he not hold him self when he feel encouragement to kiss her, he feel his heart pound, especially when he saw her blushing cheek, and off course how can he forget the comfort that he feel when he lay his head on her lap, and her hand pat his hair, that was the best moment for him even it was short. Then he remember what Hyung Joon say that day at they dorm in Japan. That he had a chance to meet with some one that he like, and he can take the chance to be together with that person if he want to, it all depend on him.
Jung Min sigh, he can feel that his feeling getting more clear over her, he misses her, he want to see her, he can feel it when he talk to her over the short conversation on the phone in between short break at they new album promotion.
“Fighting mr. sexy-charisma!”
And how that simple words can cheer him up, well he is always cheer up, but that simple words really give him such a good feeling every time he remember it, he even still can hear her voice when she say it.
He look at the time, its over 3 am in the morning, he just finish clean him self, and ready to bed, he feel so tired, but he can close his eyes, thinking about her ease all the tiredness.
“What are you doing? go to Sleep, you all have to get up early tomorrow” he hear they Manager hyung say over his room door. Hi sigh, he put the shoes back at the drawer, and try to close his eyes
“Little noona I miss you, good night”

At Other Part

Finally, after almost tree weeks backward and forward to Japan and other country for fans meeting and promote they new album, they schedule finish early, so they have more time to rest, and they can back to they own house. As usual Hyun Joong will visit Hwang Bo before he back to his parent house he really miss her.
Jung Min took out his phone, and start to dial a number
“Little noona, are you sleeping already?” Jung Min ask right away when he hear her soft voice
“Not yet, why?”
“I know maybe its late, but can I come to your place?” he ask again with a pray, he really want to see her
“Mmh... but don’t you supposed to be busy?” she ask him back
“We are, but our schedule finish early today. Chincha noona can I come?” he ask again
“well oke, you can come, I’ll wait for you”
He hang up the phone with big smile, finally he can see her

When the door opened, and her face came out from behind that door with warm smile, he feel his heart pounding, and all the tiredness gone.
“Come in” she say while open the door more wide
“I’m not bother you am I?” Jung Min ask while entered her apartment
“Not at all, I’m just reading” Chae Rim walk behind him
“What did you read?” Jung Min ask while sit on the sofa
“Manga” Chae Rim answer it short with smirk
“Aigo, you read that too?” Jung Min glare
Chae Rim nod while sit on the floor
“You really remind me to some one”
”Chincha?” Chae Rim widen her eyes,
“Yup, our leader-shi”
“Ah…, that what I heard, so he still reading manga?”
“Yup, but not as often as before, we to busy, he said reading manga help him relax”
“Well, me too, its helped me to relax”
Jung Min snort “Don’t you think you to old for reading those thing?”
“Nop, you have to see my room, I have a shelf full with manga” Chae Rim smirk
“Don’t tell me you collect them”
Chae Rim just grin hear that, and Jung Min find that cute, make him forgot once again that she is a noona.
“So your schedule finish early? You didn’t back to your dorm? What if your manager looking for you?” Chae Rim ask plainly
“He wont, cos tonight we able to back to our own house” Jung Min lay his back
“Why you come here, and not back to your house instead?”
“Cos I want to see you before I’m back to my parents house. Beside I found my self comfortable here” Jung Min look at Chae Rim in the eyes, he want to know her react with what just he say
“I see, if that so, maybe we can share the rent then” she say with smirk while try to avoid his stare
“That will be nice, so I can come anytime I want” Jung Min still look to Chae Rim with the same stare
Chae Rim chuckle “I’m just kidding”
“But I’m not” Jung Min really not joking with what he say, if that can make him see her as much as he can, he will do it, it sound crazy, but he really meant it, he will do, share the rent with her.
Chae Rim lower her head, she can’t deal with his eyes, that eyes make her heart pounding, and it look like he respond seriously to her joke, she can feel that he still stare at her.
“I’m hungry, do you want some ramen?” she try to make excused, she pray that he didn’t see her blushing cheek cos of his stare, she get up and walk to the kitchen
“I think I like some ramen too, let me cooked for you” Jung Min get up and follow Chae Rim to the kitchen
“Give me, I’ll made it for you” Jung Min took two pack of ramen from Chae Rim hand
“No, it’s oke, i cook it for you, you must be tired” Chae Rim try to take the ramen back but no one can win over Jung Mal
“No, I'm not tired. Just sit and read your manga” Jung min full Chae Rim back and smiled
Chae Rim take a step backward, then sit at the small dinning table next to the kitchen, and watch Jung min cook the ramen.

Jung Min put the pot in the middle of the table, then he sit across Chae Rim.
“You know, you the first man cook me ramen” Chae Rim say while eating the ramen
“How about Eric hyung?” that just pop out from his head and slipped trough his mouth, he freeze when he realize it a second later, and gaze and try to find out her reaction with what he just say, she didn’t react just eating the ramen, and the atmosphere become silent.
Chae Rim raised her face, and force a smile
“Did Hwang Bo unnie who told you that?” Chae Rim ask after the short of silence, no one know about her relationship with Eric, except Hwang Bo and they who close with them, and off course the Shinhwa boys,
“Not exactly, Hyun Joong hyung told me” jung Min say with uneasy feeling
Chae Rim smile ”I see”
“So, it true then?” Jung Min ask hesitantly
“Yes, we do a short date, but we never become a couple, cos on the way we find out, that what we feel to each other not more than a brother and sister, and he really a good brother to me, since I don’t have any” she explained it with a thin smile
And that explanations like a relieve to him, but still he have no clue about how she feel a bout him,
“Have you meet him?” she ask
“No, we don’t have a chance yet, but I do like to meet him, just like other Shinhwa member, well I do meet with Jun Jin hyung, and Andy hyung a couple of time” Jung Min smile
“Well, Eric oppa just finish serving the army, I hope I can see him soon, i'm really miss him” she smile with bright eyes when she mention about Eric, she look excited,
“Oppa, you never will call me oppa, but I hope, I can have that smile with bright eyes of excitement when you remember me” Jung Min though, he feel a little jealousy on his heart when he saw Chae Rim expressions when she talking about Eric. But he can do anything, he just able ti sigh.

They sit on the living room after finish eating ramen, and wash the dishes together. They sit side by side, have a little chat while watching TV.

Jung Min tell Chae Rim about his Double S brothers and they activity, and Chae Rim listen to it with interest, and laugh when Jung Min told her about they playful behavior. And when they turn they face at the same time, they eyes meet, they face really close to each other, Jung Min heart pounding, same as Chae Rim, the atmosphere become more intense. She try to control her self. Jung Min eyes down to her lips, he feel the encouragement inside his mind, and his heart, and he can not hold him self, he want her, he misses her, he need her, and he did it, he kiss her, how soft and warm her lips is, it taste sweet, it taste good, and it taste so right. And Chae Rim hold her breath, she feel her heart pound harder, when she feel that gentle kiss on her lips, she feel the warm flowed over her body, and took all her rational mind a way, she close her eyes try to take back that rational mind, but its look like her heart betrayal her, and make her body loose control, and she kiss him back, and when she start to find the pleasure from that kiss, that rational mind back, out of no where, and wake her up. She gasp, and loose her lips from his, she close her eyes, and take her face a way from him. Jung Min look at her in satisfactions, cos he finally know that his not alone, she feel what he feel. But…
“I think you better go, is gating late” Chae Rim bite her lips, she get up and walk to the door way
“What?” Jung Min feel confused, he look at her
“Are you mad? I’m sorry, maybe it to fast for us” she also get up and walk toward her
“Its late, you better go” her voice was tremble she avoid his eyes,
He confused, he doesn’t know what to do, but he also can’t expect for an explanations, the atmosphere become awkward, he didn’t say anything he just take his bag and walk out to the door that she already opened
“I’m sorry, I think I have been carried a way”
She didn’t say anything, she just close the door. He feel rejected, but no, he not rejected, what he feel is real, she kiss him back, he feel his chance when he feel that soft warm lips of her react over his kiss, he had his chance, all he have to do is convince her, persuade her, he have to do it right, right now, or he will loose that chance

Chae Rim lay herself on the door, “Its crazy” she say to her self, she try to deny, but it’s real, she want him, she fall to him, he not a dongsaeng, but a man. She can feel it, that pleasure when he kiss her, it feel so right, but she also feel scared. D**m she miss him, and how happy she was when he call her earlier before he come.

Tok Tok Tok….

She hear a knock on her door, she try to hold her self not to open it, but its opened, and there he is


Chap 12

Chapter 12

Jung Min took out his cell phone from his pocket, then dial her number, there is a connection, but there is no answer, he try again.
“Is she not bring her phone?” he ask him self, still no answer
“It’s impossible she not bring her phone, cell phone are people most important thing this century” he say it on his mind, still no answer
“Tree are lucky number they said” he tri again with a pray this time, after a moment, and bingo, tree are lucky number
“Hello…” he hear her soft voice, he take a sigh of relieved
“Hello little noona” he replay right a way
“Yes Jung Min-ah, something wrong?” she ask, he can hear her concern voice tone
“No, everything is fine, it just…are you all right?” that was really stupid question, but he can’t find anything to say, that was really stupid, he curse him self. He just realize that he doesn’t have any reason why to call her, well he is have the reason, but, it have the same stupidity just like the question that he ask her, even more ridiculous.
“Off course I’m fine, are you sure everything is alright?” her voice sound suspicious
“Yes, everything is fine, oke then, since you are fine, talk to you again later then, have a good time then noona, bye” he hang up the phone right away, he feel so nervous, he doesn’t know what to say, that’s so weird, he is talk active person, he never loose words.
“Stupid!” he curse him self
“What wrong with me, why do I like this? This is crazy” he snort
It is crazy but true, what he feel so true, that he feel so insecure, he feel this fear that hard to explain.
“Am I jealous? But why should I?” again he ask to him self a question that confused him, he take deep sigh, and at that moment the buzz from his phone startle him, he take the phone right a way without looking to the id of the caller
“Ya, where are you?” its his Manager hyung
“I’m on my way to the studio” he lie
“Your assistant told me that you drive alone”
“Yes, I have something to do first, now I’m on my way to the studio” he try to convince his Manager hyung
“Good don’t be late then, oke?”
“Araso hyung, bye” he hang up the phone, then turn on the engine, he turn his car head to the studio, where he have a solo event.

At other part

Chae Rim frown her eye brow. She feel strange, he just hang up his call like that, she saw there are two his missed call,
“What wrong with him, his weird” she mumble
Then she back to the reception place, gather with her friends,

Back to Jung Min

Even there is part of his mind run to other place, where a girl name ‘Han Chae Rim’ are, but he not less his focus to his work, he keep his professionalism like always, his job are everything, but in did he feel strange that his mind can not stop thinking about her. And he feel relieve when the event done. He sigh, he lay his back on the sofa at the waiting room, his assistant approach him, give him his bag, where he put all his personal thing.
He took out his phone, and start to type text message
~little noona, its me sexy-charisma, where are you? Did you still at the wedding?~
He look at his watch, then send the message
But after a few moment there is no replay, he sigh
~Little noona, are you home yet?~ he send another text message but just like his first message she also not replay the message.

All the way to the TV station where his next schedule with his other Double S brothers to be, he sulking, cos she not replay all his message at all. And half of his mind try to find the real reason why he have to feel so insecure, feel scared, feel missing her, and worried, and mad, cos she not replay his message, and he can not call her cos he feel all the reason that he have sound so stupid and ridiculous.

He try to smile, he bow, and greet all the people that he meet all the way to the waiting room on the TV station. When he enter the waiting room, he see all his Double S brothers already there, they ready with they costume, Hyung Joon still on make up, Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng, practicing the song, they try to memorize the lyric, and Hyun Joong look talking on the phone. He didn’t say anything, he just throw him self to the sofa, and sigh, make Kyu Jong and Yeong Saeng that stand not so far startled and look to him in puzzle.
“What wrong with you?” Kyu Jong ask
“Why you sulking like that?” Yeong Saeng ask
Jung Min didn’t answer he just gaze to them, then he took out his phone again, and start type text message again, the same text message, for the same person. And still have no replay from that person, make him more sulking, and make all his Double S brothers annoyed.
“Ya! I’m talking to you” Kyu Jong stand in front of Jung Min
“Something happen to you?” Yeong Saeng ask again
Jung Min sigh “Yes, I see pretty lady this afternoon, and she ignore me for hours, and she not replay my message at all!” Jung Min say it in flat tone, then he get up, and take the costume that given by they stylish, and walk to the change room, then after he change he sit in front make up table, and let the make up artist and they hair stylish do they job
“Don’t, you better not ask anything” Jung Min say with glare to Hyung Joon who sit next to him, before he start open his mouth.

They Manager hyung enter the waiting room
“Oke boys, you all ready? Jung Min stop playing with your phone and be ready, and smile what wrong with you?”
Jung Min give his phone to his assistant and make his best fake smile for his Manager hyung.

Back to Chae Rim

Chae Rim just walk out from the toilet, when she feel the buzz from her phone. She took out the phone from her hand bag, and look to the id of the caller, she smile, but not pick it up right a way, she wash her hand first, but then the phone stop ringing, but not to long it rings again, she pick it up after she dry her hand
“Hallo, Jung Min-ah”
“Hallo, little noona, where are you?”
“I’m at the club with my friends, we hang out after the reception”
“I see, you have a good time then”
“I am, where are you?”
“I’m at the recording studio, we on a break before continue recording our last song”
“Chincha?, good luck then”
“Are you drinking little noona?”
“Don’t drink till drunk then”
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing”
“Just do what I say”
“Why should I follow your words?”
“B’cos I said so”
“Why should I follow your words? I’m not a kid” Chae Rim start get annoyed by what Jung Min say
“I’m worried about you, why don’t you just tell me the place, so I can pick you up there”
“Hell no, I can back home by my self thank you”
“Just do what I say!” she hear Jung Min shout, make her get more annoyed
“What wrong with you, you so over reacted, you not my mother, you not even my boyfriend” Chae Rim say half yelled
Jung Min snort “That’s right, I think I forgot about that, I’m not your mother, and most of all I’m not your boyfriend, so I don’t have any right to tell you what to do, fine do what ever you want!” Jung Min hang up his call make Chae Rim pissed off
“Argh…, what wrong with this guy” she mumble, then she saw so many text message in her message box, and she sigh really hard when she find out that all the message was from Jung Min.

Back at Jung Min

“Argh… what wrong with that woman!” Jung Min grumple
When he turn back, he saw all his Double S brothers look at him in puzzle mode
“What?” he sulking
“You weirdo, what wrong with you?” Hyun Joong ask
“Yea, why you sulking like that?” Kyu Jong ask
”You act totally weird, and who is that woman?” Hyung Joon ask while playing with his hair like always
“It Chae Rim Noona right? You date her?” Yeong Saeng ask
All his brothers shower him with a question
“You really date her?” Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon ask almost at the same time
“No” Jung Min shout
Jung Min take a deep breath, he close his eyes, then he look to his brothers one by one
“I’m not date her, its doesn’t like what you all think”
“Then why you yell at her” Hyung Joon ask
“Yea, why you act like mad boyfriend” Kyu Jong say
“What happen?” Yeong Saeng ask

Jung Min sigh, he calm now, and all his realistic sense totally back, and he really-really realize that he act weird, what she said, and all his brothers questions are like a wakening for him. He not date her, and yea, he over reacted over nothing, he is ridiculous, why he have to feel insecure, why have to be jealous, what she is for him? And what is he for her? And Kyu Jong was right, that he act like mad boyfriend, and the fact is that his not her boyfriend at all.
“I don’t know what happen on me, I think I’m act weird all this time” Jung Min face down
Hyun Joong snort “You just realize it? you little funk you act weird all the time”
Jung Min smirk “well, I’m weird sexy-charisma, so it’s oke” his arrogant back in second
“You brat”
They start to scold him

Back to Chae Rim

Chae Rim open her eyes, she feel little dizzy on his head, the alcohol show it effect, cos she drink a lots last night, and the strange is that she not let her self really drunk, his words like an echo in her head, when she start feel the first react cos of to much drinking, she stop, and decide to back home.
Chae Rim sit on her bed, she look to the clock that hang on her bedroom wall its 10 past 20. She get up, and walk toward her make up table, reach her cell phone, there is new text message, its from him.
~Hi little noona, its me sexy-charisma, I’m sorry, last night I’m act to much, hope you forgive me~
Chae Rim smile, then take a sigh, and replay
~Mr sexy-charisma, it’s oke, thank you for worrying me, if you have time call me~
Not to long after that replay send he call
“Happy morning little noona”
“Happy morning too, mr sexy-charisma, it fast, you not busy?” she ask
“I’m at fan meeting, on short break, before back to the stage, are you busy to night?”
“No, why?” Chae Rim out from her bedroom and walk to the kitchen
“Can I come to you place?” he ask carefully
“Sure, so you free to night?” she take a gulp of water from the water mineral bottle.
“Yup, our schedule and this afternoon, cos we have to pack and prepare to go to Japan tomorrow”
“I see, I’ll wait for you then, see you to night”
“Oke, see you to night” then she hang up the phone.

Ding dong… the soft of door bell calling her, she take a peep to the small screen of the intercom, she see him there. She turn off the stove then walk to the door.
“Hi” she smile awkwardly to the person who stand in front if her door way
“Hi, little noona” he wave with the same awkward smile like her
“Come in Jung Min-ah, do you have your dinner?” she ask while open the door widely
“Not yet, its smell good, are cooking?” he ask back while walk in
“Just something simple, you come at right time, lets eat together” she take him to the kitchen
“What did you cook?” he ask after sit on small dinning table next the kitchen
“Kimchi fried rice” she answer while put the fried rice to the plate
They eat on one plate, while talking
“I’m sorry, last night I’m crossing the line, I should not do that” Jung Min say with gaze to Chae Rim that sit a cross the table
“That’s oke, lets don’t talk about it, but thanks any way for your concern” Chae Rim smile softly
“Here, open your mouth, aahh..” Jung Min feed Chae Rim,
“Your time, aahh…” Chae Rim feed Jung Min back, then they chuckle realize with what they just doing,
“Do you think, we look like them?” Jung Min ask
“The couple on We Got Merried?” Jung Min mentioned one of the variety show where Hwang Bo and Hyun Joong once take a part two years ago, that make them know as ‘SsangChu couple’ and make them fall in love for real.
“I don’t know, maybe”
“Which celebrity that you like to be paired up if you ask to take part at that show?” Chae Rim ask later
“Mmhm, I don’t know, I never really think about it” Jung Min answer
“You like sexy girl right? How about Tiffany from SNSD? Sunny from Girls Generation? Or Park Shim Hye?” Chae Rim mentioned name of the girls celebrity
“That will be interesting, but how about you? which celebrity that you like to be faired of?” Jung Min ask back
“Mmhm, Lee Byun Hyung? Soo Ji Sub? Bi Rain?” Chae Rim make a list
“Owh… here we go again, why you like all that ahjushi” Jung Min roll his eyes and wry, make Chae Rim laugh
“Well, I’m they fans girl you know” Chae Rim grin
“How about me?” Jung Min ask carefully with gaze
Chae Rim didn’t answer it right a way, she just gaze back to him
“Why, am I not that qualified to be faired with you? Or it b’cos I’m not your favorite celebrity” Jung Min look at her right in the eye
“It doesn’t like that, it just a little beet weird, since we do a couple of thing together” Chae Rim smile shyly
“You right, we did it without we realize it, look we do a couple thing right now, eat dinner together, and feed to one another, it really fun” Jung Min smile widely

After dinner they sit at the living room chat while watching TV.
“The tea tasted good, it one of your creation too?” Jung Min ask after sipped his tea
“No, its Mia recipe, my Indonesian room mate in Italy, she said ginger tea with honey good for your body, specially after you over worked” Chae Rim explain
And suddenly Jung Min lay his head on Chae Rim lap, make Chae Rim startled
“What are you doing?” she ask with startle voice
“It’s look comfortable every time I watch it on drama, and it is, do you think hyung and noona do this too?” he say without bothered Chae Rim question
“What should I know, just take your head off my lap” Chae Rim feel awkward
“Just let it be for a while will you?” he say it with begging look
“You know little noona, some time I feel envy with hyung, cos he have noona, you know he is at her place right now, its they ritual, she will cook healthy, delicious dinner for him every time we a bout to leaving the country, he really lucky had some one who love him, and able to take a good care of him” Jung Min say with a muse
Chae Rim sigh, again she feel sorry for him, she can feel that he so lonely.
“Why don’t you find your self a girlfriend then, so many beautiful girl a round you, all you have to do just choose one of them”
“Choosing is easy, but its hard to find some one that can love us and able to understand us, specially some one like me, and idol”
“At first I never really think about it, all I do just focus to all my work, to tight schedule, that some time so tight till we almost have no time for our self, but beside of that, I’m a human too, I have feelings to, the feeling to share with some one that I love and love me too, where I can lay my self on her to forget all the hard time, share a joke, where I can’t forget all those idol tight schedule for a while” Jung Min take a hard sigh, Chae Rim sigh too, and without she realize it her hand pet his hair, Jung Min gaze to her when he feel that gentle flattery on his hair, he feel the comfort from it, so he didn’t say anything just feel it.
“Who will though that talkative, cheerful, scary, annoying, sexy-charisma Park Jung Min, can be this melancholy” Chae Rim grin
Jung Min snort “Hey I’m same with all the man in the world, I know even lots of people think that I’m gay, you have to know I’m very normal, I want to have a girlfriend too” Jung Min glare
“Araso…araso, now take your head off me”
“Just let me be for a while will you?”
“Just take it off, so I can made you some thing” Chae Rim pat his hand
“what will you made” Jung Min get up
“A cure for your lonely heart” Chae Rim say while get up from her sit and walk to the kitchen
“Chincha? Love cure no;9” Jung Min also up from his sit and follow Chae Rim to the kitchen
Chae Rim took out a glass bowl from the cupboard and a pack of strawberry from the frige, she clean a few of it then she wash it, afther that she cut it in to four pieces and place it in to the bowl, then she took out a small box of chocolate chips, then a box of vanilla ice cream from the freezer.
“you always want to know why I’m play hard with this kind of simple thing, what so special about it. Well, what make it special is me, I’m the one who make it special, I’m just only make it for valentine cos I want to keep the feelings that I have when I made it for the first time, what I think is that if I made it every time I want it, every time people ask it, cos it just simple thing, I will lost the feelings that I have when I made it for the first time, cos it will be just simple thing to do, mixing the ice cream with strawberry and chocolate chip” she explain it while put the ice cream to the bowl, and mixing together with the strawberry using her hand, she squeeze the strawberry a little till make pink color to the vanilla ice cream, then she wash her hand ant took the sthingy from lower drawer
“You know? It just like love, if you make it special just like the first time you feel it, your love will last forever, love can be such an easy thing to find but hard to forget, and can be hard to find but easy to forget, it all depend to how you treat it. So when you make your love special for the rest of your life you will held it forever, or you can make it fade as time goes by, its all depend on you” she place the bowl in front Jung Min who stand next to her, after she put a few of chocolate chips on it.
Jung Min take a sthingy of strawberry with ice cream with excitement and put it on his mouth, he didn’t say anything, but
*cup* he kiss Chae Rim on the cheek, once again he make Chae Rim startle with his action, but this time he make Chae Rim blush, and almost breathless for a second.
“What that for?” Chae Rim heart pounding,
“That for the cure, thank you little noona” Jung Min gaze

Tonight for the first time he feel complete, he feel a sparkle, a strange powerful chemistry, not only b’cos of the ‘Love Cure No;9’ but also cos of that little noona who made it for him, she cure his loneliness for sure

Chae Rim gaze to him, she still can feel his soft lips on her cheek, it give an electric shock, that her heart pound, and breathless for a second. There is a chemistry reaction inside her body, that she can not explain. She feel something warm flow all over her body. She can feel her face heated, and her cheek blushing. And strangely it feel good.



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